Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2447498 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19230 on: January 09, 2023, 08:59:32 PM »
Oh, I got that ad brocure myself, some two weeks ago! It's very useful... to make you laugh!  ;D

Reading that made me search for an hilarious catalog of (mostly) useless things that I used to get on my physical mailbox many years ago. Sadly it seems the one I was looking for no longer exists, which is good for the enviroment (what a waste of paper!) but bad because it made me cry while laughing...
But I found a worthy successor on the web! :)
The link is below, under spoilers because even as those things are mostly useless there are, indeed, buttons that take you to a well-known online shopping site... And even if most things don't seem to exist (anymore? Did they ever existed?), they will show you alternatives when possible, and Forum rules state no publicity.

(if anyone fells that despite the main purpose of that site being comedy the link shouldn't be here please warn me and I'll remove it)

There is a catalog in the US called "What on Earth" Some of that stuff used to be in there.

The Bob Ross Chia pet is even available at Walmart and weirdly Blick art supplies

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19231 on: January 10, 2023, 07:34:11 PM »
(if anyone fells that despite the main purpose of that site being comedy the link shouldn't be here please warn me and I'll remove it)

I appreciate the warning, which should be sufficient, I reckon.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19232 on: January 14, 2023, 01:17:54 AM »
Things aren’t good here at the moment, we still have floods just to the East of here, while to the South-west, at Montacute, we have a mega-bushfire, which has burned a lot of precious hills-face bushland and is rapidly encroaching on the suburbs. The usual evening wind change is likely to bring it this way, and we are  forecast a dry thunderstorm for this afternoon/evening, so probably lightning with no rain. On last count the Montacute fire was occupying 69 fire trucks and 6 firefighting aircraft, so quite a big deal, and still being described as ‘uncontrolled’. Also worried about friends who live in the area. Will let you know what happens if I can.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19233 on: January 14, 2023, 03:58:00 AM »
Róisín, best wishes to yourself and Star, and to your friends!


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19234 on: January 14, 2023, 04:03:48 AM »
Now at 68 trucks and 8 aircraft, so they may get it controlled before it reaches here. I hope so, because if the fire comes this way it is likely to cut the roads between here and anywhere to which we might evacuate. That’s presuming that Star is able to drive, which we are not sure of at present. Ah, well….

Western Australia also has some nasty bushfires at present - I hope none of them are too close to where Keep Looking lives?

And thank you, Buteo! We intend to keep on trying for as long as we can, and this certainly isn’t my first bushfire.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19235 on: January 14, 2023, 05:00:38 AM »
Róisín, I'm hoping the best for you both. And I wish I was there to help.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19236 on: January 14, 2023, 05:57:51 AM »
Things look better at present, I say with a degree of caution. The temperature has dropped sharply, from just under 40C to 15C, and the Montacute fire is now listed as ‘controlled’. Still dangerous if the wind rises or turns in this direction, but our chances of making it through the night are much improved. What we have now are huge flocks of birds, as the wildlife flees from the forest areas of Montacute, Black Hill, Morialta and the Athelstone Wildflower Garden, much of which area has burnt or is still burning. Still, better they should be here than in their own destroyed forests. I just hope they don’t strip my trees of half-ripe apples, quinces and plums. At present our silky-oak tree is full of rosellas and sulphur-crest cockatoos eating the flower clusters, as is my neighbour’s tree. I dread to think how many of the insect-eating bats that shared the habitat of these birds would have been unable to make it out, since they would have been asleep in tree hollows or under loose bark at the time the fire hit. This was already a bad year for mosquitoes, and is now likely to get a lot worse, between the floods encouraging the mozzies to breed and the loss of so many of their predators to the fires. We already have cases of the mosquito-borne Murray Valley encephalitis in the community, and I fear we will have more.

As well as the bats, I fear we have lost untold numbers of insects, frogs, reptiles and other creatures we cannot ecologically afford to lose, as well as possums, antechinus, wallabies, koalas and the like. At least there are no reported human deaths yet.

And Yastreb, I too wish you were here to help! Thank you for the thought, and barring further disasters I still hope to see you in February. Hopefully you can coordinate your arrival with Liz so as to stay at her place when you reach Adelaide and get a lift up here?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19237 on: January 14, 2023, 06:08:03 AM »
Róisín, I'm hoping the best for you both. And I wish I was there to help.

I hope the fires stay away from you all and you all remain safe!!
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Keep Looking

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19238 on: January 14, 2023, 08:46:42 AM »
Western Australia also has some nasty bushfires at present - I hope none of them are too close to where Keep Looking lives?

We've got a bushfire down in Donnybrook that appears fairly bad looking at the Emergency WA map, but nothing close to me, thankfully.

Róisín, I'm hoping you are able to stay as safe as you can. It's always tragic to hear about the loss of habitat and damage to the ecosystem that too-frequent fires can cause - so many of our ecosystems here in Australia are both incredibly diverse and hard to find elsewhere. I also hope that the encephalitis doesn't hit your community too badly - it looks like a scary disease on the chance that someone contracts it seriously.
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Keep Looking

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19239 on: January 14, 2023, 09:23:45 AM »
Also: I'm back from my trip to Kalbarri and am providing pictures as requested. The geology there is really interesting - much of the red rock is exposed tumblagooda sandstone which was deposited as silt in riverbeds and tidal flats between four and five hundred million years ago! In some of the pieces of sandstone you can see ripples that would have been the ripples formed in the silt by the movement of the water all those millions of years ago! There are also a few places where you can see the tracks of ancient arthropods.

Currently this sandstone is exposed in a series of coastal cliffs as well as a deep gorge further inland cut by the Murchison River and its tributaries. It's a very spectacular landscape. There were lots of interesting lizards seen - what I suspected to be a spotted sand dragon, as well as a 'ta-ta lizard' and a bobtail skink - as well as birds of prey - a nankeen kestrel at the coastal cliffs and a little eagle at the gorge. I also did a bit of snorkelling and saw lots of fish, although I do not know much about fish species. In the gorges, I saw kangaroos and euros/wallaroos and I also saw many interesting animal tracks in the sand - some kangaroo tracks, some of a large lizard (maybe a goanna or perentie), some that were potentially of a chuditch and other smaller ones I could not identify. There were also tracks of feral pigs, and there were feral goats near the town. (Róisín, if you can identify any of the tracks better than I can please let me know!)

As for plants, I particularly noticed the white-plumed grevillia growing by the roadside in the national park - it's a shrub about as tall as a person but its flowers and seeds were held on tall black branching stems at least a metre above the shrubs themselves. I also noticed lots of smokebush. By the coastal cliffs I was fascinated by the small plants often found growing in incredibly exposed, stony and wind-blown places.

Spoiler: silt ripples and arthropod tracks • show

Spoiler: wildlife and animal tracks • show

Spoiler: interesting plants • show

Spoiler: cliffs • show

Spoiler: gorges • show

I write poetry sometimes.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19240 on: January 14, 2023, 09:40:46 AM »
Thank you Keep for sharing these marvelous pictures! Nice balance towards Róisín’s description about the downsides of Australian nature. Really yours is a strange continent! Róisín, I’m rooting for your continued safety!
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19241 on: January 14, 2023, 09:43:49 AM »
Thank you for posting the pics!!

The lizard in the first photo of that group looks like it the type that looks like it has 2 heads.  The tail resembles a head!!
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19242 on: January 14, 2023, 11:51:53 AM »
Róisín, wishing the best of luck to you and to all of your friends; and grief for the destruction of the creatures who didn't make it out, and of the plants which can't survive this.

Is fire, on a smaller scale, part of the natural ecology of the area? Do some species have ways to survive it?  -- I do know that sometimes even fire-adapted ecologies can't deal with hotter, and/or more frequent, fires than they developed to survive (and sometimes actually to need.)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19243 on: January 15, 2023, 01:17:37 AM »
Yes, thorny, our ecology is fire-adapted, but between climate change and humans interfering directly with the natural cycle of more frequent but cooler fires, the fires we have now are much more destructive. And while many of the plants need fire to make their seeds germinate, excessively hot fires just destroy everything. Much of the wildlife also can survive a normal level of fire, either by escaping the area or by sheltering in place under rocks or in burrows, but the mega-hot fires can kill those too.

Keep Looking, the little fleshy plants look like Carpobrotus species, the smaller round-leaved ones most likely Carpobrotus glaucescens, the rounded noonflower or small pigface; the larger ones with more wedge-shaped leaves probably Carpobrotus rossii or Karkalla. All of these are edible with a fruit which is a red-purple colour when ripe and is often called sea-fig, though to me the flavour is more like a salty strawberry. The leaves are also edible, contain some water and are often used to give a salty taste to food. Plus the juice of the leaves is applied to insect bites and stings, sunburn and minor burns - same sort of uses as Aloe vera. I grow it both in my home garden and the Community Garden because it is an excellent remedy for bullant bites. Various Carpobrotus species and their close relatives grow all around the Australian coastline.

When I was writing my ‘Very Far To The South’ fanfic stories I wrote Warri preparing for his last journey by gathering Spinifex leaves and resin to patch his boat and make it waterproof from plants in the coastal dunes, and finding Carpobrotus fruits and leaves to eat from the same environment. I really must finish that story.

The photos of Kalbarri area are lovely! Beautiful place! I can’t make out the tracks beyond a few lizard tracks with the tail dragging between the feet, some small birds and what might be a spider. But when I have the time I will ask Star to show me how to enlarge the pictures so I can see them better.

We are still okay, with a few more small lightning fires near us, the Montacute fire listed as ‘contained’, and the flooding east of us having hopefully peaked. With any luck the weather will have settled by the time Yastreb gets here to visit in late February.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #19244 on: January 15, 2023, 02:12:53 AM »
Yes, thorny, our ecology is fire-adapted, but between climate change and humans interfering directly with the natural cycle of more frequent but cooler fires, the fires we have now are much more destructive.

This is a lot of the problem in California, USA as well. Humans built permanent buildings in place that nature required to have regular fires. 

I don't know about Australia, but America, Ireland, and England all face problems because we use water too fast for nature to replenish it- which leads to droughts that cause issues as well. 

 People think "it's renewable so we can use as much as we want" - not realizing water sources can take a century to fully replenish, so if it's used up in a decade it's used up.

Especially England, the government has a lot of trouble convincing people that water conservation is needed with such wet weather.  I don't believe we're facing serious problems from it yet, but it's impacting farms which is a problem.

Where we lived in Ireland there was a droubt every summer. 

We are still okay, with a few more small lightning fires near us, the Montacute fire listed as ‘contained’, and the flooding east of us having hopefully peaked. With any luck the weather will have settled by the time Yastreb gets here to visit in late February.

That's goodish news.  Hopefully it continues in that direction.