Tule talvi turvaksemme…………….Winter come protect us
Kasaa kinos kilveksemme………….Shield us with your snow
Tuhannesti tuiskuttele……………..Bring a thousand blizzards
Päällimmäksi pyryttele……………..Sprinkle snow everywhere
Kangista kylmällä kauhut………….Freeze fiends with your frost
Hirmut huurulla hajota……………..Destroy monsters with cold
Piä peikot pauloissasi………………Take the trolls under your thrall
Lumen alla luonnottomat………….Unnaturals under snow
Laske lapsesi levolle……………….Let your children have a rest
Väkesi vapaa-ajalle…………………Give free time to your people
Hulisimme huoletonna…………….We would rest carefree
Rentona reporankana………………We the tired would rest
Paukuttele pakkastasi………….…..Create us great colds
Levittele lumiasi…………………….Spread around your snows
Kylämme kotikulmilla ……………..Round the homesteads of our village
Sukumme syntysijoilla……………..Round the birthplace of our people
Jitter's Notes:
* Photo by Joona Kotilainen, CC.0 Public Domain,
https://kuviasuomesta.fi/ Yes, it’s Koli again.
* For ancient Finns, the winter was a grave danger that claimed many lives. While snow and ice were also useful, hard winters were feared rather than wished for. With the troll-stopping effect, I’m sure winter is much more welcome in the world of SSSS. This is a song, or a runo if sung by a mage, pleading for winter to come and let humans have a break.
* Translating this was a pain, English doesn’t have the required vocabulary for winter