Author Topic: Key posts by Minna through the comments and on twitch  (Read 111379 times)


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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #150 on: June 23, 2018, 05:32:56 PM »
21 June 2018:
"The next chapter will be the longest one we've had in quite a while, and I'm going to make it great. Because not only will it be long, it's also the... final...chapter... of this adventure. That's right. I've mentioned it on twitter before I think, but now you all know. BUT NO PANIC! The key word is "this adventure, there will be a second grand SSSS adventure coming. I'm already busy plotting it out in my head, and it'll be fantastic. So let's just enjoy what's to come these next few months, and then we can all become excited about what's after that."
:lalli: :tuuri: :emil: :sigrun: :mikkel: :reynir:

... well, she hasn't said anything about an epilogue :B
Iguana with issues
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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #151 on: June 24, 2018, 08:34:44 PM »
More from herself on the 2nd adventure, from her Twitter (thanks Elleth for posting this link):
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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #152 on: June 24, 2018, 09:18:01 PM »
Yey! I didn't want to say goodbye to these fine folk :D
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Might remember some in an emergency :italy:
Understands the concept, just not the specifics :vaticancity:

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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #153 on: June 25, 2018, 02:57:07 AM »


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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #154 on: June 27, 2018, 08:24:57 AM »
Oh thank God the main crew will stay the same! I'm too clingy for this.
is supposed to be fluent: :poland: :uk:
nivel A2 desde hace 3 años: :spain:
actually going smoothly: :japan:
shameful, but bravely trying: :finland:
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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #155 on: July 10, 2018, 03:39:58 AM »
I thought about this last night. I still have a hard time imagining a whole adventure being set in the known world (though I won't say it's impossible); IMO they'll go out again the next winter, after something between a big chapter and one book in safe-ish areas. The team's reasons for going out might be:
Sigrun :sigrun: While her arm seems to be healing, I imagine it may actually get worse and need amputation. Being totally bummed out that she's now a "useless cripple", she jumps head-first into captaining the first dangerous mission she finds to prove her worth is not diminished
Mikkel  :mikkel: Has the right skill-set to serve as a sort-of, possibly unofficial skald (I wouldn't be surprised if he had a bit of knowledge of ancient languages) and still has nothing more interesting to do (he might need Trond to tell him that, and/or knowledge that Sigrun will be the captain: at least she's fun to work under)
Lalli  :lalli: and possibly Onni :onni: want to go back to find Tuuri's soul. Though she died human, they may think there's a risk she hasn't passed on. Of course, there's no guarantee the expedition will actually go to the right place... (Onni might also go because otherwise his last remaining family will be alone, defenceless, and with no-one he can understand)
Emil :emil: sees that the first expedition didn't gather enough glory and he's still a low-ranking cleanser that has to follow orders and do basic training. That won't do. Plus, Lalli will be there too.
Reynir  :reynir: has finally been sent to the Seiður academy (though he's a bit on the old side), and absolutely never wants to leave the known world again, but he's the only Icelandic mage to know what the ghosties look like and how to deal with them. He might act as a sort of "local guide" to a more experienced mage or more likely a magic scholar, and may receive some special tutoring on the way (despite this not being the way Icelander do things).

I'm hoping they'll also get at least a day scout and one or two extra underlings for Sigrun, but my assumptions are already adding one new character to the main crew, which I think is unlikely (but Reynir's tutor might actually remain safe and do their work through mage-phone)
:book2: aye: :france: :portugal: :uk:
:book3: meh: :italy: :germany: :spain: :sweden:
:book4: :betterhat: :hat:
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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #156 on: July 12, 2018, 10:13:02 AM »
I think both Onni and Lalli, separately, have discovered that Tuuri was escorted on her proper way. Discussing it with each other just seems likely to confirm that belief.

Maybe they won't actually get picked up by the ship. Or maybe this adventure will end with them all "safely" on board the rescue ship . . .

but the ship will get damaged, and/or blown off course, and they'll be stranded somewhere else in the Silent World.

Or, maybe, they will make it safe back home; but will then be more or less forced into another expedition, some of them more willingly than others, as being the only people with Experience in the Silent World. Onni might well go along out of a desire to keep Lalli alive.

Or maybe the next adventure will have something to do with the It that's presumably still after Onni and Lalli. The rest of the crew might be drawn in by proximity, if they're all still together when It finds them; and/or by bonds of friendship.

ETA: sorry, just realized this is kind of off topic for this thread. Mods, please feel free to move or delete if you think it appropriate.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2018, 10:15:35 AM by thorny »


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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #157 on: July 13, 2018, 03:29:51 AM »
I think both Onni and Lalli, separately, have discovered that Tuuri was escorted on her proper way. Discussing it with each other just seems likely to confirm that belief.

Maybe they won't actually get picked up by the ship. Or maybe this adventure will end with them all "safely" on board the rescue ship . . .

but the ship will get damaged, and/or blown off course, and they'll be stranded somewhere else in the Silent World.

Or, maybe, they will make it safe back home; but will then be more or less forced into another expedition, some of them more willingly than others, as being the only people with Experience in the Silent World. Onni might well go along out of a desire to keep Lalli alive.

Or maybe the next adventure will have something to do with the It that's presumably still after Onni and Lalli. The rest of the crew might be drawn in by proximity, if they're all still together when It finds them; and/or by bonds of friendship.

ETA: sorry, just realized this is kind of off topic for this thread. Mods, please feel free to move or delete if you think it appropriate.

I think I can only move threads or split topics, not individual posts?  We'll leave it, but thanks.  I'll quote it into the Next adventure thread maybe.
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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #158 on: July 28, 2018, 08:27:05 PM »
During her stream on the 28th of July Minna answered quite a lot of questions about the comic and miscellanious other stuff. The Questions and Answers regarding Stand Still Stay Silent are posted below.

Attention: Basis to this list is an open google-doc -- anyone with the link to it can change it as well. I offer this as a possibility to note down information that is more important to you than to me (I left answers out regarding drawing-stuff, for example). I also only approximated the time-stamps of Minna's answers and what she said as well, because I had major troubles with the stream in general and wanted to preserve my mental health. The stream was on Twitch - so it will be archived for two weeks. If you want to listen to it again and maybe add to the google-doc, do it fast.


Q: Minna, how do you decide what kind of animal the trolls should resemble? do you draw any allegory between the trolls nature and the nature of the animals they resemble?
A. (1h43m): Based on what they do in the comic: If they are more creepy and stealthy, they are more spiderlike or lizardlike. The current weird-looking ones (Notoros) are based on hedgehogs.

Q.: Do you have your own names for the different types of trolls/monsters?
A. (1h46m): Not really. sometimes, when they need a name - like the Dusklings now, she thinks of one, but if the monster is just there to do stuff for a few pages she ddoes not think of a name for them.

Q.: Do trolls need food to survive?
A. (1h58m): All trolls need food to survive but how much depends on the lifestyle of that troll. If it is mobile and runs around a lot, it needs more food. If it is stable and not moving much, it needs very little and can survive perfectly well on stuff it finds in its immediate surroundings like mould, fungi, water, plants. A troll living in a closed-off room without food would starve to death eventually.

Q.: Do trolls eat other trolls?
A. (2h00m): They do, but only those that are not similar to them and if there is no other food to be had.

Q.: Is the current Handsy Moose (p. 939) the same as we saw first or a different one?
A. (1h40m): A different, more powerful one. But the same type of monster.

Q.: How does it come that some trolls look similar to each other?
A. (2h29min): It depends on several factors. If they evolve under the same conditions (lighting, food-sources, etc), or if they caught the same strain of the Rash, or if they looked similar before the rash, like when they were related.


Q.: Would Lalli eat sugar straight from the packet?
A. (2h38min): Possibly, if he gets cravings for it and would maybe do it a few times before he gets tired of it.

Q: What would Onni be willing to give to get Tuuri back?
A. (2h56min): Too much. You might be seeing some of that in the future in the comic.

Q: Will we be seeing Tuuri again in the second SSSS adventure?
A. (3h19min): Ehhhh, I’m not going to tell!

Q: In one comment you mentioned Lalli had a very unconventional upbringing and underlying neuro-issues. Can we have some details on that?
A. (3h19min): Not on the upbringing, because you gonna find out in the story in the future. and the neuro-issues I cannot say specifically, but Lalli would still be a bit strange regardless of his upbringing. He would never be completely normal, but he would definitely be less strange if he had grown up with proper socializing.

Q: Will Lalli and Emil have any sort of residual effects from their souls inhabiting the same body for that period of time?
A.(4h13min): Maybe, we’ll see.

Q:  Minna, who in the crew would give the best hugs?
A.(4h15min): Mikkel. Gives bear hugs.

Q:  Which character likes to give hugs the most?
A. (4h18min): I think that would be Reynir.

Q.: What are Mikkel’s, Sigrun’s and Emil’s fylgia?
A. (4h20min): Haven’t decided yet but will eventually draw them, since people keep asking about them.

Q: Tuuri’s luonto?
A. (4h23min): A hedgehog. Cute and round.

Q: What are everybody’s birthdays?
A. (4h28min): I haven’t decided yet but will try to remember to include them in the updated character-info-pages once the adventure starts.

Q:  What would Emil and Lalli buy at IKEA?
A.(4h29min): Probably go to the food section and buy Swedish candy, that’s what I do, also Swedish Hotdogs because they are better than Finnish hotdogs.

Q:  Will Lalli ever admit that he cares about Emil?
A. (4h29min): That’s spoilers, so I won’t tell.


Q: What is the Dream Sea?
A. (4h08min): It’s somewhere between dreaming and death, basically.  It’s not really limbo, because that doesn’t really exist in Nordic mythology. There are many references to shamanistic and mage-stuff happening in dreams and transitional stuff. That’s the place mages go when they are dreaming, kind of closer to death than normal people dreaming, so Emil’s dreamspace is farther away from that and closer to our world, the regular dreamworld.

Q: Would Reynir have to pay a fee for his magic? (similar to how Finnish mages have to recuperate after casting powerful spells)
A. (5h45min): Yes, he would, but he hasn’t done anything really powerful like that yet.

Q:  Will we get to see Reynir learn more about his magic in the future?
A. (5h46min): Yes, we will.

Q:  Will we get to see more about the academy of seiður?
A. (5h48min): Yes, we will see it at least. We will take a short stop there.

Q.: Which nation met which nation first? Did the Norwegians initiate contact with Iceland or vice versa? When did the Swedes, Danes and Finns come to the party?
A. (5h59min): The Norwegians and the Danes probably met first, because they are fishing and hunting at sea - the Baltic and the Norwegian Sea. Iceland would have stayed isolated a while longer in the north. The Swedes are up in Mora and not at sea so the Norwegians and Danes met the Icelanders first, before the Swedes and Finns joined.

Misc. information, personal stuff & widely S4-related

Q.: Do you plan the whole story beforehand or do you create it as you go along?
A. (3h01min): The story-arc, character development, plot points etc. are all pretty much worked out beforehand. Sometimes something gets changed or thrown out as the story progresses.

Q.: Have you designed characters for the upcoming aventure?
A. (3h13min): No, she doesn’t design secondary/minor characters until they need to appear.

Q.: Can we have some spoilers for the next adventure?
A. (2h28min): Not yet, but within the next couple of months when I start creating artwork for the new layout of the website.

Q.: Will you do more worldbuilding in this arc?
A. (1h45m): Not on this arc, because it is nearly over but in the next arc, because there will be new concepts and places. She also said she would start releasing art for the next adventure later this year (2018), but demurred answering more questions about it now.

Q.: Minna, who of the SSSS characters would be your closest friend if they lived in the real world (or if you lived in the Silent World)?
A. (2h37min): I want to say none, because I’m really bad at keeping friends, so I’m saying probably Onni and Lalli because they would never call and leave me alone and I would appreciate that.

Q: Coffee or tea?
A.(5h51min):  Neither, I hate both.  Yuck.

Q: Which ice-cream flavour is the best one?
A. (2h32min): Vanilla. It goes well with everything.

Q.: Do you read fic? Of SSSS or other fandoms?
A. (3h28min): No, I don’t read any fanfiction of SSSS, so you all can feel at ease, I’m not going to snoop on you. I used to read a bunch of different things when I was younger, but don’t have the time anymore. Nowadays, I just listen to things when i’m drawing.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 08:47:51 AM by Talimee »
[22:31] <@amity> And they care about only two things: Emil/Lalli fanfic, and chewing bubblegum.
[22:31] <@amity> And the word is, they're all out of bubblegum.

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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #159 on: July 28, 2018, 09:14:22 PM »
Thanks, Tali, for setting up that Google Doc & getting onto it so fast.

I remember that one of the items Minna listed a stationary troll ingesting was fungus.  I guess that means mushrooms, and probably the decay around their own bodies. 
Spoiler: icky icky question • show
Do they eat their worms, as the worms eat them?
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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #160 on: July 29, 2018, 03:13:54 AM »
Nice job with the note-taking, Tali! One minor correction:
Q:  What is the Dream Sea?
A:  It’s somewhere between dreaming and death, basically.  It’s not really limbo, because that doesn’t really exist in Nordic mythology.  That’s the place mages go when they are dreaming, kind of closer to death than normal people dreaming, so Emil’s dreamspace is kind of closer to death.

I think it's the other way around iirc - normal people's dreams are closer to the living world, and the mages's spaces are closer to the afterlife. Does anyone else remember about this?


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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #161 on: July 29, 2018, 04:03:00 AM »
Sc0ut, I could not swear to how it is in the Minnaverse, but in the magic traditions of our world, the spaces in which mages interact are in some ways closer to death than is the daylight world. As are such things as sleep and the orgasmic mindstate (ever noticed in how many languages the words for both of those states translate to 'the little death'?). Then there are the altered mindstates of meditation, spiritual experiences, chemically induced experiences, delirium and near-death experiences. Interesting how often the threshold experience of shamanic initiation is something which comes very close to death.
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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #162 on: July 29, 2018, 06:40:57 AM »
Sc0ut, I could not swear to how it is in the Minnaverse, but in the magic traditions of our world, the spaces in which mages interact are in some ways closer to death than is the daylight world. As are such things as sleep and the orgasmic mindstate (ever noticed in how many languages the words for both of those states translate to 'the little death'?). Then there are the altered mindstates of meditation, spiritual experiences, chemically induced experiences, delirium and near-death experiences. Interesting how often the threshold experience of shamanic initiation is something which comes very close to death.

Oh I was talking about Minnaverse, and specifically about what Minna said last night. I was one of the people who watched the stream, but I didn't take notes like other, more responsible people :)


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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #163 on: July 29, 2018, 06:59:55 AM »
I can't get into the streams, which is annoying, because it sounds fascinating.
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Re: Archive - Key posts by Minna through the comments
« Reply #164 on: July 29, 2018, 08:14:50 AM »
I remember that one of the items Minna listed a stationary troll ingesting was fungus.  I guess that means mushrooms, and probably the decay around their own bodies. 

Er, yeah. What you english-people devide into fungi and mushrooms is all the same for me: Pilze. (The exeption is mould.) So "mushroom" was my fall-back-to when jotting down the answer.

Spoiler: icky icky question • show
Do they eat their worms, as the worms eat them?

It would seem logical. *yuck*

Nice job with the note-taking, Tali! One minor correction:
I think it's the other way around iirc - normal people's dreams are closer to the living world, and the mages's spaces are closer to the afterlife. Does anyone else remember about this?

I did not jot down that Q/A, but no one in the doc complained - so it is either what everyone heard or it slipped all our attention. I'll see if I spool through the stream again soon and correct some stuff.
[22:31] <@amity> And they care about only two things: Emil/Lalli fanfic, and chewing bubblegum.
[22:31] <@amity> And the word is, they're all out of bubblegum.

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