Announcement: I would like to feature a compilation of a series of little portraits of individual or groups of characters from SSSS: crew, HQ, family, trolls, secondary characters, background characters, OCs, self-inserts, deities... what the hey, even the bears! I'm looking for face(s) or maybe head & shoulders miniportraits, any style. Ballpoint on lined paper, sketches, fully rendered, pixel, photo of a face drawn with markers on a ping-pong ball, chibis, macaroni collages... The only real limitation I pose is if you're doing an edit, do not use actual artwork from the comic as basis. I have put the call out on Discord already, but if you're feeling nostalgic for these characters, drop me a linkee on PM.
My target is to share with you all on Christmas Eve as the finale of this Calendar. (I know, kills the suspense, but I think you'll be pleased anyway.)