Ummmhhhhh ...
Today I came across hints that Wikia is working on a replacement for infoboxes. (FWIW, it took me
quite a while to find the official announcement
here, and no, the 40-days-old links to "examples" don't work for me, either.
) In the discussion below, there's a nifty trick to have your "desktop" client display the pages like they'ld appear on a "mobile" one: Just append "?useskin=wikiamobile" to the URL.
Which brings me to my actual topic: SSSS Wiki pages apparently look
nowhere like *I* see them as soon as someone reads them on a mobile device. For example, the
desktop version of the aRTD page has a manageable size thanks to collapsed parts, but those happen not to be collapsed anymore in the
mobile version. And it seems that when you read up on
some character on a mobile client, the flags in the fold-out part of the infobox plain don't work. And the fold-out table of the pages' content remains empty for me. And color me wondering why "mobile clients" of today would need the entire color choices suppressed and replaced with b+w ... !?
... so, what should we do about that? Do we even have enough people with mobile clients to pinpoint what differences are really there, and which are an artifact of me displaying the "mobile version" on what is not at all a mobile client?
(Edit: Oh, those links weren't meant to provide "before" and "after" versions in the first place, only "after - source" and "after - result". Silly me.
(Edit2: OK, lookie here for the visible effect of the infobox makeover:
standard Wikia infobox template (which our wiki uses essentially unchanged),
PortableInfobox version.)