Author Topic: Self-Inserts and OCs  (Read 869425 times)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2265 on: June 14, 2015, 12:52:41 PM »
Welcome, Fauna! I like your drawing, she looks really mysterious and prepared-for-anything.
Also, we have another Maja, so I vote we stage an xkcd bracket-style showdown. ;)
In all seriousness, there are 4 people with my name in my French class, and three or four others in the school. (Of course, there're also 2 Sam Ls and 2 Allison Ks in that French class, so who knows)
I'll do art-swaps and beta-reads, PM me!
Native: :usa:
Can make a fool of myself, but comprehensibly: :france:
Write a little Sindarin (working on that)
Wish-list: ASL, :sweden:, :norway:
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2266 on: June 14, 2015, 12:53:41 PM »
Fauna, you're absolutely new so welcome (!) but your art style is amazing!
I'm jealous (again) of yet another person on this thread.


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2267 on: June 14, 2015, 12:55:06 PM »
Omg Fauna, Maja sounds awesome! x3



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2268 on: June 14, 2015, 12:56:21 PM »
Omg Fauna, Maja sounds awesome! x3

Congratz on your promotion! *throws þ and ð shaped confetti*
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2269 on: June 14, 2015, 01:09:40 PM »
Congratz on your promotion! *throws þ and ð shaped confetti*

Omg I didn't even notice! O AO!!
//flees to the promotion thread//



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2270 on: June 14, 2015, 01:12:11 PM »
BAH I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR ART RIGHT NOW BUT APPARENTLY I HAVE NO SENSE OF PRIORITIES EITHER SO HEY. WIP for now though because I REALLY don't have time for this in fact why am I even doing this to myself why.

Name: Maja Gunnarsson
Age: 25
Nationality: Swedish
Languages: :sweden:. Currently studying Icelandic.
Immune?: Yes
Occupation: Cleanser

The Death Metal cult of Jävelhåla, located on an island north of Luleå, developed rather differently than the rest of Sweden. Shaped by isolation, harsh cold in the winters and relentless troll onslaughts in the summer, the Jävelhålas have developed a tenacity equaling a thousand burning suns, and a way of life that revolves around religion. Almost all of the origin myths of the Death Metal faith has been lost with the Old World, but the Jävelhålas are pretty sure it had something to do with death, and metal. And so, generation after generation, the Jävelhåla warriors pick up their steel and their fire, and they use metal to bring death upon their unholy enemies. Their honor creed is simple: protect people, destroy trolls. Destroy trolls with metal, fire, and a stupidly fierce tenacity worthy of the Old Gods! In fact.. if one destroys enough trolls and save enough people, in death, you will proudly join the fallen warriors on the Fields of Wacken, the great metal paradise.

Maja is no exception, and to anyone who isn't a Jävelhåla she will likely rub off as a religious extremist with suicidal tendencies. She walked all the way from Luleå to Mora just to join the military, and learn the art of Holy Death from the best warriors that her country has to offer.

I like the art style, it's sinister. And the notion of a death metal tribe is ... well, interesting.

Congratz on your promotion! *throws þ and ð shaped confetti*

This does not belong in this thread.


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2271 on: June 14, 2015, 01:17:44 PM »
No worries, Fimbulvarg--I've posted in the appropriate thread, so any congrats and celebration can be moved there from here on. Honestly if Feather hadn't pointed it out I probably wouldn't have even noticed. The thread can continue as normal now :)



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2272 on: June 14, 2015, 01:58:43 PM »
another welcome to Fauna and more praise on the art. Holy heck, I love this character already! :D
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2273 on: June 14, 2015, 02:07:03 PM »
All of these wonderful inserts compelled me to make my own, even if I don't have time...Also, excuse the lamely drawn cat.

Name: Alma
Age: ...23
Nationality: ...Swedish (acquired citizenship)
Area of Birth: ... (idk)
Languages: ...:sweden:, muddling :finland:, trudging through :iceland:, broken Arabic, understands Tagalog
Immune: ...Yes
Occupation: ...Academic/Skald

- Alma was born to immigrant parents (haven't decided yet).
- A family friend had to pull some strings to get her into the military.
- Alma is socially anxious and extremely reserved. She also hates being touched and scrutinized by strangers.
- But if she does know and like you be prepare to be swarmed with hugs and glomps.
- Alma can however, engage in conversations when the right buttons are pushed (beware though, she does go on a tangent and spout a lot of unrelated nonsense).
- Her pet cat, Molly, is sarcastic and the sane man (ha!) of the duo, especially during Alma's petty melodramatic moments.
- Molly was unofficially adopted by Alma as a kitten, hence the lack of collar (she can't resist cute things shhh).
- Between saving a limb and a book, it will most definitely be the latter.

Uhh, I was hoping to put out more info but I'm still working on her. Soo that's it for now!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 07:29:39 AM by Kizzy »
Fluent: :usa:
Should know but doesn't: , Visaya
Wants to know: :finland: :iceland:, Persian, Navajo
Forgot: :spain: :france:

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2274 on: June 14, 2015, 02:11:53 PM »
All of these wonderful inserts compelled me to make my own, even if I don't have time...Also, excuse the lamely drawn cat.

- Between saving a limb and a book, it will most definitely be the latter.
That's not lame at all, that's amazing!
I love that cat's expression.
Also, that last point is absolutely true.


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2275 on: June 14, 2015, 02:35:52 PM »
All of these wonderful inserts compelled me to make my own, even if I don't have time...Also, excuse the lamely drawn cat.

Name: Alma
Age: ...23
Nationality: ...Swedish (acquired citizenship)
Area of Birth: ... (idk)
Languages: ...:sweden:, muddling :finland:, trudging through :iceland:
Immune: ...Yes
Occupation: ...Academic/Skald

- Alma was born to immigrant parents (haven't decided yet).
- A family friend had to pull some strings to get her into the military.
- Alma is socially anxious and extremely reserved. She also hates being touched and scrutinized by strangers.
- But if she does know and like you be prepare to be swarmed with hugs and glomps.
- Alma can however, engage in conversations when the right buttons are pushed (beware though, she does go on a tangent and spout a lot of unrelated nonsense).
- Her pet cat, Molly, is sarcastic and the sane man (ha!) of the duo, especially during Alma's petty melodramatic moments.
- Molly was unofficially adopted by Alma as a kitten, hence the lack of collar (she can't resist cute things shhh).
- Between saving a limb and a book, it will most definitely be the latter.

Uhh, I was hoping to put out more info but I'm still working on her. Soo that's it for now!

I love the colors of your cat wth
Also, awesome 'sona! :D
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2276 on: June 14, 2015, 03:56:31 PM »
Ok, during a small trip to the coast with my family i started thinking about the Bohus-kust dialect. And i figured that it would be kind of funny if Iina had a very broad one, in contrast to the Dalarna dialect probably spoken in the rest of Sweden by Y90. In search for justification of that dialect, i started looking at the map of the known world and realised that it was plausible. So i wrote a thing.

Spoiler: show
While im not sure i its actually confirmed what month the cataclysm takes place in, its raining in the first parts of the prolouge and then snowing by day 9 (pg. 36). Therefore i can assume that it´s around December, maybe November. Because of that, there was probably no tourists at the west coast at all. There are also no permanent residents on Väderöarna. However, on the largest of them, Storön (wich will be the one im talking about mostly) there are several summer houses and even a inn.

We know that people were getting paranoid. Therefore, my guess is that some local families, let's say five, packed their boats (probably sailboats in order to not having to worry about fuel) with supplies and fled to Storön in hopes of getting away from the Rash. There was probably a lot of suspicion towards the other families on the island if they may have the illness, but since they were all from more isolated fishing communities (hereby the dialect) none of them actually had it.

Then, they did their best to survive. After the first suspicion about the others carrying the Rash faded, they decided to all move into the inn in order to try and keep the warmth, looting the other houses on supplies. Living on fish, crabs and seaweed/wrack(im not entirely sure of the english word for it, its called blåstång in swedish).
Maybe the kids had friends they managed to contact via telephone (im unsure about the internet connection) only to hear how society was collapsing, and the horror stories of the dead turning into zombies. Eventually their calls were no longer answered at all. Then the electricity dissapeared.

And then, during a fishing trip, they noticed that what appeared to be a seal turned out to have worms crawling in it's eyes, flesh seeming to be rotting of its body. They were a lot more careful when fishing ater that. (They didn't even know how fortunate they were. That the water was to cold for the beasts to turn into trolls)

 Also very fortuneatly, the families had two cats with them. A male and a female. They noticed if beasts were nearby. After the local rodent population started turning into vermin beasts, the cats were kept out of reach, fed from afar with slices of fish. But after maybe a month of chasing and eating the small beasts, the cats were still as healthy as ever. They simply did not get sick. After the people realised that, the cats were taken in again, getting pampered and bred a litteer of kittens. After the kittens grew, there was always a cat on board when fishing, acting as a warning alarm or beasts.

After a while, life on Storön grew a routine. There was always the fear of getting bitten by a vermin beast or attacked at sea, but they had the cats, and the sea beasts were too clumsy on land. Since noone else was fishing anymore, the fish population grew. Someone found a bag of potatoes in a cupboard and planted them on the small slice of soil that they had. They had to make due with some things they didn't have a lot of (like toilet paper. and tampons. dear god why) but they managed. The inn was the best place to live, especially in the winters, so they got used to living cramped up and eventually learned how to get along with as little fighting as possible. (The dialect grew)

After years of living isolated, maybe even decades, they finally made contact with other people. It was an accident, an icelandic ship on its way to Bornholm met one of their sailboats. After the initial confusion, there was a lot of relief of not being alone in the world. Finally they got some information about what the other communities had found out about the illness. Väderöarna still remained mostly isolated, but was put on the maps of the known world, and sometimes traders came from iceland, norway or denmark. Because of this, they finally managed to trade some guns and other things that they very much needed. They almost never got in contact with the rest of sweden though. As iceland and norway began believing in the old gods, they mostly remained agnostic atheism, but religion deveoped into a frequently discussed subject on the island.

I know that this thing itself might be better fit for another thread (does anyone know wich one?), but after figuring this out, i realised that my bio for Iina didn't really make sense, so based on this i wrote a much more extensive bio and tried to fit what i previously wrote into something a bit more coherent.

Spoiler: show
 Iinas parents met in Mora, her mother from Saimaa and her father from Väderöarna, both them seeking better education. After a couple of years however, they married and decided to move back to Storön. Iina has lived her entire life on the island, only growing up with her parent's tales of different places. There is obviously no school on Väderöarna, but all of the families there still live in the same house and take turns on educating the children necessary things like fishing, reading, boat manouvering, icelandic, first aid and potato farming. Iina always wanted to learn finnish too, but fishing and supporting the family has always been more important, especially since she's immune. When she also started seeing spirits and her mother realised that she was a mage, runos and Kalevala bekame even more important than the language. As a result of this, she knows a lot of words in finnish, but the grammar is very hard and completely different, so shes not able to hold a conersation unless the other personn speaks very slowly, and often having to accompany her own words with bits of gestures and stuff.

They only have a limited amount of books on Väderöarna, some off them old worldly farytales (although they have had to sell some of them to buy stuff), and Iina have read through them all multiple times. The prospect of *new books* is something rare and exiting, and she would gladly plow through even the most boring ones scince she have never ever read this before how cool is that?!?.

Always being in slight danger of beast attacks has fortuneately not made her scared of life, but rather a bit of an adrenaline junkie. She loves going fast, and the feeling of saltwater splashing over her (at least in the summer she does). She is pretty good at handling beasts, but sometimes takes unnecessary dangerw with them just for the heck of it.

Living cramped up in the same house as a number of other families has lead to a couple of things. She is good at adapting and accepting peoples social flaws, and almost always works her way to a solution with the other person instead of getting angry. in the house they often rely on eachother and can't afford to hold grudges, and always talk immediately if someone upsets another and try to work it out as quickly as possible. (If other people don't do the same with her she is very confused and a bit hurt). Related to that, she is very optimistic, simply because a negative attitude would drag down everyones spirits and make them less productive and more prone to mistakes, wich would be dangerous and possibly life threatening.

No matter how much she has adapted to living with other people, she sometimes needs some time alone. The cliffs are perfect for that, and she can often just sit on top of one for an hour, just gazing out over the waters and not thinking. It's what they would call meditative in the old world.

Another thing she has developed is a love for bantering. This is something that her ancestors in Y0 also did, and is also something that helps against fighting, simply because she's very hard to insult. Whenever traders come over, comments about "godless swedes" and other even more offensive things are taken with a big laugh and an equally insulting jab back. This could seem rude someone else (and seemed very rude to her mother when she first moved here) but is actually their idea of bonding.

While well adapted to life on Storön, she will have a bit of a hard time interacting with people that she actually haven't knownn all of her life. Her mother has sometimes spoken a bit about different social norms where she is from, wich means that Iina will not really go around and insulting new people like she does with the ones she knows, but she is unsure how to act around them and will be kind of hurt when they're neither adapting to her flaws nor even calling her out on it in order to talk it out, instead just being mad at her. Insults will in most cases be seen as invitations to banter instead of attempts to hurt her feelings, wich may confuse others and hopefully make her a bit more likable to them than they initially thought. 

Well, i think i managed to get everything in there, and i hope this makes her personality a bit clearer! I also hope people manage to read though all of this

Edit: im tired and I just realised that I didn't proofread this at all, so please tell me if there is something in there that doesn't make sense. Also I only have Swedish spellsheck on my computer and the red lines made it annoying to check closely so please excuse me if there are a lot of typos
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 04:30:11 PM by Petronella »
Native language: :sweden:
Fluent(p. much at least): :uk:
Learning: :finland: :spain:


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2277 on: June 14, 2015, 04:31:32 PM »
Fine, I couldn't resist any longer, so I finally fell for the self-inserts temptation. Here it goes.

Lisbeth Johannsen

Age: ……..25
Nationality: ……..Dane
Area of birth: ……..Ronne
Gender: ……..Female
Immunity: ……..Yes
Profession: ……..Mechanic
Languages: :denmark:, understands :norway: and :sweden:, mumbles :iceland:

Lisbeth is the firstborn of a numerous family, as her parents continuously insisted in remembering her. Little Lisbeth showed early interest in drawing, design and finding out how things work, and her grandmother encouraged her manual skills since childhood, specially sewing. She even inherited her a pile of old dusty fashion magazines that made Lis drool in admiration and desire. She dreamt of becoming the best designer of the known world, especially fashion, but her parents were horrified and refused to even hear about it. Their eldest had to study a respectable career, not become a seamstress! How would they ask the rest of their ten children to become academics and doctors if the eldest got away with doing whatever she wanted?

So Lis made studies to become a mechanical engineer and she’s been serving as one in Ronne's military base, with the mechanic’s squad, ever since. She’s very competent at it, and is always looking for books on Mechanics to improve herself, but she still dreams of retiring someday and do what she always wanted… make dreamy dresses. She still draws them in her spare time, but never shows. Lisbeth is quiet and shy around people she doesn’t know, but once she gets comfortable around someone, she can show off a great black humor and a foul language that would make a sailor blush.
Iguana with issues
Speaks: :chile:('cause that sh*t ain't :spain: XD); :usa:


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2278 on: June 14, 2015, 04:38:25 PM »
Fine, I couldn't resist any longer, so I finally fell for the self-inserts temptation. Here it goes.

Lisbeth Johannsen

Age: ……..25
Nationality: ……..Dane
Area of birth: ……..Ronne
Gender: ……..Female
Immunity: ……..Yes
Profession: ……..Mechanic
Languages: :denmark:, understands :norway: and :sweden:, mumbles :iceland:

Lisbeth is the firstborn of a numerous family, as her parents continuously insisted in remembering her. Little Lisbeth showed early interest in drawing, design and finding out how things work, and her grandmother encouraged her manual skills since childhood, specially sewing. She even inherited her a pile of old dusty fashion magazines that made Lis drool in admiration and desire. She dreamt of becoming the best designer of the known world, especially fashion, but her parents were horrified and refused to even hear about it. Their eldest had to study a respectable career, not become a seamstress! How would they ask the rest of their ten children to become academics and doctors if the eldest got away with doing whatever she wanted?

So Lis made studies to become a mechanical engineer and she’s been serving as one in Ronne's military base, with the mechanic’s squad, ever since. She’s very competent at it, and is always looking for books on Mechanics to improve herself, but she still dreams of retiring someday and do what she always wanted… make dreamy dresses. She still draws them in her spare time, but never shows. Lisbeth is quiet and shy around people she doesn’t know, but once she gets comfortable around someone, she can show off a great black humor and a foul language that would make a sailor blush.

Yesss another self-insert, awesome! *looks nationality* Hey, high five for beiging Danish! *high fives you*
I am floating away, lost in a silent ballet.
     - Adam Young

:spain: :uk:
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2279 on: June 14, 2015, 04:44:30 PM »
Yesss another self-insert, awesome! *looks nationality* Hey, high five for beiging Danish! *high fives you*

Wohoo! Denmark rocks! *high five*
Iguana with issues
Speaks: :chile:('cause that sh*t ain't :spain: XD); :usa: