*ahem* (is now totally composed and is not freaking out over how cool everything is…… erm, no, this is actually a total lie but whatever!)
Ammerynth and
Caliopygous I love the animations, Emil hair and Sigrun smile are two of my most favouritest things and kudos to you both for doing the scary animation thing
Haiz - everything, just everything. How many times is is acceptable to use the word amazing to describe something before people start thinking you're crazy?
Daéa Reina - I feel like a bad geeky person for not having watched much startreck, but I like the pictures very much ^_^ everyone is so adorable and spot on and Sigrun totally rocks that!
RealRedCloudYT - Your style is so cute
It definitely suits how adorable the characters are!
Teresa - Much love for the Emil scarf! It may have been a pain to draw, but wow does it look 3D ^_^ Emil looks so sleepy and huggable!
mad robin - Such a beautiful Sigrun! She looks so serene here - maybe I should try knife sharpening as a way of relaxing
Unlos - She is spilling drinks - bad Sigrun!!!! Also, I think I'm going to imagine that they're actually singing drinking songs in the picture because why not
Eriaror - Welcome creator of beautiful Lalli fanarts
That's a great start to your forum life and no doubt! I like how floofy the trim of the coat looks ^_^
taivonpoika - Melts because smiling content Lalli is lovely, and the picture is just so mega pretty
zetkaj - Wait, this beautiful stuff existed without me knowing on tumblr? Gyargh, that almost makes me want to go tumblr which is saying
so much because I have avoided that website like the plague for fear of spending too much time there >"< Your works are phenomenal, and each picture is wonderful and so distinct from each other as well (although I think maybe the Sigrun creepy one is my favourite).