That's a really cool, and (at least to me), accurate article, Yastreb.
I've been feeling guilty lately that this work-from-home, or, in my case, school-from-home, has lessened my stress and freed up my schedule and, well, made me a bit happier, while so many people across the globe are suffering. Generally I don't let other people's misfortune affect my happiness, but with this literal pandemic... how can you not? And with what it brought up about the Stalin quote and also individual stories, it's so true; when I hear people describe the deaths of their loved ones, or nurses talk about their experiences on the front lines, is when i feel most guilty that my life has gotten a bit better because of corona. But when all i hear is the death toll for that day, i can just ignore it, and go on enjoying my free time. It sounds like just a number, even though it represents so much hardship and sadness for all those people that died, and their families.
Anyway, maybe this should have gone on the thoughts and feelings Covid-19 thread. I guess I can also say that I feel so lucky to be healthy, and have a healthy family, and to have access to this Forum full of amazing people.