eyy, kick! good to have you back!
things i wanted to do today:
- chill
- draw
- watch star wars
things im doing today instead:
- DRIvIng to the city hEcking THREE tIMEs. THERE AND BACK AGAIN!!!!!!!!! *SCREAMS FOR TEN YEARS*
my brother is in the cathedral's boy choir and of course they're having concerts this weekend, so I had to first drive him so he was there in time. but since that was shortly before the concert we, as in my parents and i, were going to see, we had to drive back and LITTlE NAIVE ME thought mom was driving us there. BUT NO!! the diabolical plan was to have me!! pratcice drive!! to the city IMMEDIATELy AFtERWARDS!!!!!!111 and!! i gotta drive AGAIn!!! TO PiCK MY BROTHER UP AFTER tHE lAST COnCERT
ok dont mind me i havent eaten since breakfast (which was admittedly at 12am so maybe you'd rather call it """Lunch"""") and driving to the city, for me, is mentally taxing and CONSIDER ME MENTALLY TAXED
i also found the Correct Term of one of my brain problems that is supper annoying when i drive. i had gone on a google quest last year and was all !!!!! it's a thign!!!!! but then i had forgotten it again haha. but yeah it's called ~*psychomotor agitation*~ and it's horrible and it's a symptom of ocd and probably also autistic disorder spectrum things and it makes me feel like my foot doesnt fit and i gotta like. fix it. by digging the heel into the ground repeatedly. but the foot is also needed for pedaling, y'know?? so that is SUPER UNFORTUNATE hahahaha!!!!!
the concert was good tho. long, but good. nidarosdomen is a super neato cathedral and they had art of my fav norwegian artist, håkon gullvåg, all over.