Author Topic: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue  (Read 15743 times)


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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2022, 01:29:53 PM »
One of the things I noticed that fits the "prompt of the week"
Askel Eide is envisioning his grandma in tatters, patches on the drapes, No lights, no glass in the windows, and an old timey TV.
Kitty from hell scratching her

When she answers the phone, you see
Her feet are up, she looks sooo cozy, with kitty sitting on her lap, hot tea (or coffee, or maybe a toddy??). Flowers, book and a flat screen TV. 

Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we never know which one is which until we've loved them, left them, or fought them.

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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2022, 02:47:23 PM »

When she answers the phone, you see
Her feet are up, she looks sooo cozy, with kitty sitting on her lap, hot tea (or coffee, or maybe a toddy??). Flowers, book and a flat screen TV.

I guess it's coffee. She tells Aksel she will "get up and make herself some coffee" if she falls down. So I figure she likes coffee.
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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2022, 06:43:46 PM »
One of the things I noticed that fits the "prompt of the week"
Askel Eide is envisioning his grandma in tatters, patches on the drapes, No lights, no glass in the windows, and an old timey TV.
Kitty from hell scratching her

When she answers the phone, you see
Her feet are up, she looks sooo cozy, with kitty sitting on her lap, hot tea (or coffee, or maybe a toddy??). Flowers, book and a flat screen TV.
Yes, it's a funny coincidence! :D And so I decided to put them together so we can better enjoy it.

I guess it's coffee. She tells Aksel she will "get up and make herself some coffee" if she falls down. So I figure she likes coffee.
Agreed! Coffee wins!!! Now excuse me but I have to make some for myself...
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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2022, 07:26:34 PM »
Thank you Grey, it is awesome.  So much easier to see.
Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we never know which one is which until we've loved them, left them, or fought them.

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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2022, 11:40:24 PM »
Ha, I was indeed thinking about grandma when I proposed the prompt. Now that the pics are side by side, I am amused that:

Grandma' has several vases of flowers. Gifts from admirers, or the product of her own garden?

Apparently, the "good" version of her life includes an Ikea chair, but the "bad' one takes it away.

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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2022, 02:07:39 AM »
Back when the page was up, I noticed the devil-cat drawing blood from grandma's skirt where there are no legs underneath.
Only now do I notice the two mice/rats, out in the open at arm's length.

That cat is possessed, I'm just not sure by whom. :D
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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2022, 03:06:00 AM »
I also noticed the rats only this time around, despite the prologue being perhaps the section I’ve pored over the most because of writing. It also amuses me how her technology is old in the bad vision and modern in the real one :)
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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2022, 08:28:59 AM »
I'm also in the I-just-noticed-the-rats team! :)

BTW I also didn't notice the water under the heater until now!

I love all the small details on these pics! Notice how grandma has an old phone with spiderwebs over it. Seems that no one calls her, not even her favorite grandson...
Also the soft glow along the screen of her flat TV, or the difference in her clothes, or the sense of decay on the first image (cracked walls, dead plants/flowers, riped curtains, water leaking under the heater... even the rug is folded, waiting to make grandma trip.). So much attention to detail!

@JoB , I thought it was Minna's way to show the damage the cat was doing, but I like your version better! :)

Page 4: Here we see Minna breaking the traditional separation between panels and background. The first panel has no boundaries, and the steam from their mugs flows away from the page. It's a nice touch.
We also learn a bit about the "rash illness", that seems to spread around the Mediterranean, mostly on the African side. I remember thinking that it sounded a bit bad, possibly implying that refugees could be bringing it with them.

I'm not sure that it was a fat joke, @Jitter . Minna could be again playing with the perception-reality topic, because there was (and still is) some discussion among designers over the icons we use to represent children, preganant women, elder persons, etc... It's related with the way these are pictured (many elders are not curved over a walking stick) or the implications of context/cultural differences. (why the bathroom sign has a woman with a skirt? How that works in, for example, an arab country where men also use open, long clothes?). So either Goran couldn't read the "pregnant woman" logo, or Minna, through him, would be joking with this kind of perception issue. At least is how I read it.

Here, in the fourth panel, we also see the first use of Minna's amazing ability to make cross-sections. It's nicely done, showing the thick double glassing and the triple wall, and makes me wonder if she had any connections with someone from architecture and/or engineering. Or maybe she's just very observant and tried to study the topic.

Page 5: The first appearance of the umbrella! :) And the first disapearance of the umbrella! :D
So many details here too! On the first panel Aksel is already gone, and Goran and Ingrid appear with less definition and colour. Then the way the lines that represent rain become more inclined in the fourth panel, showing the strenght of the wind that breaks the umbrella. Very well done.
And that look of surprise on Gunnaar's face when Aksel orders "one grandmother"? So nice! At this last panel we see, again, the absence of boundaries, which, in hindsight, can be understood as a composition with the previous page, showing how Minna was already thinking in a book format.
As others pointed there's a strong resemblance in the colour scheme with ARTD. I supposed she felt safe using it in the beginning.

Page 6: This one has some alternance on distance, showing us the "ugly" boat, and the real grandma house that we already talked about. It keeps the "panel that has no boundaries and becomes background" scheme and introduces Minna's amazing ability to draw water, that we would enjoy many more times.

Page 7: The most interesting part to me is the difference between speech bubbles, with the irregular ones used to imply the slight distortion of the phone call. And the lovely cat!  <3 And the joke with the boat ugliness. :)
And of course we have Aksel's wave, that made me jump to the next page to see if he had survived...

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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2022, 09:02:50 AM »
Grey, your analyses are awesome!

One thing I would like to note about Aksel: his assuming-agreement thing with Gunnar makes me think of Reynir, who also sometimes hears what he wants to hear. Although I guess Sigrun can be ditsy too. ("Did I say that? That doesn't sound like me.")
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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2022, 09:48:14 AM »
Grey, I’d love to interpret it like that but considering how ARtD is absolutely rife with far jokes, I’m finding it hard to believe. Even if the gist of the joke is that Gøran is silly for not understanding the pictogram, it’s not exactly an appropriate joke.

As comes to the Rash being spread by refugees, I’m afraid we’ll see A LOT discussion about that. Or actually I don’t know if it took place on the comic comment section (meaning, I don’t know if we’ll actually see it via the reread), but it’s been debated a lot. Probably also in the LP thread more recently, when also the Emil Incident was brought up. I’m not going to consider whether or not this was intentional, but maaaayyyybe it could have been better if it was done some other way. At least no character ever addresses it in terms of “those people” coming “here” and bringing disease.

Btw I think the water in the floor under Grandma’s window is from the vase that has toppled on the windowsill? Sort of poor granny being unable to take care of even small domestic tasks. But of course a broken heater would be a lot worse even. I wonder whose photo she’s looking at in Aksel’s mind? Her favorite grandson?
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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2022, 10:05:00 AM »
I also noticed the rats only this time around, despite the prologue being perhaps the section I’ve pored over the most because of writing. It also amuses me how her technology is old in the bad vision and modern in the real one :)

I did not notice the rats until they were brought up.  Though they look "cute"

Rats (even lab and pet rats Are not cute :P)

When I found the comic they were well into Denmark, so I zipped through the pages.  A lot of these lovely details went by me.  So it is really great to see in a new light.  Plus people's comments draw me to thing I have missed.
Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we never know which one is which until we've loved them, left them, or fought them.

~ Gregory David Roberts


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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2022, 10:28:39 AM »
As comes to the Rash being spread by refugees, I’m afraid we’ll see A LOT discussion about that. Or actually I don’t know if it took place on the comic comment section (meaning, I don’t know if we’ll actually see it via the reread), but it’s been debated a lot. Probably also in the LP thread more recently, when also the Emil Incident was brought up. I’m not going to consider whether or not this was intentional, but maaaayyyybe it could have been better if it was done some other way. At least no character ever addresses it in terms of “those people” coming “here” and bringing disease.

I figure the newspaper articles are examples of the Unreliable Narrator.  No matter how ferociously contagious the Rash was, there's just no way it could have overwhelmed the world in 40 days (page 47) or even three months (page 48) if it came from that small group of refugees.  It had to have been seeded all over the world -- by whom or what is a fanfic question -- and, given its weakness to cold, it would have spread more easily the closer you got to the equator.

Btw I think the water in the floor under Grandma’s window is from the vase that has toppled on the windowsill? Sort of poor granny being unable to take care of even small domestic tasks. But of course a broken heater would be a lot worse even.

I thought the water was leaking in around the window.


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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2022, 11:48:12 AM »
I vote for a broken radiator, because that's more dire than a leaky window.

I would also like to add that Gunnar seems like an A+ guy. Why isn't he more popular. (I do like his fruit and booze priorities, those are the major food-groups!)
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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2022, 12:45:16 PM »
Also the soft glow along the screen of her flat TV
... which indicates that either there's a lot of dust particles in the air, or we're talking about lethal levels of nuclear radiation ...

It's related with the way these are pictured (many elders are not curved over a walking stick) or the implications of context/cultural differences. (why the bathroom sign has a woman with a skirt? How that works in, for example, an arab country where men also use open, long clothes?).
Continue down that road and we'll get stick figures with and without beard (as the other biological differences being shown usually collides with decency laws) ...

As comes to the Rash being spread by refugees, I’m afraid we’ll see A LOT discussion about that. Or actually I don’t know if it took place on the comic comment section (meaning, I don’t know if we’ll actually see it via the reread)
Where else? The pages are from Nov-2013, the forum didn't start until Sep-2014.

I vote for a broken radiator, because that's more dire than a leaky window.
I vote leaky feline, then. 8)
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Re: The End of the World As We Know It - A1 Prologue
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2022, 12:58:43 PM »
I mean, a leaky cat is just unpleasant. A broken radiator can be deadly when cold weather hits, especially for an old person.

Can I just add that I would never have guessed that Aksel would end up with Sigrun Sr. She really does seem like a bit of an ass. Maybe she's great at cooking, or something.
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