Hello everyone! Long time no see, I hope you are all as well as possible in these exceptional times. I want to talk about my garden a bit. I've been neglecting planting due to *vaguely gestures at the world* making motivation difficult to achieve, and I want that to change. Maybe talking about it will help.
Said garden is a sunny, south-facing balcony with a glass top - it gets a lot of light but probably too much heat. This year I also got a hold of new, bigger pots (plastic unfortunately but at least they're reused rather than new) which will help with my tendency of crowding plants and not giving them enough space for their root system, especially for non-decorative ones. The plan is to have mostly herbs and greens, with a few assorted other plants. So far, all I have are things that have overwintered or self-seeded, like strawberries, kale, a few sturdy succulents, and one random poplar tree sapling that inexplicably appeared
The strawberries seem exceptionally sturdy, never got any of the pests that bothered the rest of the plants, and are currently thriving and fruiting like crazy. I do want to plant a bunch more herbs and greens, maybe a couple of capsicum plants and some peas and flowers too.
There are also some problems: ants have made a home in the garden last year. I tried to evict them as soon as I noticed, including actually digging up the one queen I could find, but to no avail. I assumed they couldn't be that bad, until they started farming aphids on most of my plants. Combined with a very wet summer that encouraged powdery mildew, as well as other diseases, it made for a somewhat sad gardening year for me, since it was my first time dealing with both of these things in a balcony garden. This year, I want to fight all these problems a bit more intently (last year I mostly observed what was happening, tried one or two solutions and then let everything be when nothing really worked). I am the type to avoid harsh chemicals if at all possible (especially since I enjoy having other insects, especially pollinators, visit), so I'm looking for diy solutions for the two main problems, ants and mildew, that have a good chance of working.
Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone in their gardening!