Sometimes slipping on the ice is like WHAM and you're down and you have no idea what happened, but other times it's like this one slow-motion movement where your foot just slides away from you and you just think "nooooooooooooooooooooo" while gently lying down on the ice against your will. Sometimes with your legs painfully folded beneath you.
Anyway I did some funny limping to the bus stop today
Why did I imagine those moments when you slow-mo fall but it's also really regal and graceful like a royal swan? XD But also painful. I hope you're ok XD
I've been watching the weather forecasts for SA with a mixture of horrified sympathy and shame-faced relief that it's not hitting my part of the country. Good luck!
Yeah. Where I live we're safe from just about everything, though the 2011 Queensland floods did shut down the area for a few days, but we weren't severely hit. I hope you are okay down there!
How come....I haven't heard anything about any weather things going on? D: What's currently happening?? All I saw of the news this evening (in the split second while dad was flicking through the channels like a toddler) was that there were gonna be....storms...? In SA??
In other seasonal news... our trusty sound system/ cd player thing has finally died after a power surge this morning. It was a good music player, serving our family for 22 solid years. It has played all the music that ever shaped my childhood, and provided surround sound for all the movies, Doctor Who, and Eurovision we watch. And now...just before concert and carols season,,,,it has been slain by one blow too many from the area's horrible horrible electricity supply. This is probably why dad has a dream of making the house fully independent...electricity-wise. <_<
But this ultimately means, tragedy of tragedies, that we will have to find SOMETHING ELSE to play the Traditional Christmas CD on. You can not have Christmas without the
Traditional Christmas CD that I don't even know the name of, but I can tell you that it is at least an hour of continuous christmas song medley, all instrumental with a jolly piano, electronic harpsichord thing, many jingly bells and an abundance of key changes. I think I know it subconsciously off by heart by now X'D It's so horrible yet so comforting. XD XD XD AND NOW IT'S GONE.