Early on the third morning of the voyage, Oliver stands on deck, calmly singing
'Ic Iarla nam Bratach Bàna
'Ic Iarla nam Bratach Bàna
'Ic Iarla nam Bratach Bàna
Chunna' mi do long air sàile
Hi 'illean beag hó ill ó ro
Hi 'illean beag hó ill ó ro
Hù hoireann ó hu ó éileadh
Chunna' mi do long air sàile
Chunna' mi do long air sàile
Chunna' mi do long air sàile
Bha stiùir òir 's dà chrann airgid
Hi 'illean beag hó ill ó ro
Hi 'illean beag hó ill ó ro
Hù hoireann ó hu ó éileadh
Bha stiùir òir 's da chrann airgid
'S cupaill de shìoda na Gaillmhinn
'S cupaill de shìoda na Gaillmhinn
Sìoda reamhar ruadh na Spàinne
Sìoda reamhar ruadh na Spàinne
Cha b'ann an Glaschu a bha e
Cha b'ann an Glaschu a bha e
No 'n Dùn-Bheagan, 's beag o'n làr e
No 'n Dùn-Bheagan, 's beag o'n làr e
No 'n Dùn-Tuilm nam bratach bàna!
As the song comes to a close, he brings out a compass and aligns the zero on the wheel with the needle, giving him an angle between the sun and north. Using this angle to work out the time, he goes below to his cabin, returning with a box. As he opens the box, the magical sedation upon it's inhabitant is lifted, and a slightly dishevelled barn owl flies up onto his outsteched left arm, eating the meat proffered with the right.
"Right then, Baldrick, let's see how well the norse have steered us"
He launches the bird southward, and it flies off with gradually increasing grace till it passes out of sight entirely.
About two hours later, when the rest of the crew are up and about, Oliver is about to talk to Saga in the bridge when he hears a rapping on the porthole, coming from Baldick pecking at the window, a leather pouch in his beak.