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Arts and Audiovisual Media Board / Re: SSSS Memes/Edits Thread
« Last post by NightMareMage on May 28, 2024, 07:20:48 PM »

If you sit through my funeral, Sam Jackson might show up.
Arts and Audiovisual Media Board / Re: SSSS Memes/Edits Thread
« Last post by NightMareMage on May 28, 2024, 07:19:42 PM »

Spoiler: show
Quote is from That 70's Show.
Writing Board / Re: The Forum's Scriptorium
« Last post by wavewright62 on May 28, 2024, 04:45:11 PM »
I will definitely go have a look (when I'm not at work, whoops) - having fun is precisely why I engage with fandom and creative pursuits!  (Also, I get that 'wanting to be noticed', so much.)
Writing Board / Re: The Forum's Scriptorium
« Last post by Kitty on May 27, 2024, 11:14:32 AM »
i'm writing a trash romance light novel, and i'd like to be noticed. here is the link, i hope someone likes it <3

it's not actually poorly written, i just call it trash out of affection. it's my hobby, so i don't take criticism. i'm just having fun scribbling here <3
Academy Board / Re: Writers' Corner
« Last post by LooNEY_DAC on May 26, 2024, 05:32:20 AM »
LooNEY_DAC, [...] I have always enjoyed reading your works, but seldom have anything to offer in return. Is saying "I enjoy your writing" enough to start with?

In today's edition of "stuff LooNEY_DAC should have posted long ago", I turn to this comment.

Upfront TL;DR for @Buteo : Yes; thank you; and I’m sorry this is so late.

But… this comment lets me do a deeper dive on the various types of feedback that writers need, desire and receive from those with whom they share their writings.

Since as a writer I am constantly trying (maybe not succeeding, but still trying) to improve my writing, I have sought out what other writers have to say about writing, and in this search, I came across a work entitled “The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community", by Diana Pavlac Glyer. In this work, Glyer breaks down the interconnected web of feedback the Inklings gave to one another, analyzing the roles each played with various others in a system derived from that of another author named LeFebvre. I highly recommend Glyver’s work for anyone interested in these matters, but here’s my brief take on her analysis:
LeFebvre organized the various ways people influence/give feedback to writers into four roles: Resonators; Opponents; Editors; and Collaborators, with Glyver adding a fifth: Referents. I’ll explain each role in brief in the next section, but an important thing to note right away is that a single person can fill any or all of these roles in their feedback (possibly excepting Referents; I’ll explain why when we get there), either simultaneously or over time.

I don’t want to make this too much of a wall of text, so I’ll be brief in my definitions of the roles.
RESONATORS: @Buteo is a prime example of this critically necessary role, providing encouragement and support to the writer.
OPPONENTS: @JoB is likely to fill this role, challenging the writer on perceived points of error or weakness so that the writer can make the work stronger.
EDITORS: Those who say, “Wouldn’t it be better phrased like this?”
COLLABORATORS: Those who suggest, “What if this happened?”
REFERENTS: Those who wind up in the work as a character; a famous example here is Tolkien patterning Treebeard after Lewis. (This is why it wouldn’t happen in straight feedback.)

Now, every writer wants feedback from a Resonator, but most are at least hoping for an Editor, or even an Opponent; as I stated, one person can give feedback filling all three roles at once.

And now I ask for feedback on the ideas in this post, be it from Resonators, Opponents, Editors or Collaborators. Any thoughts on the matter?
Worlds & Stories Discussion Board / Re: Comic of the Month
« Last post by dmeck7755 on May 23, 2024, 08:50:39 AM »

Also, FYI, Widdershins is back from hiatus and just updated today! (The 22th, according to the URL.)

YAY!!  I know this is the last chapter, and it will be good to see it ended properly
Worlds & Stories Discussion Board / Re: Girl Genius discussion OPEN SPOILERS
« Last post by thorny on May 22, 2024, 11:47:18 PM »
Gil likes to live dangerously. Why else would he keep Bang around?

-- though I suppose telling her to leave might be even more dangerous, come to think of it.

*pffft* Gil getting snarky with Bang? Right after she says that he didn't want to use explosives inside the bubble? ...and with such a s#1t-eating grin too, boy lives dangerously!   ;D
Worlds & Stories Discussion Board / Re: Comic of the Month
« Last post by Linebyline on May 22, 2024, 09:33:32 PM »
Mag is such a slow learner. I kinda love that about her. It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that because a character has learned a lesson, they have to immediately change their behavior. I've certainly caught myself thinking that way. And in fairness it is a bit frustrating to see Mag respond to every new scary thing by insisting there's no way it could possibly work the way Id says it will. But you know what? That's life. Heck, that's me. We all fall back into the same habits even after we should know better. And this is probably a pretty minor spoiler, but...
Spoiler: show
it's so satisfying when she admits to herself, "I keep forgetting normal rules just don't apply here."

EDIT: And then shortly after...
Spoiler: show
she catches herself blaming Id for being in this mess and then immediately reminds herself that she'd be way worse off without her.

Also, FYI, Widdershins is back from hiatus and just updated today! (The 22th, according to the URL.)
General Discussion Board / Re: General Discussion Thread
« Last post by thorny on May 21, 2024, 09:19:52 AM »
some more intel about the origin of squirrel cookies[/url] available.

That was great! Thanks!
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