Author Topic: MOVED: Server Move Discussion Thread! (SOLVED)  (Read 1728 times)


  • Valkyrie
  • Conqueror of an Abandoned City
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  • Posts: 5037
MOVED: Server Move Discussion Thread! (SOLVED)
« on: November 18, 2020, 06:10:10 PM »
This topic has been moved to Admins and Moderators Archive.

Potential spammers keep directed into the Forum via links to this thread.  the thread is locked, I modified all links to be garbage, but still they come.  Moving to Admin protection might work?
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

Ruler of Queenstown Airport (Thanks Purple Wyrm, I will wear my wings with pride)
Admiral of the Sunken Rainbow Warrior