Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2569481 times)


  • Saraswati
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1470 on: November 14, 2014, 08:40:44 PM »
That's chief sir master petty sergeant major destruction corporal punishment sir to you private.
I don't think we have a word for maggots, I've never actually seen one even though I've seen tons of carrion.

Yes chief sir master petty sergeant major destruction corporal punishment SIR!  Even though you originally misspelled "sergeant," SIR!  (Drops and declines 20 Latin nouns for insubordination.)   ;D

If Norwegian drill sergeants don't address lowly recruits as "maggot," what do they call them?

"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1471 on: November 14, 2014, 08:46:11 PM »
Oh, humidity sucks, yep.  Coming home from a long drive and stepping out of the car, only to be greeted by the hot, river-like air that makes it hard to breathe is, bizarrely, one of my least favorite things.  I have an easier time falling asleep in cold than hot, too.  I think it has something to do with the number of sheets/blankets associated with the cold.

Edit: My roommate is a son of a *****.  He left his coffee cup on the counter a while ago, and I expected him to wash it, like all the other 20+ dishes of mine that he's just dumped in the sink/on the counter.  Wouldn't you know it?  He didn't.  And now - there - is - MOLD - growing in one of my coffee cups, and he is on a road trip again this weekend with his frat.  I am in prime murder-kill-angry mode, right now.
Agh man Eich, I know how that feels, being expected to play Cinderella :/
Not really sure how to handle that one, I usually just roll my sleeves up and clean.... But this guy should know better...... He's gonna be in trouble.... OAO
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1472 on: November 14, 2014, 09:11:01 PM »
Agh man Eich, I know how that feels, being expected to play Cinderella :/
Not really sure how to handle that one, I usually just roll my sleeves up and clean.... But this guy should know better...... He's gonna be in trouble.... OAO
I was the crappy dish roommate last year, so I get it, but this guy is gonna get... a really stern talking to when he gets back.
Stupid frat kids, with their big muscles and alcoholism.  He's on a really weird schedule because of the frat, too.  He comes in at around 4:00 some mornings, and sleeps through half of his classes, just so he can go out again the next night and get wasted again or play the part of the sober driver for the older kids.  He even said that he doesn't like partying most times, and that it's stupid and he almost always regrets it.  I... I really dislike frats.  It's like college kids' excuse to live like a bunch of over-indulgent children, binge drinking (among many, much worse things) using their parents' money, and being a part of some super secret club.  Also (almost done, I swear), some kid [trying really hard to not abuse my frequent swearing rule]ing DIED this year for joining a fraternity.  They went on one of their ritualistic hazing runs, pushed the newbies off a bridge, and this one guy actually drowned.  Hm, I wonder why??  If I didn't already have a low opinion of fraternities, then negligent groups of kids running around in the middle of the night committing homicide would've been enough to make it so.


That is easily the angriest I've been in a while.  *Deep breath* 
Sorry for the rant.  I don't know where that came from o_o
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  • Saraswati
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1473 on: November 14, 2014, 09:12:33 PM »
I really would like to meet up one day; it'd be quite fun.  I think a good place to meet would be... I forget the name, it's either Los Angeles or, uh... the other city in California, that stays about 70 F = 21 C all year 'round, with a little variation in the winter.

Hooooh, gosh.  I would show up in proper Thor attire for good measure.
"We are the minions, and we are many."
They'd think we were a weird, international cult of some kind.

Were you thinking ooooof.... San Francisco?  Whose airport is about 7 miles from my house, and surrounded by convention hotels? 

Whose people routinely dress like this, so you'd blend right in?  (Refer to pp. 47-50 of the linked PDF for photos of my club's annual Girl Genius ball -- regrettably, I couldn't be there.)

Whose climate is generally high 40s to 60s F and foggy?  (Except for October, when the fog burns off.)  Which is conveniently near scenic coastlines, redwoods, the Wine Country, and many major employers and universities?  (In case you need an excuse to go.)  Where the Dungeness crab season just started, and we're still harvesting the last of the strawberries?  That city?   ;)

San Diego, about 100 miles south of L.A., has an even more paradise-like climate and tourist-friendly amenities, such as beaches that are warm enough to swim at year-round (or at least, won't kill you with giant waves and great white sharks like the NorCal beaches).  But then I'd have to buy a plane ticket like the rest of you.   :P

Seriously, if we ever have a meet-up, let me earnestly urge you to consider my part of California.  I'd be more than happy to play tour guide.

"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1474 on: November 14, 2014, 09:27:32 PM »
I was the crappy dish roommate last year, so I get it, but this guy is gonna get... a really stern talking to when he gets back.
Stupid frat kids, with their big muscles and alcoholism.

[le rant]

That is easily the angriest I've been in a while.  *Deep breath* 
Sorry for the rant.  I don't know where that came from o_o
I don't blame you at all, we don't have "frats" at my uni, but there is a huge drinking and party I guess that's what frat stuff is? I've never gotten involved or near their vicinity because...just....ugh no.

Don't worry about the angry rant, we don't mind at all.

Were you thinking ooooof.... San Francisco?  Whose airport is about 7 miles from my house, and surrounded by convention hotels? 

Whose people routinely dress like this, so you'd blend right in?  (Refer to pp. 47-50 of the linked PDF for photos of my club's annual Girl Genius ball -- regrettably, I couldn't be there.)

Whose climate is generally high 40s to 60s F and foggy?  (Except for October, when the fog burns off.)  Which is conveniently near scenic coastlines, redwoods, the Wine Country, and many major employers and universities?  (In case you need an excuse to go.)  Where the Dungeness crab season just started, and we're still harvesting the last of the strawberries?  That city?   ;)

San Diego, about 100 miles south of L.A., has an even more paradise-like climate and tourist-friendly amenities, such as beaches that are warm enough to swim at year-round (or at least, won't kill you with giant waves and great white sharks like the NorCal beaches).  But then I'd have to buy a plane ticket like the rest of you.   :P

Seriously, if we ever have a meet-up, let me earnestly urge you to consider my part of California.  I'd be more than happy to play tour guide.
*Sunflower receives small check from California's tourism team* ;3
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1475 on: November 14, 2014, 09:48:46 PM »
I was the crappy dish roommate last year, so I get it, but this guy is gonna get... a really stern talking to when he gets back.
Stupid frat kids, with their big muscles and alcoholism.  He's on a really weird schedule because of the frat, too.  He comes in at around 4:00 some mornings, and sleeps through half of his classes, just so he can go out again the next night and get wasted again or play the part of the sober driver for the older kids.  He even said that he doesn't like partying most times, and that it's stupid and he almost always regrets it.  I... I really dislike frats.  It's like college kids' excuse to live like a bunch of over-indulgent children, binge drinking (among many, much worse things) using their parents' money, and being a part of some super secret club.  Also (almost done, I swear), some kid [trying really hard to not abuse my frequent swearing rule]ing DIED this year for joining a fraternity.  They went on one of their ritualistic hazing runs, pushed the newbies off a bridge, and this one guy actually drowned.  Hm, I wonder why??  If I didn't already have a low opinion of fraternities, then negligent groups of kids running around in the middle of the night committing homicide would've been enough to make it so.


That is easily the angriest I've been in a while.  *Deep breath* 
Sorry for the rant.  I don't know where that came from o_o

No worries on the rant man <3 Sometimes you've gotta burn it out.

I always end up wondering why people like that do those things--partying constantly, sleeping through classes so they can go party more. Especially when they themselves say they don't like it and regret doing it. I can hardly judge--I failed all my classes in college for a year straight, though for different reasons; I know how sometimes things just get out of control--but... Well. You'd think at some point he'd get up after one of those nights and think "@#$! it, I'm not doing this anymore."

As for the dishes, that's why me and my roomies always had separate dishes. You use your own dishes, you don't touch anyone else's dishes without asking, and if they graciously give you permission then you wash the dish immediately after you use it.


  • Saraswati
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1476 on: November 14, 2014, 10:42:58 PM »

He's on a really weird schedule because of the frat, too.  He comes in at around 4:00 some mornings, and sleeps through half of his classes, just so he can go out again the next night and get wasted again or play the part of the sober driver for the older kids.  He even said that he doesn't like partying most times, and that it's stupid and he almost always regrets it. 

I... I really dislike frats.  It's like college kids' excuse to live like a bunch of over-indulgent children, binge drinking (among many, much worse things) using their parents' money, and being a part of some super secret club.  Also (almost done, I swear), some kid ----ing DIED this year for joining a fraternity.  They went on one of their ritualistic hazing runs, pushed the newbies off a bridge, and this one guy actually drowned.  Hm, I wonder why??  If I didn't already have a low opinion of fraternities, then negligent groups of kids running around in the middle of the night committing homicide would've been enough to make it so.


That is easily the angriest I've been in a while.  *Deep breath* 
Sorry for the rant.  I don't know where that came from o_o

Veering off-topic, but hey -- I sympathize.  From what I hear, fraternity (and to a lesser extent, sorority) culture is really bringing out the worst in people.  I can see the attraction of living together with compatible people (especially on a large campus) and a certain amount of... uh... boisterous conviviality.  (Thinking of the Viking Hall at Dalsnes.) 

But in Dalsnes (probably like most military messhalls), the age range includes older, more mature folks; authority figures are present; they all have a serious purpose drawing them together (not just Oktoberfest Nite at the Elks Club); and they all have to get up in the morning.  And Dalsnes at least is co-ed, which I assume would help the genders not see each other as predators or prey.  None of that applies in most fraternities.  So behavior is kind of a "race to the bottom." 

If the news coverage I hit on via Google is accurate, the young man's bridge death was hardly an isolated incident, and fraternity/sorority activity at your college was shut down for a couple of weeks.  But only a couple of weeks.  And then, back to normal

(None of the stories I read came out and said the poor guy was pushed -- as opposed to just falling behind and nobody noticing a splash when he fell in the water.  But maybe there was more to the story than the police felt comfortable announcing and the media reporting?  The idea that he died as the unintentional but predictable consequence of a hazing ritual -- and the fraternity knowingly closing ranks to conceal it -- is chilling.)
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 04:05:24 AM by Sunflower »
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1477 on: November 14, 2014, 11:08:29 PM »
Veering off-topic, but hey -- I sympathize.  From what I hear, fraternity (and to a lesser extent, sorority) culture is really bringing out the worst in people.  I can see the attraction of living together with compatible people (especially on a large campus) and a certain amount of... uh... boisterous conviviality.  (Thinking of the Viking Hall at Dalsnes.) 

But in Dalsnes (probably like most military messhalls), the age range includes older, more mature folks; authority figures are present; they all have a serious purpose drawing them together (not just Oktoberfest Nite at the Elks Club); and they all have to get up in the morning.  And Dalsnes at least is co-ed, which I assume would help the genders not see each other as predators or prey.  None of that applies in most fraternities.  So behavior is kind of a "race to the bottom."

Mmm, that's a very good point. A fraternity could be a very good thing in that it gives you a family and support group on campus, but the relatively unstructured nature of college life doesn't exactly lend itself to discipline--and without older, more level heads around in positions of authority, mob rule takes over fast.


  • Thor
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1478 on: November 14, 2014, 11:54:37 PM »
Veering off-topic, but hey -- I sympathize.  From what I hear, fraternity (and to a lesser extent, sorority) culture is really bringing out the worst in people.  I can see the attraction of living together with compatible people (especially on a large campus) and a certain amount of... uh... boisterous conviviality.  (Thinking of the Viking Hall at Dalsnes.) 

But in Dalsnes (probably like most military messhalls), the age range includes older, more mature folks; authority figures are present; they all have a serious purpose drawing them together (not just Oktoberfest Nite at the Elks Club); and they all have to get up in the morning.  And Dalsnes at least is co-ed, which I assume would help the genders not see each other as predators or prey.  None of that applies in most fraternities.  So behavior is kind of a "race to the bottom." 

If the news coverage I hit on via Google is accurate, the young man's bridge death was hardly an isolated incident, and fraternity/sorority activity at your college was shut down for a couple of weeks.  But only a couple of weeks.  And then, back to normal

(None of the stories I read came out and said the poor guy was pushed -- as opposed to just falling behind and nobody noticing a splash when he fell in the water.  But maybe there was more to the story than the police felt comfortable announcing and the media reporting?  The idea that he died as the unintentional but predictable consequence of a hazing ritual -- and the fraternity knowingly closing ranks to conceal it -- is chilling.)
Mmm, that's a very good point. A fraternity could be a very good thing in that it gives you a family and support group on campus, but the relatively unstructured nature of college life doesn't exactly lend itself to discipline--and without older, more level heads around in positions of authority, mob rule takes over fast.
The fraternities have withheld a lot of information.  It took them a while to even tell anyone what happened.  They were calling meetings with their members, who were running out of class, not to be seen for the rest of the day.  Then they said something.  It took them that long to debate whether or not to tell, or exactly what they would say.  He may or may not have been pushed or knocked over physically, but it could've been avoided  (probably should've worded that differently).  Frats are still just as active as ever, but hazing's been put on hiatus, and enforced pretty well by the school.  It would only be bad for the school's funding if the frats were banned.  I don't get fired up about too much, but fraternities and sororities... geez.  I just don't like 'em. 
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1479 on: November 15, 2014, 12:22:36 AM »
The fraternities have withheld a lot of information.  It took them a while to even tell anyone what happened.  They were calling meetings with their members, who were running out of class, not to be seen for the rest of the day.  Then they said something.  It took them that long to debate whether or not to tell, or exactly what they would say.  He may or may not have been pushed or knocked over physically, but it could've been avoided  (probably should've worded that differently).  Frats are still just as active as ever, but hazing's been put on hiatus, and enforced pretty well by the school.  It would only be bad for the school's funding if the frats were banned.  I don't get fired up about too much, but fraternities and sororities... geez.  I just don't like 'em.
Eeeeeeeeeeehk, that's scary stuff :/ that people put loyalty to a club like that over common sense and peoples People with that kind of disregard who's replaced common sense with that mentality just....rub me up the wrong way y'know? :/
It's just irking.

Edit: really off topic, but I'm regretting eating a whole giant toblerone just now..... Aaaaagh why did I do that.....
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 12:39:20 AM by OrigamiOwl »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1480 on: November 15, 2014, 01:12:33 AM »
Eeeeeeeeeeehk, that's scary stuff :/ that people put loyalty to a club like that over common sense and peoples People with that kind of disregard who's replaced common sense with that mentality just....rub me up the wrong way y'know? :/
It's just irking.

Edit: really off topic, but I'm regretting eating a whole giant toblerone just now..... Aaaaagh why did I do that.....
Yep. It's childish and stupid.  My roommate's in a different fraternity, but he was pretty angry when he found out.  It happened quite a while ago, and I haven't kept up with the developements.  I really feel for his parents, though.  To lose a child to something as silly as a bit of fraternity hazing...  Whoever is in charge of that group should be put in prison.  (1a.m. and the sleepy-drunkenness is here again)

You did it because they're delicious and overly-tempting.  I've only ever had a couple bites of one, and I don't even remember what they taste like.  It's chocolate and some nuts, right?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1481 on: November 15, 2014, 01:16:18 AM »
Yep. It's childish and stupid.  My roommate's in a different fraternity, but he was pretty angry when he found out.  It happened quite a while ago, and I haven't kept up with the developements.  I really feel for his parents, though.  To lose a child to something as silly as a bit of fraternity hazing...  Whoever is in charge of that group should be put in prison.  (1a.m. and the sleepy-drunkenness is here again)

You did it because they're delicious and overly-tempting.  I've only ever had a couple bites of one, and I don't even remember what they taste like.  It's chocolate and some nuts, right?

It's chocolate and bits of nougat I think. Tiny pyramids of yumminess.
Better sleep off your glasses of sleep deprivation Eich! :P
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 01:17:52 AM by OrigamiOwl »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1482 on: November 15, 2014, 04:58:12 AM »
Where do you get your gait checked?? :0
I used to have orthotics but I grew out of them nearly a decade ago and it's way too expensive to go get new ones fitted :/
I did it at a runner's store. They use a threadmill and a transparent platform that you stand on to check your gait and stance, then they recommend a shoe. If you need orthotics though I think you need to see a doctor.

Somewhere where it's around 20°C-25°C and overcast, and cools down in the evening (not too hot, not too cold, slightly humid). I suspect it'll be somewhere close to the equator in autumn or spring. I think we should never ever meet up in winter or summer *nods*
Oh god please no. Places like Fortaleza, Kisangani and Singapore are consistently at about 30 degrees throughout the year (potatobunny could confirm this but she seems to be temporarily gone)

Edit: My roommate is a son of a *****.  He left his coffee cup on the counter a while ago, and I expected him to wash it, like all the other 20+ dishes of mine that he's just dumped in the sink/on the counter.  Wouldn't you know it?  He didn't.  And now - there - is - MOLD - growing in one of my coffee cups, and he is on a road trip again this weekend with his frat.  I am in prime murder-kill-angry mode, right now.
Such is life in student collectives. I lived in a tiny apartment with 10 people once. I've seen so many species of mould and arrangements of such that I could have written an MA thesis on it. And then there's the noises at all hours of the day.

If Norwegian drill sergeants don't address lowly recruits as "maggot," what do they call them?
We don't have "drill sergeants" like you'd see in the US marine corps. Norwegian officers don't really call people names, their evil is on a whole different and a lot more subtle level.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1483 on: November 15, 2014, 08:43:09 AM »
I guess upbringing helps accustom one to a range of climates. The thing is I cannot sleep comfortably if the night temperature approaches 20 degrees. That's what I hate about vacationing in the south. Apparently Southern Europeans appreciate the sensation of being boiled alive when they go to bed.

We do not. Or at least, I do not. I hate it. But 20 degrees isn't that bad, it could be a lot worse (I mean, 20 degrees is standard room temperature...).

We don't have "drill sergeants" like you'd see in the US marine corps. Norwegian officers don't really call people names, their evil is on a whole different and a lot more subtle level.

But you will be nice with us, won't you, ma'am? (And you almost look like you're speaking from personal experience...)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #1484 on: November 15, 2014, 02:17:18 PM »
Completely off topic, but it's a little after 2 PM and I just woke up. I think that's a new record. Serves me right for being up past two the last few nights, I guess.

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