Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2561892 times)

DB (f.k.a. DaveBro)

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12255 on: November 15, 2015, 09:04:13 PM »
Spoiler: Unlos downloads Undertale • show

*is left in a room by a supposedly nice nun/monster, being told to wait*
peeks into next room
*uh oh*
*goes back to waiting*
Oh no the NP will get angry with me if I don't sit tight.
OH NO I can't call and disturb her
Maybe she WANTs me to take initiative and go into the next room anyway
What to dooo

Save the game and go into the room, of course. :D

EDIT: I think we cancelled each other out! ;D
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 09:06:03 PM by DaveBro (Phasing out "ReturnOf") »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12256 on: November 15, 2015, 09:17:55 PM »
Ooo, I want to see that! :O

Well, now it makes two of us that had really long hair and decided to chop it off. I'm still wondering if I should update my ssssona's appearance...
Will you draw Karri with short hair? Or would that be unthinkable? ::)

I'm going to post a picture once it's dry and Real in the how do you look thread :0

Also, NEVER >:0 Karri's hair only gets bigger with time! Nyahahahahaaaa!
But no, all jokes aside, I did think about this and I figure that Karri's become a pretty separate entity from me so I might doodle them with my haircut a couple times but. Nahhhhhh, they won't get a real haircut :0


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12257 on: November 15, 2015, 10:48:26 PM »
I cut all my hair off! I now have a bob :0

Oh noooo that gorgeous long haiiir  (says someone who has always wanted to grow long hair but gets terminal frizzies if it gets much down past the shoulders).

But I bet the bob is cute!  Will you share a pic sometime?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12258 on: November 16, 2015, 01:14:19 AM »
Curry: I bet you can carry off a bob well though! Are you going to colour it or leave it natural?

 I haven't cut mine in 22 years (well, I didn't actually cut it then, it got shaved in the course of having a head injury treated). Before that I had never cut it ever, and it was long enough to sit on, but very fine, and wavy. I used to braid it around my head. Now it's long enough again to braid (armpit length), but because it's wavy it grows REALLY slowly.

Fenris: Totally agree with you about cities. Crowded, noisy, and they stink! Though as cities go, Adelaide (our nearest big city) isn't too bad. I live on the outskirts of a tiny town at the southern end of the Barossa Valley, and that is quite close in enough for me.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12259 on: November 16, 2015, 01:22:06 AM »
Totally agree with you about cities. Crowded, noisy, and they stink! Though as cities go, Adelaide (our nearest big city) isn't too bad. I live on the outskirts of a tiny town at the southern end of the Barossa Valley, and that is quite close in enough for me.

This just reminded me that when I first got back into New York for school this year, I got off the train and thought, "Did it always smell this bad?" :P The answer was yes, obviously. I'm not really a fan of big cities, but I've gotta say the access to public transportation is a huge plus... (I'm one of those people who's procrastinated on their driving lessons)

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12260 on: November 16, 2015, 02:14:26 AM »
I don't drive anymore, sadly. The public transport out here is actually not bad for the SA country, a bus three times a day. Many country towns don't have any buses, and the train network has been slowly wound down over the last forty or so years.

I've been in New York, though not for some decades, and it stank back then, worst in summer, and near the river. Not as noticeable as Paris though. Paris is strange, or has been the times I've been there, last in the 1990s, but also several earlier times. There's this odd undertone of sewage and stale groundwater, especially in the low-lying parts, combined with a sort of general organic note......can't really describe it, sort of grass-and-manure? Fenugreek? Maybe from the parks, or people's gardens? Which is strange for a city. Stone, metal, meat cooking, coffee, bread. But threaded all through that are drifts of what I think of as country scents: mostly wet flowers. Maybe the markets?

And this must be the *only* place where I would talk about how cities smell!
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12261 on: November 16, 2015, 02:22:34 AM »
Whoaaa Curry bob! Can we see photos of the new look?

As for big cities, the only one I ever lived in was Birmingham and yeah... it literally stinks. Especially where I used to live near the canal. The worst time my skin has ever had too, I had really bad acne the whole year I lived there. :P
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12262 on: November 16, 2015, 02:46:15 AM »
As for big cities, the only one I ever lived in was Birmingham and yeah... it literally stinks. Especially where I used to live near the canal. The worst time my skin has ever had too, I had really bad acne the whole year I lived there. :P
I'm more of a small city girl, myself. Austin can be puh-reety interesting, though.
Recently a friend of mine was looking at a house on east side. It was a very nice little bungalow, and the owner was extremely friendly and accommodating. She hit it off with him immediately. After she left she looked up the address and the guy's name...
Turns out the house was a brothel. And the friendly guy she got along so well with? A pimp.
She didn't buy that house.

And yes, I'm still around! Facing midterms (I'm currently trying to ignore a three-page-paper due tomorrow and a five-page-paper due the day after and a three-page-paper due two days after that), but so far surviving!
I'm settled into my apartment, and my roommates are very nice people. Apparently we're one of the few apartments that haven't gone to Student Life with a dispute yet. We're all pretty accommodating, so there's been no drama so far. Except for when one of the upperclassmen came home with hickeys and we immediately labelled her a 'beacon of sin' and haven't permitted her or her boyfriend (a really sweet guy who was absolutely mortified and keeps on buying us her food) live it down. All in good fun, of course. (She's the actual sweetest, though, constantly driving us places and giving us the lowdown on the professors and classes, cracking our backs, sharing her food, etc. Which is why she's so much fun to tease.) Ah, we have wild times... sitting around the apartment... working on homework... watching movies... cooking food... sometimes when we're feeling really crazy we clean up! Party animals, I'm telling you.
As for the actual school, the classes are challenging, but not overwhelming, the professors are great, and I really feel like I'm in the right place. I've only cried twice so far.
Anyhow, that's my life at the moment. Heading back to my papers now, RTR out.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12263 on: November 16, 2015, 03:09:45 AM »
Hmmmm. I live in Seattle, so I can't really complain about the Big City, and I do like things like public transit and corner stores, but I also really like the parks and quiet places. I love going camping in the deep woods and taking hikes far from civilisation, but I do look forward to a comfy bed and wifi when we get home. I also live pretty far from the city centre, so it's not like there's a smell problem.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12264 on: November 16, 2015, 04:19:09 AM »
And yes, I'm still around!
wheeeeeeee!! I'm glad to hear you're doing fine ^_______^ sounds like you got lucky with your roommates, I hope you'll survive the battle against midterms O:

I cut all my hair off! I now have a bob :0
i hope we get picturesssssss :3c
my hair is a constant cycle of "maybe I'll try growing it out?" *hair touches shoulders* "NOPE"

on cities, I'm glad to live in the outskirts - but I gotta say the farmlands don't always smell all rosy, either, ha ha. I remember one time they were fertilizing the fields and the stink was so strong nobody could concentrate at school for a while there.
I mostly remember visiting Edinburgh, that actually smells like haggis? I think?? it was a rather pleasant city smell to me. I also keep having this experience where I'll suddenly stop up because a place "smells like czech" which is complete nonsense but I guess it triggered a memory of my school days in czech? on the other hand I've never experienced anything smelling like norway.

I actually drove to a place with driver's school now with my mom to sign up for Actual Lessons this morning (I did not get enough sleep and i'm loopy, but no accidents on the road yet!) but the office that was supposed to be open had a "back soon" notice, whereas the one that wasn't supposed to be open yet, was. so that was a weird situation. but they're gonna call me now that they ARE open to find out when I can start O: at least i don't have to call anyone. just wait for the phone. any minute now

if nothing im saying is making sense atm it's because my coherency brains haven't woken up yet
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12265 on: November 16, 2015, 04:58:52 AM »
As a lifelong city kid I feel I ought to point out that the idea of living in rural areas fills me with the same sort of dread that living in urban areas sees to inspire amongst a lot of people here! And for much the same reasons, too, amusingly enough - the countryside often smells terrible and it sets my allergies off. Plus it's a bit boring (for me).
I would make an exception for the seaside, though. I come from a family with a rather maritime past, so the sea has always held a special place in my heart.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12266 on: November 16, 2015, 05:05:53 AM »
As for big cities, the only one I ever lived in was Birmingham and yeah... it literally stinks. Especially where I used to live near the canal. The worst time my skin has ever had too, I had really bad acne the whole year I lived there. :P
Yeeeeeeah, Birmingham isn't that great, there are very few UK cities which are tolerable to be honest, but as Haiz mentioned I think Edinburgh is one of them. Quite a lot of the city is old rock, and there's a lot of green space (making it one of the few cities which I don't immediately want to leave when I enter :3).
on cities, I'm glad to live in the outskirts - but I gotta say the farmlands don't always smell all rosy, either, ha ha. I remember one time they were fertilizing the fields and the stink was so strong nobody could concentrate at school for a while there.
One time a local farmer decided to fertilise his fields with animal intestines. There is a reason why we say "smells like death" to describe something smelly. It was the worst smell ever, and we on the verge of just finding a hotel for a few days when it finally rained and we could breathe again! So yeah SectoBoss, the countryside can stink pretty bad :P

Tokyo is proving to be more city-like than any place I've ever visited. It's HUGE and so filled with people that I can hardly recognise my own thoughts at times. It is exceptionally tidy as is all of Japan, and there is a lot of cool stuff, unexpected stuff, and "what on earth are you doing Japan?" stuff, but there is no way I could stay for more than a few days ^_^

On another Japan note, I went to a fire festival in Fukushima this weekend *_* it was pretty spectacular (and rainy), and I definitely feel that much of that stuff would never fly in the UK due to health and safety! It was originally held to mourn and show gratitude for those who died in battle (originally a battle caused by Masamune Date some 400 years ago, he wasn't too nice), but now it remembers others who died locally due to disasters as well, mainly the big earthquake.

It was raining pretty heavily and my camera lens kept getting covered in water  :-\ but here's some of the torches and the guys tasked with lighting them......
You're a fool if you dance or not so you might as well dance

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12267 on: November 16, 2015, 05:25:30 AM »
As a lifelong city kid I feel I ought to point out that the idea of living in rural areas fills me with the same sort of dread that living in urban areas sees to inspire amongst a lot of people here! And for much the same reasons, too, amusingly enough - the countryside often smells terrible and it sets my allergies off. Plus it's a bit boring (for me).

As a fellow city dweller I totally agree with you. While I love to spend my free time outside the city and find a rural holiday quite relaxing, but couldn't live there for a longer period.
Most European cities aren't that big, and have some really pleasant neighbourhoods with good public transport, not just smelly grey housing estates. Not to mention all the historical buildings and architectural heritage :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12268 on: November 16, 2015, 05:39:37 AM »
Gwenno: Pretty fire festival, yes. You'd like the one we have every year at the Mylor English Ale, I think. Firedancers and fire marionettes, a huge torchlight procession, Morris dancers, giants, mummers and guisers, the whole thing. It's great fun. The guy who usually does the fire marionettes is himself a fine dancer, and he moves them so they look really spectacular in the dark night. They're around person-sized, a jointed metal frame wrapped in slow-burning stuff, moved with rods so they dance.

 Mylor is a little country town with very few lights, and we hold the procession around the completely unlit football field, so the flames look amazing. Then we have the 'gurt 'normous bonfire' in the middle of the oval, because one must have a bonfire, it's the end of fire-danger season so we can have one, and the first Autumn rain has generally fallen by then.

SectoBoss: I suppose manure can smell somewhat strong, but generally it doesn't bother me much. Except for one vegetable farmer, who regularly dresses his fields with pig manure - that's rather vile.

I love Edinburgh, and for a city it doesn't stink too badly, though some of the old closes can smell a bit strange in damp weather. The Rock is weird and beautiful. I'm told by some locals that Edinburgh has the highest background radiation level of any inhabited city, because of the Rock - don't know how true that is!
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12269 on: November 16, 2015, 05:46:23 AM »
Yeeeeeeah, Birmingham isn't that great, there are very few UK cities which are tolerable to be honest,
While Birmingham may be a toilet, a fair few of the big UK cities are actually quite nice. Manchester, for example, is doing very well for itself these days. And for all people bemoan the existence of London, it's still fun to visit.
Can you tell I'm from Manchester yet? :))

It was raining pretty heavily and my camera lens kept getting covered in water  :-\ but here's some of the torches and the guys tasked with lighting them......

That does look very cool!

As a fellow city dweller I totally agree with you. While I love to spend my free time outside the city and find a rural holiday quite relaxing, but couldn't live there for a longer period.
Most European cities aren't that big, and have some really pleasant neighbourhoods with good public transport, not just smelly grey housing estates. Not to mention all the historical buildings and architectural heritage :)
Yeah, the countryside in small doses is fine, but a life there? *shudders*

I love Edinburgh, and for a city it doesn't stink too badly, though some of the old closes can smell a bit strange in damp weather. The Rock is weird and beautiful. I'm told by some locals that Edinburgh has the highest background radiation level of any inhabited city, because of the Rock - don't know how true that is!
I'm loving how the same accusation is being thrown at both urban and rural locales by people who don't live there: "it smells terrible!" The more things change, the more they stay the same...  :D
If The Rock is made of granite (resisting the urge to make Dwayne Johnson jokes here) it'll give off radioactive radon gas, which is why Edinburgh is radioactive. Areas built on granite usually have higher background radiation levels because of this, I think.
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