Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563608 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11310 on: October 09, 2015, 07:40:06 PM »
I'm rubbing my fingertips just reading this discussion.
My mom had the tip of her index finger cut off in a car door when she was a kid, so now she has one stubby finger. The worst I've gotten was my fingernail falling off after pulling out a couch bed the wrong way and, well, crushing my finger. Fun times, fun times.

My fingernail fell off because my dad accidentally closed the car door on my hand.

Not crafting, but cooking. I was helping my mom with opening up her manual food processor (whirling blades of death!) and and sliced most of one of my knuckles off. I managed to encourage it to grow back together, but my knuckle still looks a little weird.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11311 on: October 09, 2015, 08:11:17 PM »
oh wow so many life updates, glad to see you're all doing well! MORE OR LESS
* haiz is completely ignoring the hand injury discussion

iiiii'm back home in trondheim in norway
and i know fim called me out in the, idk, tiny details detection thread or something for not knowing where selbu (ORIGIN OF THE SELBUROSE, THE INSPIRATION FOR THE SSSSTAR) was, because it's apparently pretty close... and yep, it's on the way to the airport. we drove past a bank decorated with a huge blue glowing selburose-star and i was like "oh"
you'll know where to find me.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11312 on: October 09, 2015, 09:01:47 PM »
*on the injury discussion
I think cuts that go through the nail make me cringe the most. I was once cutting bread and managed to slice a little into the tip of my thumb and yes it hurt but I think it hit me more psychologically because I had to sit down and take deep breaths for a minute afterwards. The cut wasn't even that deep but there's just something about cuts through the nail that really gets to me.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11313 on: October 09, 2015, 09:17:19 PM »
Just popping in to confirm that I'm alive. Currently beginning my second week of classes. The school's great, my roommates are awesome, the courses are exciting, and y'all probably won't be seeing much of me for the next, oh, three years or so.

Random!  We missed you!  Glad to hear college is going well.  Drop us a line (or show us some of your work) when you can.

(In three years, probably the SSSS crew will juuuust about be getting back to civilization after their month-long mission...)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11314 on: October 09, 2015, 09:55:58 PM »
Ok you homestucks what do you think about THIS

RTR: Its actually really great to see you again!

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11315 on: October 09, 2015, 10:18:50 PM »
Today I begun my search for a temporary job for the summer. I'm a little nervous, I never had to do a job hunt before, it's kinda weird. Especially given that I'm not feeling really well, and life seems a little clouded right now, with so many decisions and the whole "what am I going to do with my life" phase.

Daéa, I totally sympathize on the job hunt thing.  Boy howdy, do I.  If you want to discuss further, you can either PM me or use the thread Amity kindly set up a couple of months ago.  I realize the protocols of job searching are probably totally different in Brazil than in the U.S., but I might at least be able to help you brainstorm.
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11316 on: October 09, 2015, 11:15:16 PM »
Sorry to keep prolonging the injuries discussion, but I have a story. About ten years ago, my mom scraped a section of her shin (down to the bone) when a large slate slab fell on it. Because the cut went all the way down, now there's about an inch-wide circle of skin on her shin where she can't feel a thing, because all the nerves are gone.

Me, I usually just end up stabbing myself with needles because I'm careless like that. Felting needles hurt like crazy because they're barbed and you're usually moving them pretty fast :\
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11317 on: October 10, 2015, 02:20:46 AM »
A couple of years ago my mom fell into a manhole (the cover was really old and wobbly) and stabbed herself in the leg with 7cm of steel bar. And that was the day I learned that having fat on your legs is a really good thing, because if she hadn't that would have done horrible things to the muscle, which barely got touched instead.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11318 on: October 10, 2015, 02:57:53 AM »
Injuries? Well, why not...

Spoiler: show
I've broken three bones over the years - leg, arm and rib in that order. Favourite has to be the arm, where I fell off my bike, threw out my arm to stop my fall, and was treated to the lovely sight of my elbow bending about ninety degrees the wrong way. Won't forget that in a hurry!

Also there was this one time when the guy working in the fume hood  next to me in chemistry labs stabbed the vein in his wrist with a broken pipette (accidentally!), which got lodged and started filling up with his blood. He had to hold his thumb over the other end of the pipette to stop himself bleeding out 'till the ambulance came...

On a much more cheerful note, early-morning Britain in the autumn is seriously my favourite time and place ever. Crisp air, crunchy leaves underfoot, that muted golden sunshine burning off the dawn fog... yeah, this is definitely the best season.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11319 on: October 10, 2015, 05:33:29 AM »
Injuries? Well, why not...


*whips out notebook*
For reasons of Science, how would you describe the feeling of a broken rib?

On a much more cheerful note, early-morning Britain in the autumn is seriously my favourite time and place ever. Crisp air, crunchy leaves underfoot, that muted golden sunshine burning off the dawn fog... yeah, this is definitely the best season.

Awwyeah. Never been to Britain in the autumn but this is the best season anywhere. My favourite are the cold days that start out wrapped in hoarfrost and slowly turn golden with the sun.

(I could make a case for 2-3am at midsummer in Finland, if not for the mosquitoes. Sunrise in June is like watching the world be born, but good luck trying to avoid the bloodsuckers if you try to venture outside for it!)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11320 on: October 10, 2015, 07:28:06 AM »
I'm doing my fiercest ICK ICK ICK -dance at the moment but as a craftsperson, these things just happen. Thankfully I've had no nail accidents but while goldsmithing I did occasionally clip myself with metal scissors, sawed into my finger or on one count grabbed a red hot piece of chain from middair (it fell while I was soldering it and my brain is legendary in giving DO SOMETHING -orders with very little practical thought going into the equation) so I can confirm, finger damage in general effing hurts.
Not crafting, but cooking. I was helping my mom with opening up her manual food processor (whirling blades of death!) and and sliced most of one of my knuckles off. I managed to encourage it to grow back together, but my knuckle still looks a little weird.

Mmyeah, the two of you are not very good at the whole survival and self-preservation deal are you  ;)

Awwyeah. Never been to Britain in the autumn but this is the best season anywhere.

I take it you don't associate autumn with non-stop horrendous torrential rainstorms like we do.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11321 on: October 10, 2015, 07:35:05 AM »
I take it you don't associate autumn with non-stop horrendous torrential rainstorms like we do.

I do, I just happen to like them is all...
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11322 on: October 10, 2015, 07:52:49 AM »
Indian summers, rainstorms, leaf tornados, bring it on, autumn lovers will take all of it =3=b

(We've had a glorious indian summer this year - that is still sorta going on but it's getting rainy - haven't been this pampered by the weather in a long time. Now I'm waiting for the windy days + skirts adventures :D)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11323 on: October 10, 2015, 07:53:23 AM »
Mmyeah, the two of you are not very good at the whole survival and self-preservation deal are you  ;)

First of all, I'm not that sure that you're the one to talk and secondly, very true. I'm amazed I still have all ten fingers. :D

On the seasons: my favourite would be mid-spring. Autumn is the storm season and we're not talking about just rain but things flying around and cars being swept off the road, that kind of storms. Winter is dark and miserable, Reykjavík rarely gets snow that stays all winter but if that happens that at least is a positive thing. No complaints on the aurora however, or the stars! We once stopped in the middle of the night at a countryside road with no artificial light anywhere and the sky was something so amazing I could have stayed there for hours if it hadn't been so cold!

Summers are often rainy, never very warm, light and at best totally beautiful. Still, nothing beats the spring and that feeling of walking around with my coat open for the first time on a sunny spring day. Melting ice seems to make even the air smell differently and getting some real sunlight for the first time in months almost makes you dizzy.
(Plus my birthday happens in April, which naturally adds up to mid-spring awesomeness.)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11324 on: October 10, 2015, 08:04:20 AM »
On the seasons: my favourite would be mid-spring. Autumn is the storm season and we're not talking about just rain but things flying around and cars being swept off the road, that kind of storms. Winter is dark and miserable, Reykjavík rarely gets snow that stays all winter but if that happens that at least is a positive thing. No complaints on the aurora however, or the stars! We once stopped in the middle of the night at a countryside road with no artificial light anywhere and the sky was something so amazing I could have stayed there for hours if it hadn't been so cold!

Summers are often rainy, never very warm, light and at best totally beautiful. Still, nothing beats the spring and that feeling of walking around with my coat open for the first time on a sunny spring day. Melting ice seems to make even the air smell differently and getting some real sunlight for the first time in months almost makes you dizzy.
(Plus my birthday happens in April, which naturally adds up to mid-spring awesomeness.)

*raises hand for April-birthday high-five* o/

Yeah, true, those kinda storms aren't very enjoyable :/
So jealous right now for that starry view, I'd give a lot to be able to experience that! Especially the auroras, those have to absolutely mind-blowing to witness.
In the end, every season has something nice to go for it, and spring is lovely too, especially when everything starts to bloom, but I could do without the floods and landslides we get during spring and early summer... and the rising heat. ( ¬_¬)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 08:13:01 AM by Aki »
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