Hi everyone! I guess this isn't a proper 'introduction' but more of a 're-introduction'
I'm Esko Oksanen (not real name), some dude from Texas. Some of you might remember me from a decade ago when I was just some bored high school kid trying to find their 'place' online, but I don't think most will remember me and that's okay. I'm still hanging in there. I rediscovered the comic recently (along with the big change) and I felt like re-visiting the forums. I also started reading Year In Hereafter so I could get more of that Finnish webcomic fix.
Anyway, I'll be lurking as I make my way through SSSS again, probably. Nice to meet you all(again)!
(edit: I realize that I tried coming back 4 years ago at the start of the pandemic, but that was a dark time I've tried blocking out. I like to believe I'm doing better and am a better person now)