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Writing Board / Re: Haiku chain
« Last post by midwestmutt on September 01, 2024, 03:31:34 PM »
sink into despair
the end of days upon you
circling the drain
General Discussion Board / Re: General Discussion Thread
« Last post by wavewright62 on September 01, 2024, 03:57:24 AM »
I like many of my fanfics too, but I'll just do visuals here.

This one isn't a favourite per se, but it is the very first SSSS fanwork I made - an edit, about lutefisk.  (Would you believe I assembled it in MS Word?)

Some may remember when we all made SSSSonas.  I took out the drawing pad for the first time in years to contribute mine, a Finnish-Estonian woman who made a living carving government stamps and bootlegging.

This one is a Secret Santa gift I made for Unlos - she was just talking about this the other day (she's a mod this year for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang).  It's called 'Bark Up, Bark Down', depicting the perennial Norwegian argument about the best way to load logs onto the fire.

This one is still my favourite Trond and one of my favourite Mikkels - in which Trond 'persuades' Mikkel to join this expedition, by revealing to Mikkel what dirt he has on him.

I was inspired to try and learn how to do digital art thanks to SSSS.  I now know ...the tiniest bit about it, just enough to know that I know nothing.  But I really like this Reynir image.

I struggle with drawing Lalli, always have.  This is one of the few I actually like.

This one I like mostly for the buzz it gave me, thinking about how to choreograph and stage this.  It was an imagining of a production of the ballet The Nutcracker created in a future Denmark, based on the wildly popular memoirs of the hero Mikkel Madsen.  It's the battle against the rats, as the battle at the end of chapter 12 where Tuuri gets bitten and Kokko comes and helps the hero Mikkel vanquish the trolls (except for one, who has chosen between Tuuri and Reynir).  Anyway.

And possibly my all-time favourite, the Yellow Submarine inspired tribute to Adventure 1.

General Discussion Board / Re: General Discussion Thread
« Last post by thegreyarea on September 01, 2024, 03:42:36 AM »
Wow !!!  :sparkle: 10 years! :sparkle:

I wish I had found this on the beginning, yet I'm grateful for every day, particularly for the wonderful people that I met here  <3

A Wave of Fan-tastic works is a great idea!

I'll be out this morning, but in the afternoon I will check my own and make a selection  ;D

General Discussion Board / Re: General Discussion Thread
« Last post by wavewright62 on September 01, 2024, 02:53:35 AM »
Hi folks.
Do you know what today is?
It is the tenth anniversary of the establishment of this Forum.
Looking over the list of names of those who joined that first day, I notice JoB and midwestmutt are still active.  Wow.  (I spy, with my little eye, a couple of folks who have had a peek recently, too.  We miss you folks, feel free to say hi?)  I appreciate all of us that are still here and still sharing a piece of ourselves in the slow lane.
You know what?  I'm going spam y'all with some of my favourite fanworks that I've done over the years.  Feel free to join me. 
(If it gets popular, I can spin it into its own thread.)
Writing Board / Re: Haiku chain
« Last post by Yastreb on August 31, 2024, 11:17:42 PM »
Make us think of hope
Without hope, we can slowly
Sink into despair

Writing Board / Re: Haiku chain
« Last post by thorny on August 31, 2024, 03:51:20 PM »
The birds still singing
Over the ravaged landscape
Make us think of hope.
Arts and Audiovisual Media Board / Re: SSSS Memes/Edits Thread
« Last post by Jitter on August 31, 2024, 03:13:46 PM »
NightmareMage, Trond is exactly the right one for that quote!

And SSSS totally works on Dune. Only problem is you’ll run out of water if you just stand still, so better learn the uneven step.
Writing Board / Re: Haiku chain
« Last post by Jitter on August 31, 2024, 03:05:28 PM »
As if eternal
The mighty river flows west
The birds still singing
Arts and Audiovisual Media Board / Re: SSSS Memes/Edits Thread
« Last post by NightMareMage on August 30, 2024, 10:20:10 PM »

Spoiler: show
More quotes from Text From Last Night. I saved the quote with the original intent of using it for Emil. Then I looked at it later and I did not like the idea, so I was going to delete it. But then I thought of this. Hope it amuses someone half as much as it amused me.
Arts and Audiovisual Media Board / Re: SSSS Memes/Edits Thread
« Last post by thegreyarea on August 30, 2024, 02:09:56 PM »
Love them!! Thanks all
:sparkle: :)  :sparkle:

I only have the vaguest idea of what Dune even is and these made me chuckle like hell!
I'm glad you liked it! I definitively recommend reading Dune, the first, and best, book of the series. As usual, the book is way better than the movies.

So I was thinking in other crossovers between SSSS and... anything else, and The Expanse came to mind.
I did a brief search, and recalled one great scene with one of my preferred characters, Amos.
This scene is from Season 3 Episode 6. If any of you watched the show you probably know by now what I'm talking about. If you didn´t, and like SF, I'd say it's time to do it  :)
Spoiler: show
 (only problem is that it implies a subscription, but I think signing for a month or two just to watch this series is well worth the cost)

So, here goes "I'm that guy" with Reynir, and Mikkel on a spacesuit  :reynir: :mikkel:

If you want to (re?)view the scene there's a link to youtube under the spoiler. Beware there's implicit violence
Spoiler: show

And here's the original image I used
Spoiler: show

One could argue that Sigrun would be better at Amos role, but the whole point is that Amos prevents the asian guy, Prax, from killing at cold blood the evil scientist, because he knows that it would haunt Prax for the rest of his life, and I can only see Mikkel doing it that way.

Sigrun could do that, but her line would probably be something like "What are you waiting? Should have already shot that (insert swear word here)! Look, let me do it for you! BANG!"  :sigrun:
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