Does the Finnish belief system about the tripartite soul extend to animals? Would Ville have a tripartite soul once he became human? Would his luonto automatically be some form of canid?
Considering that even the Finnish beliefs about
humans vary considerably (with exact region, time, and apparently also how much the believers trusted the person recording it for posterity), I doubt that there'll be a definitive answer for you. Throwing in the specifically Minna-esque tone, I'ld guess that Kokko "turning Ville into a human" implies the
full deal and
if only there are SSSS-style animal-shaped luontos in the aRTD-verse, Ville's should
most definitely be a Finnish Spitz, possibly even more of a "Ville
himself" than Vóvoff is a mere extension of Reynir.
(I don't remember aRTD showing
luontos outright, as opposed to nondescript "spirits animals", "human souls", and some soul-ish presences of normal animals (vipers, Murunen). Also, luontos having an animal shape seems to be sort of a minority belief within Finnish mythology.)