Author Topic: The aRTD Scriptorium  (Read 31482 times)


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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2016, 02:31:57 PM »
* Yuuago upends his messenger bag, and a bunch of shippy Joona/Hannu ficlets fall out

I was going to wait until I had something else to post, either some gen or something with a different pairing, but these tiny stories keep piling up, so I might as well post... all of them.

Anyway, these are all bite-sized, and they're all Joona/Hannu of the "set a vague year or two before canon" kind. And I'm posting them in reverse order, so - most recent first.

01. "Four Seasons". 0+, 400-word drabble sequence.
Summary: Four seasons, four moments, four kisses.
On Dreamwidth:

02. "October". 0+, 250 words.
Summary: Sometimes, in quiet moments, he can allow this closeness.
On Dreamwidth:

03. "Secrecy". 10+, 250 words. Secret relationship.
Summary: They have to keep quiet about this.
On Dreamwidth:

04. "Distractions". 10+, 250 words.
Summary: Joona insists on distracting Hannu while they're both at work.
Other note: This is in response to a fanart, which you can find on tumblr here, or view the art+fic together here.
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05. "Détente". 13+, 500 words.
Summary: Joona changes his tactics, and advances - and after a while, Hannu yields.
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #46 on: May 22, 2016, 08:04:35 PM »
*sneaks in with another Hannu/Ville fic* I got to wondering about how Ville would manage to get a last name, and some questions in the "Ask a Nordic" thread set me off in a slightly different direction than I intended.

Sickbeds and Wedding Bells
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #47 on: May 22, 2016, 11:48:19 PM »
*sneaks in with another Hannu/Ville fic* I got to wondering about how Ville would manage to get a last name, and some questions in the "Ask a Nordic" thread set me off in a slightly different direction than I intended.

Sickbeds and Wedding Bells
This is super precious. I feel like everything I've seen that you've written or drawn has been super precious :3c

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I guess I'm pretty okay :france: :southkorea:
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #48 on: May 23, 2016, 12:01:19 AM »
This is super precious. I feel like everything I've seen that you've written or drawn has been super precious :3c

Awww, thanks! I'll admit, I do have a strong tendency to lean toward "cute and fluffy" in my creative endeavors, at least for this fandom. Someone once accused one of my fics of being so sweet it gave them a cavity, hehe. :))
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #49 on: May 23, 2016, 12:47:47 AM »
*sneaks in with another Hannu/Ville fic* I got to wondering about how Ville would manage to get a last name, and some questions in the "Ask a Nordic" thread set me off in a slightly different direction than I intended.

Sickbeds and Wedding Bells

How the hell do you manage to write everyone so perfectly?!
Tell me your characterization secrets. :V
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #50 on: May 23, 2016, 11:53:31 AM »
How the hell do you manage to write everyone so perfectly?!
Tell me your characterization secrets. :V

Haha, don't shake the poor fish, what did it ever do to you? :))

As for how I do characterization...uh...I don't know, I felt like I sorta stole most of my characterization from reading your aRTD fics? I think my recipe is something like "Start with one "what-if?" moment. Add one part re-reading sections of the comic, one part reading Yuu's aRTD fics, 2 tsp cinnamon, 3 handfuls of fluff (5 if Ville gets POV, 6 if Hannu is convinced to cuddle by the end). Add a generous dollop of Kiraly-brain, stir, prod, and bake.

In other words...I have no idea, but thank you! It's good to hear that I'm getting the aRTD characters down, since I feel like I've spent less time with them than the SSSS cast.
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #51 on: June 08, 2016, 11:18:55 AM »
*wanders in with yet another Hannu/Ville fic*

Heartbeats Like Thunderclaps
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #52 on: June 08, 2016, 03:47:48 PM »
*wanders in with yet another Hannu/Ville fic*

Heartbeats Like Thunderclaps

;3; Have I mentioned lately that I love you? 'cause I do.
< 3
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2016, 11:37:20 PM »
Oh, look. I finally vomited out the next bit.

The Hannunvaakuna of the Fjord
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent A Red Tail’s Dream”/“Sherlock Holmes” crossover fanfic
Part 2
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Spoiler: Russian Around • show
Inspector Puhujalava was already nosing around the crime scene when we arrived, having got wind of our impending involvement through that mysterious means that he had that enabled him to prevent most of the really serious crime in Mikkeli. Investigation and analysis might not be his gift, as it was Hannu’s, but organization and prevention certainly were.

“So, Kuitunen ran to you for help, did he, Viitanen?” The tall inspector wore his usual sour expression, revealing none of his thoughts. “Good to see you, Ville.”

Hannu almost smiled. “Did you expect anything less?”

“Certainly not; I’ll still keep him on the suspect list, though.”

Hannu twitched his eyebrow, but left it to me to ask, “Why on earth would you suspect Junnu, of all people?”

“I expect we can find some reason.” The inspector gestured at the murder room. “It’s obviously a crime of passion, and anyone’s susceptible to committing those if sufficiently roused.”

“Then why am I still alive, my good Puhujalava? I’ve certainly exercised your ire on a number of occasions, to say nothing of various others of greater or lesser moral fiber with whom I’ve had to associate.”

Inspector Puhujalava smiled tightly. “Don’t imagine I haven’t considered it. Irksome as you may be, however, you’ve never managed to rouse me to that blindly murderous state so often described by perpetrators of such crimes; I cannot say why others have restrained themselves, but that is my reason.”

A silent moment or two passed before the inspector queried, “Well?” At Hannu’s quizzical look, Puhujalava continued, “Usually by this point you’ve told me no less than fifteen points of identification for the murderer, sometimes even including his very name. Or do they all match Kuitunen too well?”

“If they did, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell you,” Hannu snapped back acidly. “For all the mess they made of it, though, our murderer has left surprisingly few clues of any sort, which would argue in favor of premeditation, as would the warning note Sigerson received.” Before the inspector could voice the objections forming on his lips, Hannu continued, “And yet, and yet, and yet the sheer violence of the crime as evidenced by both body and room simply scream that this was a crime of hatred--not passion, mind you, but hatred in such a degree as is rarely to be found in our more restrained era.”

“Tell that to the Anarchists,” Inspector Puhujalava snorted.

“Sigerson was a foreigner, though, and a man of business who tried to stay away from any... local unpleasantnesses... in his endeavors. For such a man to have engendered such wrath against himself is most peculiar, to say the least.”

Puhujalava frowned. “You said ‘few clues of any sort’; what clues have you found?”

Hannu pointed at a few fibers caught on a loose joint on an upended table. “From the killer’s attire, though what portion is more open to speculation than I’d like. Also--” Hannu carefully lifted the remnants of a down-stuffed cushion that had been shredded almost past recognition “--the killer was careless enough to cut himself in his excesses.” Several of the feathers were indeed bloody.

“Is that all?”

“Aside from the facts that he has a limp, is around six feet in height, and weighs around twelve stone, yes.” Hannu frowned. “Again, not terribly much, is it?”

“Not much is still more than we had.” The good inspector knew better than to question the data he’d been given. “Seen enough?”

Hannu shook himself. “Quite. My thanks. Come, Ville.”

After we left, Hannu hissed between his teeth in a rare sign of frustration. “Our Junnu is in a tighter spot than I’d anticipated,” he confessed as we made our way onward...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Everyone likes Ville; he’s a very good dog.


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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #54 on: July 10, 2016, 07:42:27 PM »
I keep forgetting to post things in the forum, oops. Anyway, here's a Hannu/Ville fic I wrote for Yuu's birthday: Not So Secret (But Still A Surprise)
Languages: :usa: (native) :mexico: (conversational but out of practice) :germany: (attempting to learn)
Survivor: :artd::book1+::chap6::chap7::chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21:


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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2016, 02:14:44 AM »
The Hannunvaakuna of the Fjord
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“A Red Tail’s Dream”/“Sherlock Holmes” crossover fanfic
Part 3
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Spoiler: Clash of the Titians • show
We were being followed.

At least, I thought we were.

It was actually a bit hard to tell whether the tall and gangly red-head was following us in the most amateurish way, lost and trying to follow us somewhere he might recognize, or following us while pretending he was lost. In any case, he was hurrying along after us, and I meant to put an end to it.

Even given the horrid gust of snow-laden wind assaulting us periodically, it was ridiculously easy to slip away from Hannu and circle back behind the stranger. He was fairly intent upon following Hannu, so the first indication he gave of being aware of me was his startled cry when I pushed him against the nearest wall.

“Who are you and why are you following Hannu?” I growled at him. The babble I got in return was so fast as to be nearly indecipherable, but I eventually realized that the fellow was speaking a very rural form of Icelandic. Wonderful.

I tried again, in the pitiful version of Icelandic I knew. “Who is ye, additionally why come along in our footsteps?”

“He’s a young Icelander here visiting his Finn girlfriend who got turned around in all this miserable snow,” came Hannu’s voice from behind me. “You can let him down, Ville; all he wants is to be told how to get back to where he’s staying.”

“Reynir!” A short but solid girl, one of the Hollola-Hotakainen bunch by the look of her, hustled up to us with that cry. Worry was scrawled on her round face as she babbled Icelandic at the hapless redhead. Then she gave me a look nearly as fierce as the one I’d given him, and ground out, “Turn him loose!”

The Hollola and Hotakainen families were neither the largest nor the smallest clans to be found in Mikkeli’s environs, but they had the reputation of being perhaps the most consistently eccentric bunch. I finally recognized this one as Tuuri Hotakainen, one of their more normal members.

When I failed to do her bidding in a timely enough manner, she repeated her demand, making as if to strike me, at which point Hannu intervened, grabbing her arm before it could lash out at me.

“Don’t,” Hannu warned her intensely. Then, after a moment where they stared angrily at each other, “Ville, I told you to let him down.” And I finally did.

“Let’s go, Ville,” Hannu said after another hard stare at Tuuri. “We’ve lost enough time on this as it is.”

“I won’t countenance some fellow following us, whether or not it has anything to do with a case we’re on,” I protested as we hurried on.

“While admirable in the abstract, in reality we’ve still lost precious time dealing with this.” Hannu exhaled. “Thank you for your alertness, though.”

We returned to the Leipurinkatu without further incident, though the weather did its best to foil us. Our client Junnu Kuitunen should have been awaiting us there in a nervous funk; what actually awaited us was altogether unexpected...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Oh, look. An SSSS cameo. What a surprise.

Wait, none of you are surprised?

Hmmmmmm. I’ll have to work on that. But Ville gets to be a watchdog here!


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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #56 on: September 03, 2016, 09:06:11 PM »
Turns out I acquired a backlog of aRTD fic again without realizing it. :Va Just going to dump these here, then. Two Ville/Hannu, one Hannu/Paju.

01. "Sunscreen". 0+, 1.8k. Ville/Hannu.
Summary: Sometimes, it's hard to find the right way to say what you're feeling. But when the right moment comes along, it's a little easier.
Other details: This one has both prose and poetry.
On Ao3:
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02. "Five Kisses". 0+, 1k ficlet sequence. Ville/Hannu.
Summary: Five moments, five kisses.
Other details: Not chronological.
On Ao3:
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03. "Autumn Leaves". 0+, 2.2k. Hannu/Paju; Ville is also there.
Summary: He keeps coming back to her dream to reinforce its protections, no matter what tries to keep him away, no matter how much it hurts.
Other details: This is from that aRTD + SSSS mashup universe I've written in before... to recap the situation, the characters from aRTD live through SSSS's apocalypse, and after an early death, Hannu and Ville are allowed to continue to exist in the dreamworld as protective spirits, rather than sleeping forever in Tuonela.
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #57 on: September 03, 2016, 09:25:21 PM »
Turns out I acquired a backlog of aRTD fic again without realizing it. :Va Just going to dump these here, then. Two Ville/Hannu, one Hannu/Paju.

*snatches up the Hannu/Ville fics and hugs them tightly* I still love both of these to pieces, eeeeeeeee!!!!

And LooNEY, I love the crossover that happens in your most recent chapter! Tuuri and Hannu facing off would sure be something to see. (Also: "He’s a young Icelander here visiting his Finn girlfriend" :D :D :D)
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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #58 on: September 15, 2016, 10:45:00 AM »
Just caught up on reading some aRTD fic.

Yuuago: I really liked Autumn Leaves!

LooNEY: The last 2 chapters of the Sherlock Holmes fic were great, looking forward to more! :D
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

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Re: The aRTD Scriptorium
« Reply #59 on: October 22, 2016, 09:36:00 PM »
The Hannunvaakuna of the Fjord
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent A Red Tail’s Dream”/“Sherlock Holmes” crossover fanfic
Part 4
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Spoiler: Thoughts of Love and War • show
This was not good.

When we’d entered our stretch of the Leipurinkatu, we’d walked right into one of Hannu’s worst nightmares: a regular mob of reporters camping on our doorstep despite the weather, each clamoring for Hannu to tell them about his latest case.

I barely managed to get Hannu into our rooms without violence, and even then, I could tell Hannu would need several hours to recover from the event.

It was all so overwhelming that neither of us noticed until much later that Junnu was gone.


We started looking for Junnu at his favorite watering hole, a place Hannu and I came to not infrequently ourselves: Murunen, at the sign of the Snake and Cow.

Since they knew us there, it made asking about Junnu much easier. Hannu being not quite recovered from the earlier incident, we needed every advantage we could find.

We were eventually directed to two largish gentlemen who went by the noms de guerre of “Mister Moose” and “Mister Bear”, gentlemen we’d had dealings with before when our paths crossed those of the more organized side of the underworld; you could say we were cordial enemies.

“Whereas we have had our differences in the past,” “Mister Moose” began.

“And probably will in future,” “Mister Bear” interjected. They tended to speak in turn like that.

“It is in all of our interests to ensure that this killer is brought to justice.”

“Like killing a mad dog before it can bite someone.”

Hannu grunted noncommittally.

“We have therefore taken the liberty,” “Mister Moose” continued, “of removing Mister Kuitunen to a place of refuge.”

“So you won’t need to waste time looking after him.”

“We consider it part of our civic duty,” “Mister Moose” lied glibly, at which I almost let out a derisive snort.

Hannu sighed heavily. “If Junnu isn’t back at the Leipurinkatu within twenty-four hours of the killer’s capture, I will turn my undivided attention to the unravelling of your entire organization and to ensuring that the two of you never draw another free breath. Is that clear?”

“Mister Moose” smiled tightly. “Of course.”

“Come, Ville.” Hannu stood, his face like thunder, and we left.

Once we were outside, Hannu growled, “Those two are beginning to annoy me, and for men in their dubious profession, that may yet prove fatal.”

“Puhujalava won’t touch them, you know,” I reminded him. “He told me it was a case of better the devil you know.”

“It begs the question of whether he or they are the bigger fools,” Hannu snapped. “I would that we dealt with no such devils at all.”

“A consummation devoutly to be wished,” I agreed.

Hannu sighed. “But none of this is getting us any closer to our goal.”

“Perhaps we should look over Junnu’s offices, or his lodgings?” I suggested diffidently.

Hannu’s scowl deepened. “Those benighted reporters--” he made the word a curse “--will be camped out in either of those places, making it impossible to gather any uncontaminated evidence. No, we must try to trace this Sigerson’s other local contacts; with any luck, both the press mob and the crime mob will be so fixated on Junnu as to give us a clear field.”

So saying, Hannu hurried off into the night, leaving me scrambling to keep up on this next leg of our adventure...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Hmmm, I wonder if there will be more allusions to come?