Daéa, good luck I didn't want to go to my appointment with the service supposed to help to find a job earlier in the week and all went... let's say well because it wasn't at all as awful as what I was fearing. You can do it ! *Hugs*
Thank you so much!!
I'm a little less nervous today, since now I just have to wait for answers from the places I sent my cv to...
Daéa, I totally sympathize on the job hunt thing. Boy howdy, do I. If you want to discuss further, you can either PM me or use the thread Amity kindly set up a couple of months ago. I realize the protocols of job searching are probably totally different in Brazil than in the U.S., but I might at least be able to help you brainstorm.
Thank you, Sunflower!
I will look for this thread for sure, and maybe I'll PM you later.
Things are moving slowly, but at least I received my first invitation to a job interview (too bad it's in another city, so I'll have to pass :/).
About facebook: If you know my real name, feel free to friend me!
Aaaaand we're at the introduction of the Hotakainens~<3
Onni's haircut has been deemed "impossible".
.... and we stopped for the night at page 90.
Yaay! Is she liking it?