Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2561833 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1425 on: November 14, 2014, 05:24:41 AM »
Mmm, dad relationships. Well, my father and I share one HUGE common interest: pc games! He pretty much raised me in front of a computer, as soon as I could sit up. And the one game we loved playing together above all others (or well, I point out monsters and items and traps and things, and he shoots stuff) was Return to Castle Wolvenstein. We still maintain a tradition of playing through it once a year, even now that it's massively outdated. And somehow we began to play together in the same way every new Call of Duty game he gets, so that's a thing, too.

Other than that he has a ridiculous sense of humour. As in, the term "Dad jokes" was made for him. Usually I don't mind them (actually, used to love them most of my life - I've got a similar sense of humour), but they've become more irritating lately. That's probably me, not him.

Other than games we've got some other common interests, too. He's a typical professor type and a gaming addict (some 1st person shooters, lately Skyrim too, but mostly strategy games like Sid Meier's Civilization, Tropico, ANNO, etc. He's usually somewhere in the top level of Tropico's online lists). Odd combination, but it works. So anyway, we're both really interested in history, theology, political developments (more as in why people do the things they do as to what they actually do), and stuff like that. Languages, too, though I'm more interested in that than he is, and sometimes I can have better talks with my mother about the topic (she was incredibly interested in linguistics in uni).

So... I have a pretty good relationship with my father. A little more strained the more I grow, but good all the same. Most trouble comes from me getting irritated with him, rather than the other way round.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1426 on: November 14, 2014, 05:32:23 AM »
Mmm, dad relationships. Well, my father and I share one HUGE common interest: pc games! He pretty much raised me in front of a computer, as soon as I could sit up. And the one game we loved playing together above all others (or well, I point out monsters and items and traps and things, and he shoots stuff) was Return to Castle Wolvenstein. We still maintain a tradition of playing through it once a year, even now that it's massively outdated. And somehow we began to play together in the same way every new Call of Duty game he gets, so that's a thing, too.

Other than that he has a ridiculous sense of humour. As in, the term "Dad jokes" was made for him. Usually I don't mind them (actually, used to love them most of my life - I've got a similar sense of humour), but they've become more irritating lately. That's probably me, not him.

Other than games we've got some other common interests, too. He's a typical professor type and a gaming addict (some 1st person shooters, lately Skyrim too, but mostly strategy games like Sid Meier's Civilization, Tropico, ANNO, etc. He's usually somewhere in the top level of Tropico's online lists). Odd combination, but it works. So anyway, we're both really interested in history, theology, political developments (more as in why people do the things they do as to what they actually do), and stuff like that. Languages, too, though I'm more interested in that than he is, and sometimes I can have better talks with my mother about the topic (she was incredibly interested in linguistics in uni).

So... I have a pretty good relationship with my father. A little more strained the more I grow, but good all the same. Most trouble comes from me getting irritated with him, rather than the other way round.

Gamer parents are awesome, especially the kind who play Sid Meier's Civilization. Unfortunately my mom doesn't game and when my dad has time for it he plays a whole lot of solitaire. So much solitaire. I'm trying to think of ways to exhibit some actual games in order to convert him to proper gaming but well...

Noah O.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1427 on: November 14, 2014, 05:37:48 AM »
My dad tried really hard to find something we could do together, bless his heart, but we just don't have anything in common, as far as interests go.  I don't think I want... more than one son.  I do want one, but I don't want my kids to do any of the stupid things I did... the numerous, numerous, stupid things that I did.  Really, I just don't want my kids to be anything like me.  *Disparages* 
I'll be fine with a couple of daughters, but one son will be more than enough.
Oh I want a daughter, definitely. More than one boy would be murder. I've already got my hands full with my two little brothers, and I'm not taking care of them 24/7. A nice, calm girl would be nice. I would also be nice to terrorize every boyfriend or girlfriend my children bring home. I would be sitting there, calmly loading a revolver. And then just to emphasize the point, blowing the heads off some target dummies.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1428 on: November 14, 2014, 05:40:31 AM »
Gamer parents are awesome, especially the kind who play Sid Meier's Civilization. Unfortunately my mom doesn't game and when my dad has time for it he plays a whole lot of solitaire. So much solitaire. I'm trying to think of ways to exhibit some actual games in order to convert him to proper gaming but well...

From experience, mostly solitaire addicts are a lost case... my South African grandfather is addicted, and has been for years and years and years, but that's the only game he ever plays. Nothing else. Well, Freecell, too, but that's merely another form of solitaire >.> My mother, though - she was a solitaire player, too. Buuut when she got a tablet a few months ago and we installed some free games on it, she got addicted to Hay Day instead. Plants vs. Zombies was a hit, too. And Mindscape's Nancy Drew games. But nothing really hardcore sticks with her, heh. I guess some people are just attracted to certain types of games?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1429 on: November 14, 2014, 05:45:08 AM »
Gamer parents are awesome, especially the kind who play Sid Meier's Civilization. Unfortunately my mom doesn't game and when my dad has time for it he plays a whole lot of solitaire. So much solitaire. I'm trying to think of ways to exhibit some actual games in order to convert him to proper gaming but well...
I tried to get my father into Call of Duty at one point (he liked watching me play it), but he gave up before I was halfway done telling him what the buttons did. He would probably give up on the spot if I tried explaining him a strategy game or an RPG.

My father and I are quite similar in many ways (physically to some extent, same type of humor, same taste in music, we both enjoy hunting and such) but he is a lot more practically skilled than I am while I'm more theoretically inclined. On the other hand, I am almost identical to his father. Its even quite difficult to see the difference between old pictures of him and me, although he's a lot leaner (he was a gymnast). Men in my fathers' family tend to be quite similar though, while I have little in common with anyone on my mothers' side of the family.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1430 on: November 14, 2014, 06:01:25 AM »
I would be sitting there, calmly loading a revolver. And then just to emphasize the point, blowing the heads off some target dummies.
My dad has the same plan. He plans to lay out all the knives, axes and chainsaws, the long range rifle and the shotgun on the kitchen table, and be polishing the castrating gear as a first impression.
My little sister denied him these theatrics when she had met her (now ex) boyfriend, and so one night dad drove her to a party and saw him walking up the road, he pulled up along side, wound the window down, and said "Hello [name]. I'm [sister]'s father." And this poor kid shook his hand, said he was pleased to finally meet him, and eventually showed up to the party crying and left early. U____U yeesh
:artd: :book1+: :book2:

Noah O.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1431 on: November 14, 2014, 06:05:11 AM »
I tried to get my father into Call of Duty at one point (he liked watching me play it), but he gave up before I was halfway done telling him what the buttons did. He would probably give up on the spot if I tried explaining him a strategy game or an RPG.

My father and I are quite similar in many ways (physically to some extent, same type of humor, same taste in music, we both enjoy hunting and such) but he is a lot more practically skilled than I am while I'm more theoretically inclined. On the other hand, I am almost identical to his father. Its even quite difficult to see the difference between old pictures of him and me, although he's a lot leaner (he was a gymnast). Men in my fathers' family tend to be quite similar though, while I have little in common with anyone on my mothers' side of the family.
My dad plays Diablo III at night. Planetside 2 on weekends.

Noah O.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1432 on: November 14, 2014, 06:06:36 AM »
And this poor kid shook his hand, said he was pleased to finally meet him, and eventually showed up to the party crying and left early. U____U yeesh
Yeah, I'm working on my handshake so when I shake their hand while giving a threatening smile, I can feel their finger bones grating against each other.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1433 on: November 14, 2014, 06:57:18 AM »
Light speed post: go!  I would kill to get my parents into gaming. I tried , but my dad has zero interest in them (and thinks they're the devil, basically {exaggeration, buy still...}), and my mom... Well, I got her to play journey for a while, after I made her listen to the soundtrack to get her interested, but she fell asleep playing it.  :'(  Not surprising, she falls asleep during movies and shows, too.
*gets sucked out door and into car*
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1434 on: November 14, 2014, 07:06:06 AM »
Heh, my dad is a gamer, and he was the one who introduced me to the awesome universe of videogames. He taught me about Civilization (so many hours, so many hours spent building empires and conquering the world and crushing every country with my might!) and WoW and Assassin's Creed (which he has never played, but got me into) and just about any other game I know of. My mom, on the contrary, doesn't really like videogames... we tried to get her to play one of them once (I believe it was WoW?), and she gave up because she felt bad about killing wolves and other beasts. At level 1.
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1435 on: November 14, 2014, 07:18:48 AM »
One of the memories of when my Dad still lived with us is him playing Tomb Raider. Using one hidden switch, overcoming water with crocodiles and mazes, just to be still to late to get through the door.
He also bought my brother our first Zelda game. And whenever he visited he would ask if we already had "the Sword of Zelda" (he obviously only had a rough idea of that game, but at least he got the sword part right).
My mother on the other hand doesn't like to play, but watch others (failing), sitting on the couch while making "helpful" comments...
kind of getting along: :germany: :uk:

rusty: :spain:

very rusty: :vaticancity:

still trying (appearantly failing) to learn: :japan:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1436 on: November 14, 2014, 07:52:58 AM »
No one in my family is interested in computer/video games anymore ;___;
My sisters abandoned their (I've just had a total mind blank) Nintendo ds things years ago, and there's an old unused playstation whatsit in the storage hallway. We only bought a new one so we could play bluray dvds X___X
The only game I ever owned that was my own was.........a tamagotchi. Don't judge my tiny young self.
*is ashamed forever*
But they look so fuuuuuuuun and awesome to play!! I've just never really been allowed...
On another note, I think there's a possum outside my window. I can hear scratching and guttural noises, but every time I shine my dying phone's torch out the window, there's nothing.... And the charger chord can't reach it near the window :( do I charge or check the window?
It's like.....five nights at OrigamiOwl's... Except, it's just a possum. I hope.
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1437 on: November 14, 2014, 08:19:32 AM »
Heh, my dad is a gamer, and he was the one who introduced me to the awesome universe of videogames. He taught me about Civilization (so many hours, so many hours spent building empires and conquering the world and crushing every country with my might!) and WoW and Assassin's Creed (which he has never played, but got me into) and just about any other game I know of. My mom, on the contrary, doesn't really like videogames... we tried to get her to play one of them once (I believe it was WoW?), and she gave up because she felt bad about killing wolves and other beasts. At level 1.

Darn it all, why do people have such fun-loving parents. I'm with you Eich, getting parents to play and like video games is a world of pain. I'd like to think that my father might have some interest in civilization, he likes chess after all. I want to nuke all his stuff so bad *more crocodile tears*

My dad has the same plan. He plans to lay out all the knives, axes and chainsaws, the long range rifle and the shotgun on the kitchen table, and be polishing the castrating gear as a first impression.
My little sister denied him these theatrics when she had met her (now ex) boyfriend, and so one night dad drove her to a party and saw him walking up the road, he pulled up along side, wound the window down, and said "Hello [name]. I'm [sister]'s father." And this poor kid shook his hand, said he was pleased to finally meet him, and eventually showed up to the party crying and left early. U____U yeesh

Well, in a way that's better than one of my friend's mother. When he got a girlfriend his mother immediately started to casually hint at every opportunity about how much she wanted grandchildren. That's awkward on a whole different level.

On another note, I think there's a possum outside my window. I can hear scratching and guttural noises, but every time I shine my dying phone's torch out the window, there's nothing.... And the charger chord can't reach it near the window :( do I charge or check the window?
It's like.....five nights at OrigamiOwl's... Except, it's just a possum. I hope.

Es aqui... El chupacabra...
« Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 08:21:39 AM by Fimbulvarg »


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1438 on: November 14, 2014, 03:49:33 PM »
The only game I ever owned that was my own was.........a tamagotchi. Don't judge my tiny young self.
*is ashamed forever*


My parents always refused to get video games for us, so I didn't really start playing until I was an adult, but oh--tamagotchis. I killed so many of those things as a kid <3 Did you know they have a smartphone tamagotchi game app? It's not quite the same, but I get to be whined at by little pixel blobs that I will eventually neglect unto their deaths, and that's good enough.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1439 on: November 14, 2014, 04:14:46 PM »
Video game sadism is the least bad kind of sadimsm.

On a different note: I was out running and I encountered and old, plump man who was wearing one of those skin tight crossfit compression tights. It surprised me because honestly it looked a bit silly. But then I noticed that every single runner I encountered after that, regardless of age and gender, was wearing the same kind of tights. What is going on? Is this some silly fad I've missed or are those tights actually that amazing? I've seen them in the stores at like 120 USD so it can't be because they are cheap.