Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563625 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16320 on: September 08, 2016, 05:10:34 PM »
You just need a good aim.

In all honesty though, this is my immediate reaction to wasps.

Nah, just walk up and stab it. No throwing required. You can reuse the knife, too. :P

Actually I had a similar role on the school bus. Every once in a while, a wasp would come through a window, and everyone would freak out and run to the front of the bus. (I sit in the back and always leave the window open so its usually my window it comes in.) I just kinda walk up to it and kill it with a ruler or something like a piece of paper? Idk, people are really freaked out by wasps but its not really a problem unless they swarm?? :? (I may have a death wish here, just walking right up to wasps totally unafraid)

(well, I'm on a new bus now for high school so I'm sitting at the front but yeah)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16321 on: September 08, 2016, 05:31:52 PM »
As a somewhat experienced forester and outdoorsman it is my professional opinion that wasps, hornets and meat bees are "little balls of hate" and of they didn't play a signifigant ecological role I'd have no qualms about unleashing an onslaught of chemical weapons on every nest I find.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16322 on: September 08, 2016, 06:03:19 PM »
Have you tried flamethrowers or some other flame-generating device, Laufey?

I doubt it's the case in Iceland but here in the US flamethrowers are considered farming equipment - among other reasons, because they are very efficient means of removing wasp nests from premises. Smoke would work too, methinks since it tricks the wasps into thinking there's a fire.

As a somewhat experienced forester and outdoorsman it is my professional opinion that wasps, hornets and meat bees are "little balls of hate" and of they didn't play a signifigant ecological role I'd have no qualms about unleashing an onslaught of chemical weapons on every nest I find.

Apparently mosquitos don't fill a significant enough ecological role that they can't easily be replaced by something else. So you can kill them all you want, which is great because mosquitos are definitely worthy of extermination.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 06:05:51 PM by VibratingText »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16323 on: September 08, 2016, 06:52:00 PM »
With mosquitoes, I'm torn between not at all enjoying being bitten, and not wanting to poison with pesticides all the small stuff that eats the mosquitoes, like the tiny native fish in my pond, the smaller frogs in my garden, and the microbats. Especially the microbats, which live in my woodshed and in the little bat refuges I put up in the trees. So I swat the mozzies if they try to bite me, burn citronella candles if I'm sitting outdoors at night, and try to encourage the small insectivores.

I leave the native wasps alone (the first spider-eating wasp of spring tried to drown itself in my orange juice last night, and was carefully escorted outdoors). However, hornets and European wasps, which don't belong here, are ruthlessly squashed, and I will destroy their nests. I have a wasp trap which works well for European wasps -an open-topped large glass bottle half full of water, containing a small piece of rotting meat and a few drops of detergent to break surface tension of the water, so the wasps sink if they touch it. The native wasps prefer fruit, flower nectar or live prey, mostly spiders and caterpillars, so they aren't attracted to it. European wasps that land near me get hit with a flyswat or a rolled newspaper. Can you buy flyswats in Iceland, Laufey?

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16324 on: September 08, 2016, 08:07:11 PM »
With mosquitoes, I'm torn between not at all enjoying being bitten, and not wanting to poison with pesticides all the small stuff that eats the mosquitoes, like the tiny native fish in my pond, the smaller frogs in my garden, and the microbats. Especially the microbats, which live in my woodshed and in the little bat refuges I put up in the trees. So I swat the mozzies if they try to bite me, burn citronella candles if I'm sitting outdoors at night, and try to encourage the small insectivores.

Recently South Carolina tried to spray for mosquitoes due to the Zika threat, and instead ended up massacring honeybees. There's something so tragic about so many bees lying dead on the ground. :(
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16325 on: September 08, 2016, 08:14:56 PM »
Recently South Carolina tried to spray for mosquitoes due to the Zika threat, and instead ended up massacring honeybees. There's something so tragic about so many bees lying dead on the ground. :(

I normally have no use for ambulance chasers,  but I hope capable lawyers are calling those beekeepers with offers to help bring lawsuits against the county and its officials.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16326 on: September 08, 2016, 10:07:53 PM »
Indeed, I agree. What do these fools think is going to pollinate their food crops if they kill off the bees? Wind works well enough for cereals, but stone fruits, pome fruit, almonds, berries, citrus and a host of other edibles, not to mention oilseeds like canola and sunflower, really need bees.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16327 on: September 08, 2016, 10:46:48 PM »
Recently South Carolina tried to spray for mosquitoes due to the Zika threat, and instead ended up massacring honeybees. There's something so tragic about so many bees lying dead on the ground. :(

Oh man, poor cute lil fuzzy friends :c

I mean I've known gardeners who hand pollinate some of their plants using a q-tip especially when trying to selectively breed their plants, but that's incredibly tedious and in no way could replace entire pollinating species.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16328 on: September 09, 2016, 02:57:17 AM »
VibratingText: not that I'd generally mind a flamethrower to use against them, but I'm almost certain my employer wouldn't let me have one in a shop full of expensive art... :D I mean he's concerned enough when I'm only armed with bug spray.

Róisín: flyswats don't really work when your target is spending time near the ceiling, which is far, far away and my combination of ladder + bugspray + sneaking has worked excellently so far. At this time the food outside gets scarce so wasps are getting angry, they're really ready to sting you in August-September.  :-\
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16329 on: September 09, 2016, 05:03:29 AM »
Róisín: flyswats don't really work when your target is spending time near the ceiling, which is far, far away

Native :australia:
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Might remember some in an emergency :italy:
Understands the concept, just not the specifics :vaticancity:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16330 on: September 09, 2016, 05:54:31 AM »
Wyrm: my husband bought me one of those things. It's funny, but it scares the cats....
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16331 on: September 09, 2016, 06:01:33 AM »
I should have counted the number of times we have a call here (for selling something) when my housemates aren't at home, with a conversation looking like :
- Hello ?
- Hello, Mme C. ?
- No.
- Can I speak to Mme C. ?
- There is no Mme C.
- Oh... I'm sorry, goodbye.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16332 on: September 09, 2016, 07:53:21 AM »
I should have counted the number of times we have a call here (for selling something) when my housemates aren't at home, with a conversation looking like :
- Hello ?
- Hello, Mme C. ?
- No.
- Can I speak to Mme C. ?
- There is no Mme C.
- Oh... I'm sorry, goodbye.

Mrrr, those kinds of calls. x_x SO ANNOYING.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16333 on: September 09, 2016, 08:12:50 AM »
Thank you urbicande, can we add that the day before yesterday I accidentally told a customer "Eyrnablik!" when I should have said "Augnablik!" Augnablik would mean "a blink of an eye" and is used as a "just a moment please!", eyrnablik... is an ear blink. My friends are trying to push me to use "eyrnablak" now, "a blap of an ear".  :-[

Earblink. I love that.

(Random interesting point is that I actually understood "augnablik" -- it's close enough to the German Augenblick)
Keep an eye on me. I shimmer on horizons.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16334 on: September 09, 2016, 08:52:25 AM »
So it's September and there's a wasp nest somewhere outside of our workplace door. There's also very bad AC at the workplace so the door is almost always open. Add that no one at the workplace is great with wasps, and that my workmate will literally run and lock himself in the toilet if he sees one. That leaves usually just me alone to get rid of the wasp so working can continue, and I'm NOT about to try to catch them alive.

And that's how my nickname at the workplace is now "killer".
Oh gosh wasps. I love all bugs, which I suppose includes wasps but they are also one of the.. maybe 3.. bugs that put me on edge. (The other ones being jack jumpers and ticks) but its a rational fear O__O
Lately- well, i don't remember when it began but it hasn't shown any signs of stopping so imma say "lately"- wasps keep appearing out of nowhere in my house. Like, big wasps. Sudden wasps. I could be chilling in on the couch in the evening and catch some small movement in the corner of my eye and its a great bug fat wasp, drawing along the carpet. Ive had a wasp crawl out of my folded washing when i put it in my bedroom, wasps in the shower. THE SHOWER. And the most ridiculous was when I was leaning on the kitchen bench, pouring some juice and suddenly something gumball sized falls past my face, brushing my fringe and just missing going down my top and "tokk"s onto the counter with this hideous dull impact sound that only wasps make. It had fallen out of the downlight I was under. And then it got up as I was racing behind me to the other side of the kitchen for the dustpan and broom and it started lazily circling one of the hanging lights, so I was like "So it is like this then." and got the bug spray and "psh." I felt like some efficient assassin spy or something. The wasp flopped to the floor, spinning out and lifting off occasionally, and then I like.,.,.., man i don't even know.,.,. "gracefully" stab/squished it with the tip of the broom. I think they live in the roof.
Sure there have been bee hives in the roof (like that time they all came out of the fireplace or through the bathroom ceiling fan thing) but bees are nice.
Wasps... are not most of the time. there like those scary unreasonable retail customers you hear about getting mad over there not being diet water.
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