... which promptly raises the next questions: a) Does someone know the correct transcription of the Nordic characters into ASCII, and b) supposed they're not obvious (I'ld fully expect some people who've never seen Icelandic to transcribe "Þór" as "Dor" or "Por" instead of "Thor"), do we want to provide the correct, the dummy-ese, or both?
Ice: Áá Ðð Éé Íí Óó Úú Ýý Þþ Ææ Öö
Den&Nor: Ææ Øø Åå
very formal Nor: Ææ Øø Åå é è ê ó ò â ô
Swe&Fin: Åå Ää Öö
very formal Fin: Åå Ää Öö Šš Žž