Author Topic: Characters You Most Relate To  (Read 5697 times)


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Re: Characters You Most Relate To
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2019, 06:20:54 AM »
I think there are some features in all the main characters that I share. Lot's of those features are same ones that I like about them, and that makes it easier to recognize it in them.

Emil is maybe least like me. The most Relatable Emil thing is his hilarious clumsiness, but I like to think I'm less often prone to stupid mistakes than he is. I do try to think ahead and keep my head calm even when things get intense.

With Reynir (and Tuuri) I share their adventurous spirit and the desire to see foreign places. I like to think I'd be smarter than Reynir about my chosen method of travelling. I also get this sense of contentment when I help people, but I'm less likely to offer assistance if I'm not asked about it.

Tuuri is a manipulative little *krhm*. So am I. Like her, I really try to only use that particular trait when I can do good things with it. We are both book nerds, but we express it differently.

Lalli was my favourite character back when I first started reading SSSS. We share nocturnal lifestyle, love for forests, need for alone time, social anxiety, love for cookies, and a strong preference for people we know and like (or have a reason to trust). I make friends easier than him and can blend in easily enough if I want to, but I do have this internal me-people barrier thing going on. I think I was very much like him when I was younger. I'm still weird like him. Oh and I don't deal well with making mistakes.

Mikkel is someone I admire and I'd really like to hang out with him. His sense of humour is absolutely golden, and I could see myself doing same sort of jokes if I weren't concerned about embarrassing others. I like to plan things in advance and share his ability to draw conclusions from different clues (and we both trust ourselves to be right even when we really don't understand the situation due to missing information). We also both have a range of different practical and theoretical skills.

Sigrun is me in a party mode. I love being loud and boisterous like her, but rather than being my basic setting it's something that takes energy and requires periods of rest from me. She is courageous and really good at her trade, and that gives her the confidence in her abilities. Like me, she does best when she has a strong team around her to share the work and to fill in her blind spots. I have done my time in the military like her, even if the army in SSSS is very different than the one I learned my skills in.

Onni is my Top 1 disaster man. In him the social anxiety of Lalli is moderate enough to be on my level. He treats the outside world very much like I treat people who I know I'll never meet again, with stoic professionalism and polite distance. He shows affection in a very similar way I do, I think it makes him an easy character for me to understand. He has high standards for the people he considers important to him, and regularly demands much (too much) from them with their accomplishments. The highest standards he has set are the standards for himself. He is very loyal to people he cares about, but it's very hard for him to form deep and meaningful relationships where he can trust others implicitly. He is proud of his work but he is humble about it too. I have way less trauma to myself and exhibit these traits less radically. I'm also more adventurous and less afraid of everything new.
Speaks from best -> worst: :finland: | :uk: :usa: | :sweden: | :france: | :china:



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Re: Characters You Most Relate To
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2019, 10:09:40 PM »
Emil is my spirit animal on so many levels.
❄~Lurks and sometimes draws~❄
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Re: Characters You Most Relate To
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2019, 11:12:51 PM »
I definitely relate to Emil the hardest, with Lalli not far behind. I feel like... my personality is, like, an Emil house built on a Lalli floorplan-- a handful of easily-apparent Lalli traits among a wider array of more subtle Emil traits. Incidentally, this is one of the reasons I'm such a fan of the Emil/Lalli ship, because I already view myself as what would essentially be a combination of the two of them.

I'm Lalli in a number of concrete ways: I'm eternally confused by other humans. I am not unlike a large bipedal cat. I'm hypersensitive and easily overwhelmed. I don't like to eat most foods. I have been known to communicate with noises. I'm basically nocturnal. I'm stubborn and peculiar and often seem like I'm not paying attention, even when I am.

 I'm Emil in a number of more... personalityish ways? I'm emotional. I'm melodramatic. I'm a little accident-prone. I'm short. I worry constantly about what other people think. My appearance is quite important to me. I can be condescending without realizing it. I tend to get irritated by the fact that the world isn't fair, even though I've been well aware of this fact for a while. I have "adopted" an emotional-support introvert with whom I can "combine" to just-barely form a functional (if strange) adult. 
I also really, really relate to Emil in that I was bullied in school for struggling to learn-- I'm positive that Emil isn't lying about what happened to him because that is what happened to me. When you go to the "gifted school," your grades are your social currency, and the little dyscalculic girl who can't read three-digit numbers while her classmates are literally doing geometry for fun makes for easy pickings-- and "just tell the teacher" doesn't work so well when the teacher is one of the bullies.
(My headcanon is that Emil has undiagnosed learning disabilities that went unnoticed because his "private education" meant that growing up, there were neither any other children his age to be compared to, nor a standardized curriculum for someone to notice him falling behind in.)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2019, 08:33:01 PM by IntensiTea »
My humblest apologies for my American-ness.


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Re: Characters You Most Relate To
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2019, 12:15:08 AM »
I definitely relate to Lalli the most. Something about his kind of femme nature appeals to me, but besides that I've always had difficulty socializing, much like him. I think the kind of life Lalli seems to lead would be natural for me: detached from the world, alone with nature. Kind of a soft-spoken wild man situation. Besides, I'm not very social, I'm easily overwhelmed by sensory things, and I don't like being touched. When he was grieving over Tuuri, I saw a lot of my own grieving shine through him, distancing ourselves from other people and standing watch for the spiritual side of things others may not notice. I went through something very similar with the passing of a loved one a couple years ago.


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Re: Characters You Most Relate To
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2019, 06:26:48 AM »
Definitely Tuuri. I’m not nearly as adventurous as her in terms of actual physical danger, but other than that... I’m very curious, love learning, want to know new things, usually very optimistic. And as already pointed out, her body type makes me happy! Representation matters!

There’s probably even some Reynir in me in that I’m very open (too open even) and sometimes I have trouble recognizing when it’s good to offer help. Sometimes I push other people’s boundaries and make myself irritating, other times I forget my own and taken on too much.

I identify with some of Lalli’s issues too although I’m not introverted like him. But I think I may have some sensory stuff going on, I find it very hard to ignore stimuli (particularly noise but other things too).

I’d love to be a Mikkel as he’s pictured in the comic - I can’t believe he gets fired all the time as he’s nothing but brilliant with our team all the time. Maybe these are the only team he cares about. He’s calm and capable, decently dependable AND has a sense of humor.

Emil I don’t identify with much but I have to admit I’m just as clumsy as he is. I don’t do many physical things but simply walking to the bus stop etc usually has me falling a couple of times a year. I binged the entire first adventure, so I suppose I didn’t have time to get irritated by his ex rich boy whining, and I don’t find him obnoxious at all. He is sweet, loyal and lovely!

Sigrun is someone I would totally admire. From afar :)

Onni isn’t much like me but he’s a very realistic presentation of many Finns I know.
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