Author Topic: Self-Inserts and OCs  (Read 903294 times)

Silent Fox

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2535 on: June 22, 2015, 06:25:25 PM »
RTR and Haiz: Your comics and interactions are so great and funny!
Kick, those are some pretty great swords.
Daea: I love the group picture, and the interaction between the different characters. 
EDIT: Calli, Karenanna looks really good. And falling asleep anywhere, and surviving most anything? Sounds like there's quite a bit of cat in there..

I finished my trade with Daiseerose, I hope you like it:

Here's a bit of a breakdown of the process, if you're interested:
[spoiler]I use a looot of layers atm.
First, the sketch, done on its very own layer (not the backgraound layer but a new one)

Then I add the clipping masks: which are the base colors of each garment (skin/sweater/pants/boots/hair/cat)

Finally I put in shadows and highlights, and hide the layer with the original sketch!Having the clipping masks at the bottom of each makes me not having to worry about being very precise.  The background, is in one sketch-backgroundlayer and one color-background-layer.

The colors scheme and texture of the hair are really nice. :)
Native: :germany:
Getting fluent after 10 years: :usa:

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2536 on: June 22, 2015, 06:31:42 PM »
jumps back in here!! i drew my ssssona again after 6 years

i actually made some info for them SO: this is karenanna hummel, but she goes by karna! theyre danish and also have a handle on norwegian and swedish and knows very broken finnish
short little infodump under the cut bc its fun!!!!!
Spoiler: show

-fluctuates a lot between adrenaline high and energy crash
-never halfasses things. it is always wholeass
-tends to act on impulse and instinct. when it comes down to it, she doesnt have any qualms with going off road and abandoning plans in favor of improvising. probably does this a lot more than any superior would like
-has a very 'haha well whatever YOLO' sort of attitude
-can come off as flippant and carefree. the type of person to laugh at their own unfunny joke
-ambitious in their temporary goals, but has no desire for status or power, rather, more focused on their own, personal objectives. even so, if somethings standing in the way of them and what they want, theyre more than willing to do whatever it takes to get there
-literally survives on dumb luck, adrenaline, screaming, and plans that shouldnt have worked. should probably be dead. how is she still alive???? who knows
-enthusiastic about explosives and fire (among other things) (what kind of cleanser isnt). has 100% tried to make fireworks, bottle rockets, etc and miraculously not lost any fingers
-has a knack for picking up useless skills, ex: whistling with their fingers, juggling, picking locks with hairpins
-cares deeply for her friends, and not that deeply for everyone else
-can fall asleep actually anywhere. in a car? on the ground? in a chair? on a table? on someone else? yes

actually best bio
...... I'm almost tempted to draw people finding Haiz and Karna sleeping on random places.

"check the top ofnthe tires fo the tank to see if there aren't any cats there, they tend to sleep there in winter"
"... there's a mage here"

"hey can you go to the supply storage place and get me a real food thing"
"...... does this cleanser kid count as food,, because, um,,,,"
you'll know where to find me.


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2537 on: June 22, 2015, 06:57:10 PM »
Heyo! Finally contributing to this thread, I've been following it for a while! Took a bit to think up my character and do some art I'm happy with, so here it goes! (This took so long why do I do this to myself, why do I research everything before I add it to art for maintaining realism, UGH character flaw)

Mimmi Lindberg
Age: 21
Nationality: Swede
Area of Birth: Luleå
Gender: Female
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Courier, occasional Mechanic
Languages: Swedish, Icelandic, English
Height: 5'7" (1.7m)
Weight: 135 lbs. (61kg)
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Hazel
Additional features: Freckles across nose and cheeks
Companion: Raven named Swagger

Uniform and Gear

Civilian Clothes

Winter Uniform


Spoiler: show

Profession: Courier. When she was young, she loved to ride her family's antique bicycle around her village. One day, someone asked her to take something to her neighbor on her way home. She got the job done, and the feeling of importance it gave her that only a child can understand led her to offer this service to others in town. Over time, it became an unofficial job of hers amongst the whole village, receiving stipends for her services. She even began to deliver to and from the ironworks near Luleå because her father was a leather worker who crafted supplies for the ironworkers, and even to the village of Skelleftea from time to time. These long distance trips were always tainted with a fear of surprise rash-beast attacks, but since she was still technically within the confines of a cleansed area, and her skill handling a bike over rough terrain was superb, the peril only exhilarated her. She wanted to go further and further, delivering important messages to important people, seeing new things outside the confines of her town, and experiencing the beauty of the world. So she set out from her home with her family's blessings to work in Mora if she could. Things went very well there for a time, until she made a delivery to a military officer that would change her life forever...

Profession: Proficient as a mechanic. While she is not technically enlisted as a full fledged mechanic, she is very good at looking at mechanical mechanisms and figuring out how they work. Repairs her antique mountain bike when it needs love, learned a thing or two about machinery from the ironworkers at the forge she delivered to, and generally likes to learn how things work. She may not be able to fix all things, but if you are in a pinch, she'll give it her all to do the best repair she can.

Ancestry: It all started when a Swedish man fell in love with an American tourist when she came to ski in Sweden. They courted for a time, married, and moved to her home state of Oregon, America. They often took their growing family to Sweden to vacation with his relatives in their hometown of Luleå. When the rash quarantine broke out, they were stuck there, and tried to make a life for themselves in their new home.

Languages: Her ancestor made an effort to keep the culture of her homeland of America alive with her 3 children, encouraging them to keep speaking English to each other in their home while they honed their Swedish. Each child since the breakout has passed down the traditions, heirlooms, and language of their exotic, fantastical homeland known as "The U.S.A.". This was augmented by The Dictionary of American Slang, by Robert L. Chapman that their Swedish ancestor had brought along with him before the rash as holiday reading. Mimmi is now fluent in Swedish, English (and LOVES "hip" old terms her family have acquired from the book), and the Icelandic she learned in school.

Something Mimmi might say:
•   "Your hair is so fleek on point!"
•   "For serious, I can't even deal right now."
•   "The festival was off the heezie fo sheezie!"
•   "It is stupid cold outside, total bogus."
•   "That old windbag is such a turd, totally lame sauce."
•   "This chicken soup is the shiz!"
•   "You dig it hommie?"

Companion: When she was 14, she was making a delivery one day when she came across a raven chick on the ground. She looked for any sign of a mother, but finding none, she took the disheveled baby bird home to care for it. The bird grew to be strong, intelligent, and inquisitive, challenging Mimmi's patience and sanity on more than one occasion. She decided to give this bird with so much personality a name that would fit, one of the terms from her English book: Swagger. He became her constant companion, riding on the basket of her bike while she ran delivery jobs, flying letters across town, solving brain puzzles Mimmi designed, and assisting in little tasks around the house. They are the perfect power couple.

Weapons: Father demanded that if she was to go on longer delivery jobs outside the town borders, she would have to learn how to shoot a gun. Owns a 9mm pistol that she has practiced with for so long, she can hit a moving target while riding her bike. She's only had to use it twice for defense against rash-beasts, but feels safer knowing that she can use it if she ever needs to. Carries a hunting knife with her as well, for everyday use and defense if necessary.


•   Personable & energetic, but polite. Knows to keep first encounters friendly and professional. But as she spends more time with someone, the ridiculously quirky side of her personality comes out. She will sing made up songs and a few American ones passed down through her family for any situation, and talks with her hands very dynamically. Mimmi is opposed to hugs; she'll lean on people she likes, or give them reassuring pats on the shoulder, but hugs are just something she doesn't do, and doesn't care for receiving them from others either. She's friendly once the business is out of the way. Unless you are a boss person, then it's all straight faces and salutes.

•   Addicted to antiques. Every time she would make a delivery, she'd inquire if she could look at any pre-rash stuff people had lying around, and learn a bit about it. She grabs old  things she finds lying around, even if they are falling apart or could be considered trash. One time she visited a museum in Skelleftea and saw a "turn of the century" bicycle mail courier hat and accompanying photograph. Mimmi decided that the universe was blatantly giving her a sign, and asked her leather working father to help her make a custom one to correlate to her delivery service. Thinks it's the coolest thing in the world, and loves it to death.

•   Non-believer. No magic runs in her family, not a drop of it. Doesn't believe it even exists, or the old gods either. She thinks the idea is cool, and would love to see something one day that can prove her wrong, but doesn't see that happening.

•   Loves pre-rash slang. Will use it even if no one knows what she's talking about. Which is mostly everyone, because the only old-timey slang she knows is a slapdash collection of English words. That doesn't stop her. Swears in English so no one can tell what she is saying: especially when she is startled or scared.

•   A bit vain. Likes to look good, and knows when she does. Spends too long worrying about how she looks for someone who rides a bike all day. Loves compliments, but won't tell you that. May feel overly proud of herself for her superior knowledge of pre-rash tech and culture from time to time, and can come off as a bit of a showoff. She's not trying to of course, it just comes across that way sometimes. She'll gladly teach you things she's learned, if you'll let her.

•   Kind of a snoop. If your door happens to be open, or you left a gate unlocked, she takes that as an invitation to take a peek inside. Only if she knows she won't get caught of course. Mimmi's inquisitive, loving to learn new things and explore places she's never been before.

•   Likes safety, to a degree. Won't take unnecessary risks for herself or the safety of others. A stickler for rules, and will only break them if she believes they are truly uncalled for. She has an adventurous streak, if she knows that there isn't the chance of serious harm involved in the activity. Likes to explore old places and traverse nature, crawling and hopping across all the hidden nooks and crannies. But with caution.

•   Loves animals. All the animals, even the small stupid ones. Except spiders and bugs, they die on sight. If your beast is uninfected, she'll want to pet it.

•   Takes her job too seriously. Sees delivering messages as a major cog in the military wheel, and puts a lot of stress on herself to make sure mail is received in good order and on time. Civilization could collapse if people can't communicate! Sees people who treat this responsibility flippantly or without due respect as rude and naive (looking at you mad robin).

•   Cannot spell or do math worth beans. Truly horrendous at spelling, and can't do mental math. Needs to write out the equation to solve it, even embarrassingly simple ones. Has a good eye for literature, and is rather handy with a pen when she wants to be, but it will be full of spelling errors. (Too bad SpellCheck doesn't exist in Year 90).
•   Crafting enthusiast. Will create things whenever she has the chance. Waiting between jobs to occupy her thoughts, lying in bed, or even when hanging out with people in her time off. Handy with a needle, embroidering her garments to add some flare. Will find doo-dads and trinkets and turn them into jewelry with whatever she has on hand. Sometimes she makes little sculptures out of junk and bits of nature, leaving them in random places to cheer people up. Loves to make cute accessories for herself and others, because let's face it, there is not enough pretty stuff left in this world, it's all so functional! Keeps yarn & a hook in a watertight bag with her at all times to work on a new crocheting project, and is always on the hunt for cool yarn and cloth.

It's kinda long, but I think she's a fun character
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 07:43:27 PM by Trinka »
:hat:  :artd:  :book1+:  :chap6:  :chap7:  :chap8:  :chap9:  :chap10:  :betterhat:

Daéa Reina

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2538 on: June 22, 2015, 07:23:44 PM »
callipygous: I love your insert!! It looks like she would get along with Sigrun pretty well if the two of them ever met...

Unlos: I really like the ethereal look that you gave it. :)

Trinka: !!!!!!  (your style is stunning, I have no words.)
native :brazil:  |  decent :usa: :spain:  |  wants to learn :germany: :finland: :france:

I'm a survivor: :artd: :book1+: (-1) :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10:

"There's no better place on earth than the road that leads to Heaven."


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2539 on: June 22, 2015, 07:26:54 PM »


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2540 on: June 22, 2015, 07:28:16 PM »
Trinka I love your drawing! You used pencil crayons right? I loooove pencil crayons.
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2541 on: June 22, 2015, 07:40:25 PM »

Trinka: !!!!!!  (your style is stunning, I have no words.)
Thank you, oh goodness, compliments to feed my ego


Trinka I love your drawing! You used pencil crayons right? I loooove pencil crayons.
THANK YOU LUV and yes those are color pencils, because digital scares the crud out of me, and color pencils are SO EASY TO EDIT there is no such thing as a mistake you can't undo
:hat:  :artd:  :book1+:  :chap6:  :chap7:  :chap8:  :chap9:  :chap10:  :betterhat:

Daéa Reina

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2542 on: June 22, 2015, 07:46:48 PM »
THANK YOU LUV and yes those are color pencils, because digital scares the crud out of me, and color pencils are SO EASY TO EDIT there is no such thing as a mistake you can't undo

Color pencils scare me out... But I really LOVE the way you did the coloring. If you ever have any time, would you please make a coloring tutorial for us peasants? Pleeease?
native :brazil:  |  decent :usa: :spain:  |  wants to learn :germany: :finland: :france:

I'm a survivor: :artd: :book1+: (-1) :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10:

"There's no better place on earth than the road that leads to Heaven."


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2543 on: June 22, 2015, 07:47:53 PM »
THANK YOU LUV and yes those are color pencils, because digital scares the crud out of me, and color pencils are SO EASY TO EDIT there is no such thing as a mistake you can't undo

I am agreeing with you here 100%. I have like a million colours in a box at home. Your shading is amazing btw. :)
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

Surviving since: :chap7:

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2544 on: June 22, 2015, 08:47:04 PM »
Color pencils scare me out... But I really LOVE the way you did the coloring. If you ever have any time, would you please make a coloring tutorial for us peasants? Pleeease?

ME TEACH A TUTORIAL??? Never been asked this before, wow, I feel so fancy  :D


sooo, like, just coloring someone? anybody? can't guaratee the hair will look good tho, I SUCK AT COLORING HAIR, you have no idea how proud of myself I am that I actually got the hair to look decent in those pictures
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2545 on: June 22, 2015, 09:48:09 PM »
Mimmi Lindberg
Age: 21
Nationality: Swede
Area of Birth: Luleå
Gender: Female
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Courier, occasional Mechanic
Languages: Swedish, Icelandic, English
Height: 5'7" (1.7m)
Weight: 135 lbs. (61kg)
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Hazel
Additional features: Freckles across nose and cheeks
Companion: Raven named Swagger[/center]

Awww SO MEAN! You had to make a courier that Bosse can't keep up with D:


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2546 on: June 22, 2015, 10:00:10 PM »
Awww SO MEAN! You had to make a courier that Bosse can't keep up with D:

HOW COULD I?! I totally forgot about our uber important courier herding cat! Ummm, he can sit on the back of the bike, because unfortunately the basket is already occupied by Swagger (and I don't think the two of em would fit). He can watch Mimmi's rear, make sure no surprise attacks come from behind  :D
:hat:  :artd:  :book1+:  :chap6:  :chap7:  :chap8:  :chap9:  :chap10:  :betterhat:

mad robin

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2547 on: June 23, 2015, 06:23:33 AM »
sorry, I obviously have some problems with self-control but...

Oh wow I almost forgot for what reason I'm here.
The reason is following: my half of an art-trade with RealRedCloudYT is finished.
Galatea, cute and lovely, always ready to help. And also she has two knives. Just a reminder.
Sorry, Galatea, no trolls for you today. Only this poor kitty who definitely needs your help.


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2548 on: June 23, 2015, 06:46:05 AM »
Oh wow I almost forgot for what reason I'm here.
The reason is following: my half of an art-trade with RealRedCloudYT is finished.
Galatea, cute and lovely, always ready to help. And also she has two knives. Just a reminder.
Sorry, Galatea, no trolls for you today. Only this poor kitty who definitely needs your help.

Wow that is extremly cute and so in-character! I really do love the colors ^^
Thank you very much!
I'll try to get an inspiration to draw your 'sona... I really don't know how to do her o-o MIND WHY DON'T YOU WORK //face desk
But anyways, I'll do my part ^^

Blanket for all saying you guys are so cool and awesome! Never stop <3
I am floating away, lost in a silent ballet.
     - Adam Young

:spain: :uk:
prev. RealRedCloudYT



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2549 on: June 23, 2015, 08:30:40 AM »
Well, here my part with the AT with mad robin!

The pose was god dang difficult x_x and the hair, as always, fun to do <3 Also, what's anatomy even. Oh well

I am floating away, lost in a silent ballet.
     - Adam Young

:spain: :uk:
prev. RealRedCloudYT
