Author Topic: The Webcomics Discussion  (Read 85028 times)


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #270 on: October 24, 2018, 11:41:31 AM »

Broken is amazing.
It's magic zombie fiction that tackles PTSD, mental issues, ethics, and has gorgeous art and animation. Read it now.
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« Reply #271 on: September 11, 2019, 05:26:10 AM »
Hey, folks! :D Everybody here loves Minna's stuff- it's such an inspiration!! I'd like to share one of my top personal favorites that I've fallen in love with!

The comic is called Yokoka's Quest, you can read some 500+ pages free online, and the series is trying to get its very first book funded on Kickstarter! 💪

It would be awesome if anyone who's interested could check it out, share the word, and/or pledge to buy the book! Minna has been a huge inspiration to Chris, the creator of Yokoka's Quest, and has been following Minna's work since like, 2005!

You can take a look at the campaign HERE!

Just look at how cute this art is, it's amazing!! Here are some of my favorite pages! 😊


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« Reply #272 on: September 12, 2019, 03:35:35 PM »
Hmmmmm... Seems interesting... A binge read surely is in order

Edit: you saw nothing!
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« Reply #273 on: September 17, 2019, 06:57:02 PM »
This thread will be merged into the general webcomics discussion, thanks.
(I'm also intrigued how Chris knew Minna in 2005, did they go to school together?)
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #274 on: September 26, 2019, 02:22:29 AM »
This thread will be merged into the general webcomics discussion, thanks.
(I'm also intrigued how Chris knew Minna in 2005, did they go to school together?)

Oh no, Chris has just followed Mina on deviantart for some 14 years!  :'D It's not a personal irl thing, sorry if that was confusing.

Btw the Kickstarter has just one day left to fund!! If anybody wants to check it out but is daunted by the idea of investing in a 500+ page comic right away, here's a video I made of what makes Yokoka's Quest great!! >u</


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #275 on: September 26, 2019, 04:29:07 AM »
Btw the Kickstarter has just one day left to fund!! If anybody wants to check it out but is daunted by the idea of investing in a 500+ page comic right away, here's a video I made of what makes Yokoka's Quest great!! >u</

Comics with less than 500 pages are not worth investing in.

I'd check Yokoka's Quest out, but I have way too many comics on my to-read list, sorry.


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #276 on: September 26, 2019, 04:57:49 AM »
That's an absolutely adorable comic, I know several people that would love to read it :3 I can't really invest anything myself, but I'll share it around<3

And like RanVor says, yeah, most comics with less pages aren't worth investing in, unless they're completed.
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #277 on: September 27, 2019, 02:12:35 PM »
I pretty much only keep up with SSSS and one other comic these days, and that's Never Satisfied. It's a part of Hiveworks, like SSSS! And it has teenagers with magic animal companions, like SSSS! ...That's about all the two have in common. It's really cool though! The main storyline is just kicking into high gear, plus there's a pretty substantial backlog to read through, so I highly recommend checking it out if you like cool webcomics with good art. :D

...There's one other webcomic I read recently, about a skier who befriends a fire spirit and they explore a fairy castle together, with gorgeous artwork and some animated panels. If only I could remember the name... anybody know what it's called?


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #278 on: September 28, 2019, 05:14:56 AM »
I second the recommendation on Never Satisfied, one of my favorite webcomics currently.
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #279 on: October 12, 2019, 05:11:40 PM »
Okay, so first, some explanation regarding why I'm even writing this. I have updated my webcomic ranking yesterday, and a certain comic I've discovered some time ago wound up on the fifth place. I've read through the entire thread and nobody mentioned it so far, so I assume it's relatively unknown. I'm very excited about it and my brain keeps pressing me to talk about it, which kinda sucks. If you decide to check it out, keep in mind that I'm known to have a crappy taste and things I love with my whole being aren't necessarily that good. Ultimately, the purpose of this post is to satisfy my urge to talk and preserve my sanity. Feel free to ignore it.

The comic I want to talk about is called Blonde Sunrise and is ostensibly about werewolves. The plot is as follows: the city of whatever-its-name-is (not important) serves as a base of operations for hunters - people tasked with eliminating all kinds of monsters threatening humanity. One of such threats are lycans (basically werewolves). One night, the protagonist, a young hunter, meets a girl who turns out to be a lycan while wandering the city. He decides to track her but gets outsmarted and turned into a semi-lycan servant. From that point onward, he leads a double life, trying to put up with the whims of his new mistress while avoiding getting discovered by the hunters. In the process, he learns the truth about lycans and has to decide where his loyalties lie.

Don't get fooled by the initial premise, it's actually a mystery comic. (Well, not really, but there sure is a hell of a lot of mystery going on.)

The art in Blonde Sunrise is okay-ish (some panels are really pretty, but most are average), the character writing is adequate and the worldbuilding is alright, but nothing special. The real strength of the comic is its plot - or rather, subplots. Many, many sprawling subplots with a lot of twists and turns. Every reveal poses more questions than answers. Nearly every character has an extensive backstory, and as it slowly gets unveiled, their motives become more and more unclear. Things are rarely what they appear to be at first glance. And honestly, at this point, I'm pretty sure it's just the tip of the iceberg. The story has a bit of a slow start, but it begins to pick up the pace during the hunter ball, when the majority of the cast from the hunter side gets introduced (around 200 pages in), and rarely slows down after that.

Some example subplots (with minimal spoilers, but I'm gonna spoiler it out anyway) include:
Spoiler: show
- the case of the Bloody Demon, which turns out to have increasingly far-reaching consequences every 50 or so pages;

Spoiler: show
- the case of the berserk lycan, which gets introduced at the very beginning, then gets forgotten about for a bit, then resurfaces again and quickly turns out to be much, much more than meets an eye;

Spoiler: show
- the mysterious woman with a connection to the protagonist, who seems to have an entire religion centered around her;

Spoiler: show
- everything about Vince;

...and many more.

And that would be it. Feel free to ignore my ramblings, but if you decide to give Blonde Sunrise a chance, you can always message me to tell me I'm full of !@#$ and unfit to judge webcomics.

Have the most best day, ye who have wasted your time reading my post!

Grade E cat

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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #280 on: October 13, 2019, 03:40:56 AM »
Your tastes can't be that bad if you're here. Otherwise, I can relate to feeling unfit to criticize media. In fantasy settings, I'm much more interested in how the fantasy elements impact the average citizen's life and what happens in the downtime between the "kicking magical ass" moments than in the "kicking magical ass" moments themselves, and those can be quite pleasant to read in the hands of a good writer who also likes writing them. However, it seems like quite a few fantasy fans want the story to get to the "kicking magical ass" part as fast as possible and consider everything else "boring", so I'm currently a super-fan of two series that get negative criticism for spending too much time on their "slice of life" portions.
When it comes to screen-based media, the fact that I also seem to be able to ignore bad acting as long as the story draws me in doesn't help either.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 03:47:59 AM by Grade E cat »
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #281 on: October 13, 2019, 04:06:39 AM »
Your tastes can't be that bad if you're here. Otherwise, I can relate to feeling unfit to criticize media. In fantasy settings, I'm much more interested in how the fantasy elements impact the average citizen's life and what happens in the downtime between the "kicking magical ass" moments than in the "kicking magical ass" moments themselves, and those can be quite pleasant to read in the hands of a good writer who also likes writing them. However, it seems like quite a few fantasy fans want the story to get to the "kicking magical ass" part as fast as possible and consider everything else "boring", so I'm currently a super-fan of two series that get negative criticism for spending too much time on their "slice of life" portions.

If you're not averse to politics, worldbuilding, character development and moral ambiguity, I might have something just for you. It's not a webcomic, though, so I don't want to clutter the thread with it.


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #282 on: October 13, 2019, 06:37:57 AM »
Looks interesting, RanVor, but I already read two webcomics and purely haven’t time for a third. However, I passed the rec on to my husband, who has more time than do I for such activities, and he is going to have a look at it.
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #283 on: October 16, 2019, 01:56:19 AM »
I'm not sure what all happened and won't speculate to avoid spreading any rumors that may or may not be true, but it looks like Erfworld is done for good.

The full comic can be found Here
« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 01:58:14 AM by Solokov »
I'm a writer too,
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A. P. Barratt

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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #284 on: October 16, 2019, 05:37:52 AM »
Hello all,

So I've been putting off sharing this because I keep thinking I need to have made more pages before sharing, but if I keep putting it off I'll never share it!

Stand Still Stay Silent ignited a spark in me, the idea of a regional comic that was magickal, I've been reading since 2014 but it took until Halloween of 2018 for that spark to turn into a flame, I was driving home from Wales to Scotland and SSSS was in my mind as I was thinking about how much I loved learning about all these different Nordic legends and folklore when this character just walked into my head.  A witch named Morag, and her story just started to unfold, one in which she encounters all the legends and folklore of Scotland.

Once I got home I sketched her out and then all the other characters and creatures in her life.  A month later I had written a script for the first adventure and I've been trying to improve my drawing and comic skills ever since.  Nearly a year later, approaching Halloween 2019 I've started to publish pages.  It's still very early days and I'm still learning, but I'd be honoured if other SSSS readers would find time to look at my comic.

I appreciate some of you have comics in your list already, but it's only 5 pages so far and my release cycle in these early days is only twice a week.

You can find it on Tapas by following this link:

Sorry for the long-winded post, I'm still learning how to talk about this thing :)


I've been reading SSSS since I think about 2014, it actually inspired me to get into creating comics myself but I've only just started publishing one of my own properly online at