I'll have to go back and look it up, but haven't the bears returned to a base they use? Is Onni being overly optimistic about them leaving the town?
Onni has been
pursuing the kade all the way from Väinös post to Joensuu. We don't know at what point the kade hired some bear muscle, but
if that happened to have been late enough to occur near Joensuu, Onni would be excused for not knowing about the bears' habits ...
The bears seem to be in a station next to some highway, so at least they would be outside the central area
The University of Eastern Finland, where the team caught up with Onni, is
less than 2 km from highway 5, and residential areas sit a stone throw away from it in places ...
That takes me to one question: What happens to trolls and beasts when they are exposed continuously to daylight?
We know they don't like it, that it hurts, but what would happen if Emil set the building where the bears are hiding on fire, forcing them out on an area without cover? Would they die from the exposure, like melting or burning, vampire style?
We have no information on that beyond what
the cleanse cycle implies, that is, that exposure over
winter (cold) is more effective than over summer (light), and that the occasional grossling will
still find suitable shelter.
OK, that
and that the dusklings happily venture into sunlight while apparently wearing "shielding" only on top,
and that werehouse less-happily did the same,
and that werehouse's unshielded tentaclewolves merely had to stick to the
shadows in the streets, ...