I don't really think that anyone's ever gone quite this indepth into the world collapsing under the weight of the Rash, so you shouldn't be going against any popular-held beliefs—yet. But anyhow, more theories and what-not are welcomed.
There are a few minor criticisms I have with the military and what not, but they're kind of nit-picky. Hell, I'll just say 'em anyways.
T Plus 7 Days - I really don't think that veterans would reenlist, unless it was immediately necessary for the survival of America. IMHO, no one would really join-up again, everyone has families to look after and what not. My brother who got out of the US Army a month back said that he pretty much wouldn't reenlist no matter what. He didn't really have it that bad in the military anyhow. Oh, and MOPP suits. The US military should have enough, though we've never had to deploy CBRN gear enmasse before. I'd say that the US should, if the military kept its giant stockpile of Hazmat/MOPP gear from the Cold War. I mean, we were basically prepared for all-out nuclear warfare, in addition to some chemical/biological warfare on the side too.
T Plus 60 Days - I'd say that the military would just bury the coma victims in mass graves. It's certainly not humane or anything like that, but these are dire circumstances. I'd imagine that they'd want to conserve petrol, with the apocalypse and all that. The psychological cost of doing so in such a seemly efficient and logical manner is a different story.
Somewhat related—I'm doing a story on some US soldiers trying to survive the apocalypse, whilst maintaining cohesion as a unit. It'll basically explore some variations of PTSD and the theme will be hope—or rather, the lack of it.