I'm currently not learning any new ones, even though I've got a mild interest in acquainting myself better with Russian. I sort of read it, but not on any usable level.
Being a Finn, the only way to communicate with the outside world is to learn other, non-Fenno-Ugric languages XD We start our first (Usually English, but sometimes Swedish or German) between 7-9 years of age, a voluntary second at around 10-11 and a compulsory third (this is Swedish unless it was one of your previous choices) at 13. You can even pick a fourth at 14, and if you attend Lukio, our version of Upper Secondary (ages 16-19), you can pick as many new languages as are available if you're nuts.
And it doesn't end there - you're encouraged to pick a new one up in University if you have the knack for it, there's a specified unit in each University that teaches languages to students and teachers. (The classes are also available for non-students for a modest price.)
So yeah, rambles! My history is English at 9, German at 11, Swedish at 13, French at 18 (self studies until a couple of classes at the University), Italian at the Uni at 19. I read reasonably well in French and Italian, and can write things if given time and a dictionary, but my spoken skills are very tourist-y. Still, I have survived three weeks in Italian countryside on a summer class a couple of years ago
I had to learn the last two anyway, because there was a time in my life I did a Master's degree in Opera Singing (go figure, ugh), and that explains my rudimentary Russian skills as well.
My skills in the other three foreign languages I consider fluent, although English much more so than German and Swedish - but they both are a big part of my life. I've read books in Swedish since I was maybe 14-15 (it's a really easy language to pick up!!). There have been times when I've spoken primarily Swedish with my best friend at the time, or primarily German when I lived there, but English was always my first big love
I even did a year of English Literature and Linguistics at the University before my unfortunate music studies.
English is currently my home language as well after I moved in together with my Welsh boyfriend. I also get unreasonably miffed when people obstinately cling to their wrong ideas of pronunciation. XD I'm something of a language police, though not as much so as I was when I was younger. XD Mainly because it's more fun to just communicate, really.