Author Topic: Icelandic Learning Thread  (Read 31783 times)

Ana Nymus

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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2015, 06:46:39 AM »
- A non-Icelandic problem: is Dana pronounced as "day-nah" or dah-nah"?

All the people I know who have that name pronounce it "day-nah".
:usa: Yes.
:spain: Out of practice.
:finland: Failed to learn.
:vaticancity: Probably remember five words.
White text: Always ;P
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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2015, 08:16:04 AM »
Btw it does have a really cool rhythm. :D I'd try recording it but I'm not entirely sure how some of those words are supposed to be pronounced:

- Why's ég always written as eg instead, and am I supposed to pronounce it as eg and not ég?
- Sometimes I'm not sure which language pronunciation I'm supposed to follow: I get that riffil is a loan word (rifle) but am I supposed so read it as "ræffl" or "riffil"?
- Same with fira, should it be "færa" or "fira"? I assume the latter "a" is pronounced because else the rhythm will sound a bit lacking.
- A non-Icelandic problem: is Dana pronounced as "day-nah" or dah-nah"?

I found a recording by the author. The only problem is that it doesn't work on my computer. Maybe if someone gets it to work they could rerecord the recording or make it a new file type or something.

Until the recording works I can make attempts at answers.
1) I don't know, I was reading it as ég but I could be wrong
2/3) I read it out loud to myself and I kinda had it at a middle ground, Icelandic words sounded slightly more English and English words slightly more Icelandic. The loan words I was pronouncing like the English ones but with a more Icelandic accent sound. Again, I can really just guess at what was intended until we can get the recording to work.
4) This one depends on the name the person was given (esp because it may not be an Icelandic name). I think it could go either way, another thing that the recording will help with.
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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2015, 09:08:04 PM »
Lojer, læfstæl, fokking, stúbid. I guess loanwords in Icelandic are rare enough that it's kind of a beautiful sight when you see them in the wild.
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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2015, 09:29:45 PM »
Lojer, læfstæl, fokking, stúbid. I guess loanwords in Icelandic are rare enough that it's kind of a beautiful sight when you see them in the wild.

Personally I like the way læfstæl is spelt. We should spell it like that all the time :) (I am horrible at spelling things)

It's interesting though because if you translated to English it you would lose the way the English sticks out and the mood of the passage would be changed. Also here they are mocking this guy from earlier in the chapter, and you would lose some of that if you translated it directly.

Also Ruth, were you by any chance able to get the recording of the poem to work on your computer?
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2015, 11:02:38 PM »
Personally I like the way læfstæl is spelt. We should spell it like that all the time :) (I am horrible at spelling things)

It's interesting though because if you translated to English it you would lose the way the English sticks out and the mood of the passage would be changed. Also here they are mocking this guy from earlier in the chapter, and you would lose some of that if you translated it directly.

Also Ruth, were you by any chance able to get the recording of the poem to work on your computer?

I think my favourite phonetic translation is still Norwegian kløtsj for "clutch," but læfstæl is pretty competitive. I love it.

I totally get that though, there's something about using untranslated words in context that makes them untranslatable. Maybe the English translation should replace them with Icelandic words? :P

Anyway, unfortunately, I couldn't get the recording to work either. It seems that something about the file is messed up, since if you try to download it it's only 119 bytes. Which is...less than this message in plaintext, let alone a full recording of the poem.

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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2015, 11:36:07 PM »
I think my favourite phonetic translation is still Norwegian kløtsj for "clutch," but læfstæl is pretty competitive. I love it.

I totally get that though, there's something about using untranslated words in context that makes them untranslatable. Maybe the English translation should replace them with Icelandic words? :P

Anyway, unfortunately, I couldn't get the recording to work either. It seems that something about the file is messed up, since if you try to download it it's only 119 bytes. Which is...less than this message in plaintext, let alone a full recording of the poem.

I am glad it's not just my computer, but sad that it's not working. Ef Laufey gerir það ekki, mun ég gera það kannski.
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2015, 12:14:23 AM »
I am glad it's not just my computer, but sad that it's not working. Ef Laufey gerir það ekki, mun ég gera það kannski.

Eeeeeeeee! Ég vil heyra, ég vil heyra!
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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #37 on: June 10, 2015, 11:31:21 PM »
Ég gerði hlut: [deleted]

Segið mér ef það sé eitthvað sem ég get gert betur.

Spoiler: show

Let me know if there is something I can do better.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 11:56:43 AM by Feartheviolas »
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2015, 12:50:48 AM »
Ég gerði hlut: [deleted]

Segið mér ef það sé eitthvað sem ég get gert betur.

Spoiler: show

Let me know if there is something I can do better.

Þetta er frábært! Takk fyrir, Viola!

Fáar spurningar bara:
Er nétið virkilega með é og ekki e? Ég hef aldrei séð orðið stafað með é.
Þágufallsformið af "hann" er "honum", ekki "hönum," ekki satt?

Feeling pretty good about this list, though. I knew/could remember all but maybe 20 of them without having to peek!
« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 11:56:33 AM by Feartheviolas »
Principal mouthnoises: :spain: :uk: :norway:


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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2015, 01:14:40 AM »
Þetta er frábært! Takk fyrir, Viola!

Fáar spurningar bara:
Er nétið virkilega með é og ekki e? Ég hef aldrei séð orðið stafað með é.
Þágufallsformið af "hann" er "honum", ekki "hönum," ekki satt?

Feeling pretty good about this list, though. I knew/could remember all but maybe 20 of them without having to peek!

Yes I made spelling errors. I will go fix those now. I already found a different one earlier :P
(Someone please make Icelandic spell check for PCs)
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2015, 04:43:48 AM »
Vá vel gert Viola, þú ert svo dugleg! Það virtist vera allt í góðu lagi, bara smá ritvillur og nokkuð annað sem ég vilji bæta við:

Spoiler: show
"Cause" gæti kannski heldur verið að valda?

Það er líka hægt að segja "to have" með því að nota eiga eða vera með.

"Want" getur líka verið að langa í til dæmis í "Mig langar í ís" = I want ice cream.

"Like" getur líka verið að þykja vænt um einhvern, eins og í "Mér þykir vænt um þig" = I like you.

"Hello" getur verið sæll/sæl og (þótt hæ og bæ og sorri og fleira eru tökuorð)(sem ég sjálf nota allan tímann þannig ... ... sorri...)

"Eftir" fyrir "after" því aftan þyðir oftast "behind".

Smá ritvilla í "lítið".

"Right" & "wrong" eru réttur og rangur þó það er satt að fólk nota oftast bara "rétt" og "rangt".

"Bara" er dönsk tökuorð þó íslandingar nota því oft; séríslensk orð fyrir "only" er aðeins.

Smá ritvilla í orð "skrifstofa".

"How much" er oftast hversu mikið.

Speak: :finland: :iceland: :uk: :icelandic sheepdog:
Butchering at every try: :sweden:
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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2015, 06:18:59 AM »
So I tried to record Winnipeg Icelander. I did half an hour worth of takes and I still hear oddity-hum here and there with pronunciation, but you know what

(Oooooops I had the window open the whole time. Free poetry reading for anyone passing by the house I suppose.)
(I ended up pronouncing every eg as ég.)
(Also: Viola, your move! ;D)
Speak: :finland: :iceland: :uk: :icelandic sheepdog:
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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2015, 12:09:37 PM »
Vá vel gert Viola, þú ert svo dugleg! Það virtist vera allt í góðu lagi, bara smá ritvillur og nokkuð annað sem ég vilji bæta við:

Spoiler: show
"Cause" gæti kannski heldur verið að valda?
já! ég mun skrifa það takk :)

Það er líka hægt að segja "to have" með því að nota eiga eða vera með.
ég gleymdi að skrifa þau... búin að gera það

"Want" getur líka verið að langa í til dæmis í "Mig langar í ís" = I want ice cream.
búin að skrifa

"Like" getur líka verið að þykja vænt um einhvern, eins og í "Mér þykir vænt um þig" = I like you.

"Hello" getur verið sæll/sæl og (þótt hæ og bæ og sorri og fleira eru tökuorð)(sem ég sjálf nota allan tímann þannig ... ... sorri...)
búin, (ég veit ekki um að nota tökuorð í þessu, en ég skrifaði þau, hvað finnst þér? Já eða nei?)

"Eftir" fyrir "after" því aftan þyðir oftast "behind".

Smá ritvilla í "lítið".
takk :) búin

"Right" & "wrong" eru réttur og rangur þó það er satt að fólk nota oftast bara "rétt" og "rangt".

"Bara" er dönsk tökuorð þó íslandingar nota því oft; séríslensk orð fyrir "only" er aðeins.
búin, ég vissi ekki að "bara" er dönsk tökuorð, interesting

Smá ritvilla í orð "skrifstofa".

"How much" er oftast hversu mikið.

Takk fyrir! :)

I just answered in the quote because lazy.

Edit: Just listened to the poem recording, I think you did a great job! :D
As for whether or not I will join you, we shall see.
(This is like some crazy game of friendly icelandic language chess... :P)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 01:38:06 PM by Feartheviolas »
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Ana Nymus

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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #43 on: June 11, 2015, 04:46:17 PM »
Ohhh, that sounds so pretty! It's got a really nice rhythm to it :)
:usa: Yes.
:spain: Out of practice.
:finland: Failed to learn.
:vaticancity: Probably remember five words.
White text: Always ;P
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Re: Icelandic Learning Thread
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2015, 03:08:48 PM »
I had an idea. So in the doc where I put all those Icelandic words, I think I will start writing in some grammar explanations and some other words that might be useful (famous last words, watch me spend the next 10 years writing a guide to the entire language). That way it will be more useful, because I almost feel like a terrible person for putting some of those words in there and then not explaining how to actually use them. This will for sure be an ongoing project, so feel free to check back for more updates. And also, everyone, feel free to suggest things that you want included (and please someone let me know when I spell things wrong/make typos).

Other news: I think I am going to record the poem too. Just... not quite right now. Maybe later this year week. Yes. That sounds good.
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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