Today was just... fail. I thought yesterday was fail but no, today failed 500 times harder. Nothing big though, just an avalanche of small fails that nevertheless was an avalanche and as such kinda annoying. Anyway.
- I finished a few pieces that were a bit difficult, but hey no probs, ready, packaged, sms to the customer.
- except when customer came to pick them up our card reader had stopped working. I was alone in the shop and entirely out of ideas because the reader is a bit unusual type, so I called for advice while customer made some worried remarks that she was in a hurry. We settled for an invoice, which is not ideal but in the situation p much the only option (+ naturally lots of apologies because it was really bothersome for the customer).
- Another customer came in bringing an order so unlike anything I'd seen before, so I had no way of entering it to the system. Now I only hope I managed to write everything down right...
- I almost fell off a ladder twice.
- I went to send a parcel, first forgetting the recipient's address inside the box, then being so harebrained that I forgot to take the receipt with the tracking number on it. Post office lady saved me.
- I ran out of work right after midday. This might not sound like a problem but I'm bad at sitting still with nothing to do, and this is also what resulted to the ladder incidents (I started cleaning up the upper shelves).
- AND WORST OF ALL. I finally got coffee for the coffee maker we have there and then... and then something happens, don't know what but I suspect the renovations next door, and there's NO WATER. At least I got one cup made before that happened. -.-