As a number of you, I'm sure, I've been a gamer all my life (started when I was a little 2-year old). I learned to read playing Zelda games and have a number of nostalgic attachments to N64, Super Nintendo, NES, and Gamecube titles. I remember my brother had eye surgery when he was in kindergarten and had patches over his eyes for a month. His only request was that I played Ocarina of Time so that he could listen to the music and sound effects. So I have an lot of memories of playing that game.
My dad also played a lot of video games with us growing up--including the Zelda franchise, Mario games, and even League of Legends when I went off to college (he only played for a month or two, but he impressively remembers all of the champions despite that being a number of years ago now).
Nowadays, I play mostly online games to stay connected with friends. Most of my buddies have moved on from League and now play primarily Overwatch or Hearthstone (though I myself don't care for Hearthstone much these days). Recently I finished Banner Saga 2 and just about cried from the enjoyment I got out of that game. I need to finish my first run-through of Stardew Valley and revisit games like Dungeon Defenders 2 or any number of my underplayed Steam games (Humble Bundles are both a blessing and a curse).
Additionally, I started working on learning to speed run Paper Mario (N64) this summer but I'm finding that I might pick a shorter game to run for now. Might consider the Ocarina of time run since it's sub-20 minutes.