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SSSS Support Wallpapers

A collection of wallpapers Minna created so far, with download links to the ones that became free.

Paying for these wallpapers is a good way to support the comic, so be sure to check Minna's Gumroad shop for any latest ones that maybe aren't here!

Still strangers | 2015 October

Picture of the crew members, as they looked 2 years before the expedition.

Sneak ruffle | 2015 December

Guaranteed adorableness and happy feelings come with this wallpaper.

Vantage point | 2016 April

Our dear mages with their respective spirit companions.

FF-4S | 2016 August

The main SSSS crew as various Final Fantasy classes.

SSSS trainers (and Mikkel the nurse) | 2016 November

If the SSSS characters were pokemon trainers, and if Mikkel worked at the pokemon center.

Kitty nap | 2017 March

The SSSS crew as cats and Kitty as her regular cat self, all having a lovely cat nap together.