It was a large room, a room in a palace grown to be a prison in all but name. A bright fire crackled on the hearth at one end, the firelight danced on the walls, the dusk drew on, and a girl looked out of the window at the whirling snowflakes. And then the murders began.
CHANTEMERLE: A ROMANCE OF THE VENDEAN WAR, D. K. Broster AND G. W. Taylor"'Ho, ho, vacation days are here,
We welcome them with right good cheer;
In wisdom's halls we love to be,
But yet 'tis pleasant to be free,'"
warbled Tabitha Catt, pausing on the doorstep of her little desert home as she vigorously shook a dingy dusting cloth, and hungrily sniffed the fresh, sweet morning air, for, although the first week of June was already gone, the fierce heat of the summer had not yet descended upon Silver Bow, nestling in its cup-like hollow among the Nevada mountains.
And then the murders began.
TABITHA'S VACATION, Ruth Alberta BrownNote: I don't know about you, dear friends, but in both cases above I see the addition of "And then the murders began" as something that makes those books* look much more compelling
* both,
Chantemerle and
Tabitha's Vacation, are available at Project Gutenberg, BTW