Comic Merch
I'm sitting in the hall where all the language profs have offices and there are languages everywhere. People are speaking Arabic, German, French, English, Spanish, Chinese and more. It's so cool! *happy sigh*
I think the world might be ending...I'e never seen such a storm as the one that started yesterday. There's a lot of people without electricity, many buildings had their roofs and windows damaged, the streets are flooded,... Lots of trees fell, and some people died. Our main phone line and wifi aren't working. Things are prettty chaotic right now...
Hey guys, I need some suggestions...I have to write a 10-page research paper at the end of the semester on a comic of my choice, and of course I want to write it on SSSS or aRTD. Buuut I'm really blanking on what kind of topic I'd be able to research and write ten pages about (I've never written 10 pages on anything before). Could anyone throw out some ideas for me? (A possible topic might be something like "The Role of Linguistics in SSSS.") :puppydogeyes:((Clarification: I won't use any of your ideas because that would be cheating; I just need to get my brain working))
What's the class you're writing it for?Also, I don't think it would be cheating to use someone's suggestion of a paper topic; after all, you'd be doing the research, coming up with the conclusions, and writing the thing. We're just helping you brainstorm the "story angle" (as we used to say when I was a newspaper reporter).
You can write about the norse and finnish influences or how international relations change because of the rash.I don't mind if you use either of these ideas.