Due to Life Things on the part of yours truly, the forum will be switching hosts. My husband has graciously volunteered the server provided to him by his work for the purpose, and the forum will be living there for the forseeable future. The move to the new server will be happening on Friday, December 11th promptly--*coughs*--at 8:00 AM US Mountain Time (GMT-7), and shouldn't take more than a half-hour.
Here's what you need to know:
The forum will be unavailable for the duration of the move. This may involve a friendly little message popup telling you we're migrating, or it may just involve an error message; both of these are normal.
The server move involves a DNS change. What this means is that even after we've finished the migration, it may take some time for the forum to show up for you. This should take no more than 4 hours; for the vast majority of you, it will be considerably faster. For a few of you--especially those of you who live far away from cities and/or have small internet service providers--it may take longer. If you still cannot see the server after about 2:00 PM mountain time, try clearing your DNS cache:
https://www.whatsmydns.net/flush-dns.htmlAfter some time has passed--let's say 24 hours, for things to settle--
then you can start looking for bugs. (I know some of you are pro at that. *eyes you all suspiciously*) The new server has a slightly different architecture than the old, which may cause problems. We've been testing it for the past few days and don't see any big issues, but keep an eye out for anything suspicious over the course of the next week or so.
We're gonna do our best to keep this transition smooth. If you find an issue, report it in this thread, or PM myself or another admin. If you have a question--ditto.