Well, I do believe this is my first time posting in the forum (even though I've been lurking since it began... :/) and I am ready to show my debut fanart
And it's a troll, even though I don't like gooey monsters...But it was actually fun to draw. What has Minna done to me?!
lol Now, that you mention it, it *is* the standard face of the not-so-morning people. That expression...
...and that denture...
Just like the one that landed on Emil's head...
One would think, that fans throw flowers, confetti, or, in some cases, a bra or two, but it's year 90, and now I strongly suspect that window-lurker.
(Also, when you posted those drawings, I didn't have any sensible to say besides "WOW", but Sigrid-Marie (especially that Sigrun in the middle, with the backpack) and Riona: big, resonating "WOWs" to both of you.)