Huh, that is completely not what I thought it was. So--basically what's happening here is your phone is complaining that something is trying to load using the forum host's SSL certificate, rather than the one that's installed on our website. Which... shouldn't be happening. The host cert shouldn't even be accessible, considering it's installed on a whole other IP. Maybe there's something in there that's hard coded to the old IP address? *scratches head*
If it were the
old IP address, Haiz wouldn't get the server cert of the
new host ... ?
I note that both alternate functional "hostnames" I can dig up ( and - the IP's PTR RR points to, but there's no further RR for that), when used for HTTPS, take you to the SSSS forum
without redirecting the browser to one of the "proper" hostnames ( and first, complete with "wrong cert" warnings. Maybe Haiz somehow bookmarked a URL with one of those?
(Dunno how much we want to care about SEO, but both in that context and generally, having a website nudge the visitors to one "official" hostname is considered a good thing.)
If you have logs that record either the HTTP 1.1 "Host:" header or the "Referer:" header, you should be able to find out what hostname Haiz is
actually using (because the reverse proxy apparently
rejects HTTP 1.0) ...