Hello everyone, pleased to meet y'all! Name's Mika, your common Swede. Currently studying bartending, and will soon move on to baking and cooking. My interests include staring at the computer screen all day long, games, Homestuck, SSSS, Prague Race, Gunnerkrigg Court, Steven Universe, animus with strange plots and makeup. I'm a cosplayer who mainly aims to excel in makeup, and when I'm not cosplaying at conventions, I lecture about Racism and Fatfobia within the cosplay community.
Yours truly is a genderfluid autistic/adhd greyaro ace polyamorous nerd, which puts me straight in the 'special snowflake' category some people tend to dislike. I do love talking, because living alone with two cats doesn't give me much opportunity to discuss with people. Cats may be lovely, but not the best people to discuss things with.
Future plans include world domination, a steady job, a goat as a pet and to cosplay as Lalli this winter.