Alright. Top Ten Time. Lots of playstation on the list... more than I thought there'd be, at least.
10. -TLoZ: Twilight Princess.
9. -Dishonored
8. -Golden Sun (Fantastic little rpg for the Gameboy Advance)
7. -Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (One of the guns plays the 1812 Overture when fired. It's beautiful.)
6. -Infamous 2
5. -The Last of Us (Superb Multiplayer)
4. -Portal
3. -Shadow of the Colossus/Ico
2. -Little Big Planet 2
1. -Journey
Okay, so I feel like the top three deserve explanations.
For number 1, I don't have too much to say. It's not really a game, as much as an experience. The art, the simplicity,
the soundtrack... When I finished my first playthrough I just felt lost and confused because I couldn't process all the emotions I was experiencing.
For 2... This is part of why I decided to go into engineering. I've
studied for tests playing this game. It is the game to end all games; the ultimate game: a game that can make games and lets you play other peoples' games. People are just pumping out fantastic and creative levels that push the game's limitations. Even the developers, Media Molecule, have come out and said that players were doing things with it that they didn't even know were possible. There are a couple of projects to build entire, Final Fantasy style rpgs that I've seen. One person even managed to build a 16-bit platformer. It's incredible.
For 3, I unfortunately watched a playthrough of SoTC before playing it, and knew how to beat the game when I got it. However, the game came with Ico on the same disc, which I had heard of, but never seen. I played through SoTC, and loved it, of course, but then I played through Ico, and loved it too. It takes me a long time to forget the details of a game. I honestly think I'll never forget how to beat SoTC, because I played through it several times when I got it, but I only played Ico once... I want to forget it, so it will feel new again, and so I haven't played it in nearly
two years. That was my goal so, if I feel like I've forgotten enough of it, I'll be replaying it this Christmas.