Author Topic: Language Introduction thread!  (Read 82026 times)


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #240 on: March 24, 2021, 12:15:15 PM »
In my native Dutch:
Hallo! Ik ben Raaffiie, of dat is althans de naam die ik online gebruik, en ik ben een 22-jarige Nederlandse. Ik ben vijf jaar geleden begonnen met het leren van Fins en doe dat nog steeds graag, hoewel ik het van tijd tot tijd wat heb verwaarloosd. Ik ben niet heel goed in het spreken van Fins, aangezien ik niet vaak de kans krijg om het te spreken, maar ik probeer in ieder geval om veel te lezen en luisteren in de taal. Ik zit momenteel op het niveau waar ik het kan oefenen door te luisteren naar luisterboeken, wat erg prettig is. Verder leer ik Japans, en ik heb Frans geleerd op de middelbare school.

English translation:
Hello! I'm Raaffiie, or that's the name I use online at any rate, and I'm a 22-year old from the Netherlands. I started learning Finnish 5 years ago and I still do so gladly, although I've neglected it a bit from time to time. I'm not very good at speaking Finnish, since I don't get the opportunity to speak it very often, but at the very least I try to read and listen a lot. I'm currently at a level where I can practice by listening to audiobooks, which is quite nice. In addition I'm also learning Japanese, and I learned French in secondary school.

Now the languages that I'm learning or have learned.
In Finnish, somewhat simplified:
Moi! Minä olen Raaffiie, tai se on ainakin nimi jota käytän netissa, ja olen 22-vuotias joka on kotoisin Hollannista. Aloin oppia suomea noin viisi vuotta sitten ja opin sitä yhä mielelläni. En puhuu suomea usein, mutta yritän ainakin lukea ja kuunnella paljon. Kykenen nykyään harjoitelemaan kuuntemalla äänikirjoja, mikä on tosi mukava. Sitä paitsi opin myös japania, ja olen oppinut ranskaa lukiossa.

In French:
Salut! Je m'appelle Raaffiie, ou du moins c'est le nom que j'utilise en ligne, et je suis una néerlandaise qui a vingt-deux ans. J'ai commencé à apprendre le finnois il y a cinq ans, et je l'apprends toujours avec joie. Je ne le parle souvent, mais du moins j'essaye à lire et écouter beaucoup. Maintenant je peux pratiquer en écoutant des livres audio, ce qui est très agréable. De plus j'apprends le japonais, et j'ai apprendu le français au lycée.

And finally in (casual) Japanese:

« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 01:49:10 PM by Raaffiie »
Native: 🇳🇱
Fluent: 🇬🇧
Advanced(last I checked): 🇫🇷
Learning: 🇫🇮, 🇯🇵
Just started: 🇪🇸
Can understand, but terrible at speaking: 🇩🇪


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #241 on: March 25, 2021, 06:21:39 AM »
Hei Raaffie, hienosti meni!
🇫🇮 🇬🇧 🇸🇪 🇫🇷 (🇩🇪)(🇯🇵)((🇨🇳))

:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #242 on: March 25, 2021, 07:11:36 AM »
Kiitos paljon Jitter :)
Native: 🇳🇱
Fluent: 🇬🇧
Advanced(last I checked): 🇫🇷
Learning: 🇫🇮, 🇯🇵
Just started: 🇪🇸
Can understand, but terrible at speaking: 🇩🇪


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #243 on: March 25, 2021, 09:28:57 AM »
Oooh this is fun! Can I join? :D

Please forgive the unavoidable grammar/spelling mistakes and wrong use of language!

Ciao a tutti! Sono blabo e ho trentun anni. Vengo dall'Italia e abito in Germania. Lavoro all'università. Nel quotidiano uso l'inglese come lingua ponte. Con i miei genitori uso anche il veneto (che però non ha una grafia codificata). A scuola ho studiato il francese per tre anni, ma non l'ho mai usato e ora riesco solo leggere un poco i testi più facili, e basta. Quando vivevo in Norvegia ho imparato un po' di norvegese. A volte faccio ancora fatica a capire il norvegese parlato, ma diciamo che me la cavo abbastanza. Leggo il bokmål e, in parte, il danese. La famiglia di mio marito è olandese, quindi ho cominciato ad interessarmi anche al neerlandese - finora con scarsi risultati. Non ho ancora cominciato a studiare il tedesco.
Il mio personaggio preferito in SSSS è Reynir.

Hello everybody! I'm blabo and I'm thirty-one. I come from Italy and live in Germany. I work in academia. I use English as a bridge language in everyday life. With my parents I also speak Venetian (which does not have an official writing system). I had three years of French in school, but never used it afterwards, and now I can't do more than just reading easy texts. When I lived in Norway I learned some Norwegian. I still struggle to understand spoken Norwegian sometimes, but I manage well enough. I read bokmål and, to some extent, Danish. My husband's family is Dutch, so I started reading into the Dutch language too - with poor results, so far. I have yet to begin to learn German.
Reynir is my favourite SSSS character.

Ciao! Me ciàmo blabo e go trenta e uno ani. Sò nasseste in Italia e vivo in Germania. Gò un laóro in te l'università. De sòito parlo inglese con chi che no pàrla ea me łengua. Co me mama e me popà parlo anca 'l vèneto (che no'l gà na soła magnera de scrivarse). Gò studià el francese par tre ani ałe scółe medie ma finìo cuełe no ło gò mai indoperà e incuò pì che łèsare robe fàssiłi tanto altro no so fare. Cuando che jero in Norvegia gò inparà on fià de norvegese. No xé che so bón de capir pròpio tuto cuel che i me dìxe, però dài ghe ła vanto che basta. Sò bón de lèsar el bokmål e on fià el danese. Ła faméja de me marìo ła xé olandese e par cuéła go tacà lèsar e dir cualcòssa anca in olandese, ma i resultadi i gà incora da vegnère. Gò incóra da scominsiàr a studiare 'l tedesco.
Cuéo che me piàse de pì in SSSS 'l xé Reynir.

Bonjour tous le monde! Je m'appelle blabo et j'ai 31 ans. Je viens d'Italie et j'habit en Allemagne. Je travaille à l'université. J'utilise l'anglais d'habitude comme langue véhiculaire. Avec mes parents, je parle aussi le vénitien (il n'a pas d'écriture officiel). J'ai étudié la langue française à l'école pendant trois ans, mais je ne l'ai jamais utilisé après cette occasion, et maintenant je ne peux faire mais que lire des textes faciles. J'ai habité en Norvège et là j'ai appris un peu de norvégien. Je ne comprends pas toujours parfaitement le norvégien parlé, mais je m'en sors plutôt bien. Je peux lire le bokmål et un peu le danois. La famille de mon mari est néerlandaise, alors j'ai commencé à m'intéresser au néerlandais aussi (je suis à un niveau très basique). Je n'ai pas encore commencé à étudier l'allemand.
Mon personnage préféré dans SSSS, c'est Reynir.

Hei alle sammen! Jeg heter blabo og jeg er 31 år gammel. Jeg kommer fra Italia men bor i Tyskland nå. Jeg jobber på universitetet. Jeg bruker vanligvis engelsk for å snakke med folk hvis vi ikke har det samme morsmålet. Med foreldrene mine snakker jeg også venetiansk (som ikke har en offisiell skriftlig grammatikk). Jeg studerte fransk på skolen i tre år, men etterpå brukte jeg det aldri, og nå kan jeg bare lese enkle tekster, og ikke mye mer. Da jeg bodde i Norge lærte jeg selvfølgelig litt norsk. Når folk ikke snakker langsom nok, forstår jeg ikke alt, men jeg klarer meg nok uansett. Jeg kan lese bokmål og (til en viss grad) dansk. Min mann sin familie kommer fra Nederland, og så jeg begynte å lære nederlansk (men så langt har jeg hatt dårlige resultater). Jeg har ikke begynt å studere tysk ennå.
Min favorittperson[?] i SSSS er Reynir.

Hallo iedereen! Mijn naam is blabo en ik ben 31. Ik kom uit Italië en ik woon in Duitsland. Ik kan Italiaans, Venetiaans, Engels en Noors spreken (Noors genoeg om te overleven) en een beetje Frans lezen (makkelijke teksten). Ik heb ook wat Nederlands gezien vanwege mijn man. Ik moet Duits leren, mar ik ben nog niet begonnen.
In SSSS vind ik Reynir de leukste. [please let it not be a weird sentence]

Hallo! Ich heiße blabo und ich bin 31. Ich komme aus Italien. Ich wohne in Deutschland.
Sprechen Sie Englisch?  :-\
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 09:35:46 AM by blabo »
:it: + :gb: / :no: (anstendig) / :dk: (vil svare på norsk) / :fr: (un peu) / :nl: (een klein beetje)


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #244 on: March 25, 2021, 10:17:57 AM »
🇩🇪Welkommen, blabo!! Ich spreche auch Deutsch, aber hab es als ein Kind gelernt und schreibe es nicht so gut (Mein Deutsch ist überall ziemlich verrostet).

🇬🇧Welcome, blabo! I also speak German, but I learned it as a child so I don't write it very well (my German in general is pretty rusty).

🇳🇴Vilkommen, blabo! Jeg laerner Norsk, og leser og forstår nok men snakker og skriver ikke så god :-).
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 10:24:43 AM by Alkia »
Learning:🇳🇴, 🇨🇳
Wants to learn:🇨🇮(Gaelic), 🇫🇷

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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #245 on: March 25, 2021, 11:14:16 AM »
Je Nederlands ziet er goed uit blabo :)

Je laatste zin is prima, maar je kunt ook zeggen 'Reynir is mijn favoriete personage in SSSS' net zoals in het Engels. Merk wel op dat we het Franse leenwoord 'personage' gebruiken voor een fictief personage, waar we het woord 'karakter' gebruiken in verwijzing naar iemands persoonlijkheid. Dat gezegd hebbende is het niet verkeerd om 'karakter' te gebruiken voor een fictief karakter, het klinkt alleen een beetje als een anglicisme. Persoonlijk gebruik ik ze allebei, maar soms gebruik ik bewust 'personage' om commentaar op mijn woordgebruik te vermijden.

Your last sentence is fine, but you can also say 'Reynir is mijn favoriete personage in SSSS' very much like you would in English. Note that we do use the French loan word 'personage' to refer to a fictional character, whereas we use the word 'karakter' to refer to someone's personality. That being said, it's not really wrong either to use 'karakter' for a fictional character, it just sounds like a bit of an anglicism. Personally I use both, but sometimes I consciously use 'personage' to avoid any commentary on my word usage.

EDIT: I had to think a bit about the way you used 'Ik vind Reynir de leukste', as 'Ik vind Reynir het leukst' sounds more natural to my ears. I think the grammatical difference is that if you say the former it means 'I think Reynir is the nicest/sweetest/most appealing person', whereas the latter just sounds like 'I like Reynir the most'. 'Ik vind Reynir de leukste' sounds as if a longer sentence is implied - for example, 'Ik vind Reynir de leukste jongen van de groep.'
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 11:47:20 AM by Raaffiie »
Native: 🇳🇱
Fluent: 🇬🇧
Advanced(last I checked): 🇫🇷
Learning: 🇫🇮, 🇯🇵
Just started: 🇪🇸
Can understand, but terrible at speaking: 🇩🇪


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #246 on: March 25, 2021, 01:19:48 PM »
Tusen takk @Alkia! Kanskje vi kan praktisere litt sammen. Jeg er redd at jeg vil glemme alt jeg lærte hvis jeg ikke fortsetter å bruke det!

@Raaffiie thanks for the feedback and the tips! Indeed I turned the sentence around because I did not know how to say "character". But reading is so much easier than coming up with words yourself!
:it: + :gb: / :no: (anstendig) / :dk: (vil svare på norsk) / :fr: (un peu) / :nl: (een klein beetje)


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #247 on: March 25, 2021, 08:11:28 PM »
Oho kuinka monta kieltä! This is amazing how many different languages and nationalities we have here! Welcome everyone to the language learning world of the language board! So cool to see so many different people! ;D
Can say some phrases:🇫🇷🇩🇰
Want to learn: 🇮🇸🇩🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #248 on: March 26, 2021, 10:13:53 AM »
i wanted to write something here. would be fun to redo this after getting more comfortable with more languages! btw this is the account with the name nefnef, i am a troll that ate her up and changed her name >:D sevseres is the adyge goddess of waters, and i like it better.

anyway, hi! i live in turkey and i am a college student. i like to read, do art and go hiking and camping in nature. (we have awesome hiking routes here in turkey! i recommend looking up “likya” for anyone interested) i am currently rereading earthsea series by ursula k le guin. i started learning english when i got really into linguistics as a kid and am pretty comfortable with it now. im still prone to making mistakes though :P

bonjour, je m’apelle sevseres. je habite en turquie et je suis une etudiante au college. j’aime lire, faire de l’art et camping. a present, je lis encore earthsea by ursula k le guin. mon français n’est pas bon... je veux apprendre français parce que il est beau et ils font beaux films d'animations a france. j'aime gobelins, un l'ecole de l'image a paris, beaucoup.

merhaba, ben sevseres. türkiye’de yaşıyorum ve üniversitede okuyorum. kitap okumayı, resim yapmayı, doğa yürüyüşlerini severim. şu anda yerdeniz serisini tekrar okuyorum. türkçe ana dilim! kimse burayı anlamayacak. heh heh heh. türkçe'yi çok seviyorum ve keşke daha çok ilgi çekse. fince ile de kardeş diller. ikimiz de az sözle çok şey söylemeyi seviyoruz.

hej, jag ar sevseres. uhh, jag tycker om ssss? svenska ar god :'D
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 10:37:21 AM by sevseres »
native: :tr: okay: :gb: learning: :se: :fr:

HEY! my nickname used to be nefnef, dont be confused :p


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #249 on: March 26, 2021, 03:16:58 PM »
btw this is the account with the name nefnef, i am a troll that ate her up and changed her name >:D
Well, welcome to the theatre of operations, mon acolyte.
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
:artd: :book1+: :book2: :book3: :book4: etc.
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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #250 on: March 26, 2021, 04:28:28 PM »
Oho kuinka monta kieltä! This is amazing how many different languages and nationalities we have here! Welcome everyone to the language learning world of the language board! So cool to see so many different people! ;D

Näin on! Meeting all kinds of different people is such a fun part of language learning in general, yet I feel kind of intimidated by the many larger-scale language learning communities online. With this group, though, I've been feeling quite comfortable so far.
Native: 🇳🇱
Fluent: 🇬🇧
Advanced(last I checked): 🇫🇷
Learning: 🇫🇮, 🇯🇵
Just started: 🇪🇸
Can understand, but terrible at speaking: 🇩🇪


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #251 on: December 10, 2021, 04:31:15 AM »
Okay, here I go.

 :in: (telugu)
అందరికి నమస్కారాలు! నా పేరు కిరణ్ ఇంకా నా మాతృభాష తెలుగు. నేను భారతదేశం లో ఉంటున్నాను.
Translation: Hello all! My name is Kiran and my native tongue is Telugu. I live in India.

:in: (kannada)
ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೆ ನಮಸ್ಕಾರಗಳು! ನನ್ನ ಹೆಸರು ಕಿರಣ್. ನಾನು ಭಾರತದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ರಾಜ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಇರ್ತೀದ್ದೇನೆ.
Translation: Hello everyone! My name is Kiran. I live in the state of Karnataka, in India.

 :in: (sanskrit)
 सर्वेभ्यो नमो नमः! मम नाम किरणः अस्ति। मया किञ्चित्‌ संस्कृतं ज्ञायते।
Translation: Hello all! My name is Kiran. A little of sanskrit is known by me.

Hei all! Jeg heter Kiran og jeg laerer norsk.
Translation: Hey! I am Kiran and I am learning Norwegian.

Hey everyone, I am Kiran and I am from Karnataka, India. I am currently a high school student (over here they say either intermediate or pre-university for high school.)
Somewhat fluent:🇺🇸
Native language:🇮🇳(telugu)
Somewhat rusty:🇮🇳(hindi)
Trying to learn:🇳🇴


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #252 on: February 14, 2022, 08:22:10 AM »
Sooo, I was just surfing the internet, then remembered SSSS, checked the fan forum, read some stuff here and got in the mood of writing something in Georgian. I wonder if any of you know Georgian... It's a beautiful language!!! (and very very old btw) Look:

იცოდით რომ "იგი" ქართულში მესამე პირის ნაცვალსახელია? "იგი" ასევე ჩემი საყვარელი მეტაფორულად დაწერილი მოთხრობის სათაურია. ასე რომ, ჩემი არჩევანი უსაფუძვლო არ ყოფილა! სულიკოც კარგი სახელია; ბავშვობიდან მიყვარს სიმღერა "სულიკო". მაგრამ მისი ძირეული სიტყვა არის "სული" და ამ სიტყვის გამოყენება ალბათ უსამართლო იქნებოდა, ქართველების უმრავლესობა ხომ, ჩემგან განსხვავებით, დღესაც ღრმა რწმენითაა სავსე. ამ კომიქსმა გამიჩინა სურვილი, რომ მეც ოდესმე დავწერო ან დავხატო პატარა ზღაპარი; ზღაპარი, რომელიც მკითხველს ჩემი სამშობლოს კულტურას შეაყვარებს ^-^

Translation: Did you know that "igi" stands for he/she/it in Georgian? "Igi" is also the title of my favourite allegorical story. So my nickname isn't just a random word! Suliko is a pretty nice name too; The song "Suliko" has been my favourite since childhood. But its root word is "soul" and considering that unlike other Georgians I am not a Religious person, it would be a bit unfair to use something connected to faith.
This comic really inspired me to also write/draw a little fairy tale someday; A tale that will make readers fall in love with the culture of my homeland ^-^
« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 06:14:49 AM by Igi »


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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #253 on: February 14, 2022, 06:40:29 PM »
What gorgeous scripts!  I pored over those because my first impression was that the Telugu font looked a lot like the Georgian font, but naahh, too far apart (although with ancient trade routes being what they are, not as far apart as they seem?).  (I am sooooo ignorant.)
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: Language Introduction thread!
« Reply #254 on: June 01, 2023, 10:45:13 PM »
My native language is English, so let's try it in the language I'm actively trying to learn:

suomeksi -
Terve! Olen Nerd, tai Gwen. Olen amerikkalainen ja puhun sujuvaa englantia, mutta yritän oppia myös suomea. En ole koulussa kesäksi, joten minulla on paljon aikaa harjoitella kieliä! (Onneksi, koska tarvitsen PALJON harjoittelua...)
Fluent: :gb:
Conversant: :fr:
Trying to learn: :fi: