Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563143 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11220 on: October 07, 2015, 05:17:01 PM »
So yesterday I visited Expo! For those who don't know, it's that thing Eiffel Tower was built for, but in Milan this year. So yeah, since it was so close I couldn't possibly miss it.
Ha, well, actually I was not interested but class decided to go, so yay.

Spoiler: long and fairly detailed recount • show

First off, me and another girl tried to visit Italy, but ha. Ha. Ha.
Five hours of queue in the morning.
No thank you.
So we went to Kazakhstan, which had three hours but it was actually quick so we only lost one hour and a half. The first awesome thing was that they had thought about entertaining guests who were queueing. There was a guy who was singing, then two girls dancing, three other girls dancing, a woman singing, and so on. Basically just waiting was already entertaining. But once inside, we were made to sit while a girl told us the history of the country... By drawing pictures in sand.
She was SO. Very. Good.
Then we entered in another room, where they tied in to the food theme of Expo this year (technically "We feed the World", I believe? Food, anyway), by telling how Kazakhstan was the bread-maker of the world, showing soils and stuff, then giving free samples of horse milk. My classmates didn't love it, but I liked it, probs because I do originate from a country where food has strong flavors and horse milk is... Very particular and definitely with a striking taste. Oh also, there were moving pictures that welcomed us by saying "welcome, honored guest" or the likes of it, which actually cracked me up big time.
But then! Then came the main attraction, because interesting or not I couldn't possibly understand what was so great about this pavilion to deserve a technically-three-hours-queue. And the main attraction was a 4D show. I had to sit in front row, which had both nice and bad sides, bad because I was forced to constantly crane my neck at uncomfortable angles to look at everything, nice because the things were amazingly close. I quickly gave up on acting mature and tried to catch all the birds and pet the horses and get the apples, giggling like an idiot when the movement of the seats replicated perfectly how one would move in the screen, and gaping in awe at the beautiful tour I took of the country.
Basically I was a child, but I take consolation in the fact that I was not the only one xD
Yeah, so that pavilion was definitely worth the wait.
We then decided to wait for Germany. First off, there were two hours something to queue, and this time it was right. Plus the line was... Cramped and boring, like all other lines actually. Kazakhstan was the only line that was entertaining. Once we were in they gave us these SeedPad (I think that's what they are called?) things. They are basically pieces of cardboard, with paper on them to make them white and some shiny circles. First off, we were welcomed by some screens with different people on them eating, but after a while one threw an apple... And another person caught it, so the screens started interacting by throwing food at each other and sharing it.
See that word there? "Interacting". Remember it, Germany was all about it.
We were shown how to use the SeedPad and then guided to the next rooms, which is basically all of the remaining pavilion. What you do in the Germany pavilion? You interact.
By putting the SeedPad on different surfaces, anything from special tables to maps to giant fruit replicae, there will be a projected explanation on something, which most of the time you can also interact with by selecting "chapters", exploring the map, or something else. It was very nice, but it would require patience and at leeaaast an hour to explore it all, and the girl I was going around with was not that patient, too bad. But we were shown projects initiated by those people in the initial videos, everything from conserving apples, to two kids planning to plant 10.000 trees, to someone trying to create an environment where fish and tomatoes support each other. Also, we were very very mature and took pics of ourselves in fruit costumes (like, those things where you put your head in a drawing?) and colored a tomato on the children's wall. We had to, okay.
Then there was that final show. Ah that final show.
First music started playing, then two guys came out, one playing, one singing. They're our animators. One is tall, blond, incredibly thin, for some reason wearing nothing but a T-shirt and shorts even though it's October, the other is at least wearing jeans, short, dark hair, kinda pudgy, basically they are opposites.
So they start this routine. After the song, they make us make animal sounds (I was a sheep... Hehe), and these are in turn used to create more music. Then the animal-music stops and they start speaking to us and each other in quick German, which prompted most of the public, me and tour-mate included, to go "whaaaat is happening here?", until they switch to Italian ([german word]? What [german word] and [german word once again]! Ra-va-nel-li!" "Oh... I'm sorry, did you not understand?"). Then more music, and basically yeah, it was all very silly and fun, but they reminded us to "Be active!" in the end, and that was fridge brilliance, because you had to be active to visit the Germany pavilion, you had to do stuff, not just watch, and everything we were shown was actual projects being active, not something being planned.
Pretty neat pavilion, that.
Then we decided to go to a cluster, not because we wanted to, but because the teachers wanted us to... Ah well, we visited the biomediterran cluster, and in it was Albania so I practically forced my classmate to go in with me.
It sucked so much xD
No really, it was terrible, there was like, one video. That was all. But then again most cluster-nations didn't look like they had much to offer. Also the lady welcoming guests and stamping passports (it's an Expo thing, since you're visiting the world you can have fake stamps of fake passports) was so rude, when she saw that a client couldn't speak Italian, nor English, she started complaining in one of those languages knowing that they couldn't understand what she was saying exactly (even though the tone was pretty eloquent), and that is not something you do with guests, okay? Also, rude, at least greet back, you didn't when I said hi, nor when I said goodbye.
Uhm, then we joined with two other classmates because technically we had to walk around with them. Ugh. Why. Stupid and noisy and immature... Argh. Seriously, you ruined at least one nice pavilion for me.
First thing we saw all together was USA.
Sorry, USA. You fail. You fail big time.
First off, there is a water show where drops fall and form words. Problem? US is juuuust aside Qatar, which had the same thing, but done well. The water show in Qatar was readable, and it welcomed guests to the pavilion. The water show in the US was hidden, and the words were unreadable because they didn't bother to put an uniform background. Then the actual pavilion? Even more of a failure. There was... One restaurant.
Well, a few vids of people speaking but in their language, so normally most didn't understand a thing, also because they were all speaking together, which is terrible. I heard there were shows at certain times, but if it's your only actual attraction, certain times is not enough, I didn't see anything.
Sorry US, really, but you fail epically.
Ahem. Anyway. Next up Turkmenistan and that is aesthetically beauuuutiful, it is really, really pretty, with gigantic persian rugs on the walls, and a neat building, and traditional costumes and stuff... But there was nothing to do at all, and I didn't come there to see a museum.
Last up, we wanted to do Austria but there was too much queue, so we went to Azerbaijan instead. I got unnerved at classmates but the pavilion itself was really cute. The walls are completely decorated with a music theme, there are instruments that play themselves, a very nice and comfy interior, complete with floor that changes color, and upstairs there are two floors. The first has these fields of tulips (I thiiiiiink), and from there the floor downstairs is actually revealed to be a map of Azerbaijan that changes colors and sometimes lights up because it's the "Land of fire". But the probably-tulips! There are fields of these colored tulips, and if you wave your hand over them they whistle and it's lovely and so cute, and all colored, and there is this thing with lotsa wood coming down the ceiling and videos of people which are short enough to be interesting (just people doing their job, rabbis, sculptors, farmers, etc.), while upstairs the wood is revealed to be containers for trees, lots of little trees, and the rest of the floor is completely dedicated to food, mmhm. There are these tablets where you can see all the products and how they are made and/or used in cooking.
Also a nice pavilion.
There were lots I wanted to visit, but didn't have the time to (Japan... Six hours in line... No thank you very much) or the girl travelling with me had already seen it/thought it would be boring (Korea, Spain, Romania, Vietnam, China, Brasil... Pretty much this is the reason I didn't visit most places).
TL;DR, nice day, lots of queue, visited a few countries without ever leaving Italy, didn't get those awesome hats that were in the Vietnam pavilion even though I reaaaally liked them, one day was definitely not enough, classmates are annoying, Kazakhstan shows off a lot, Germany likes its vegetables, USA fails at Expo, Azerbaijan loves music, Japan is too popular for me to visit, my country also fails at Expo.
TL;DR once again: nice, tiring, lots of difference between awesomeness levels.

Also this was a school trip so there were social sides to this as well!

Spoiler: Where Nims is social... More or less... Okay nope. • show

Premise: I am not social. I dislike people in my class and am disliked in return, it's just a thing.
Still, I didn't expect this, but I was informed that one of the guys in my group had written and I quote on the class chatroom (I removed myself since I couldn't stand that sort of vulgar language) "No I don't want to be in group with those two (me and the other girl), if you put me in a group with Nimphy I won't forget this and I'll make you pay, I won't offer up for testing in History so she'll get you instead, you deserve that."
No seriously.
You dislike me that much, alright, I don't exactly love you either but...
I'll make you pay xD
I won't offer up for testing in History xxD
Seriously how old are you even...
Ah well... Had to stand him and his mate for three pavilions -_- But at least I did the really pretty ones just with the girl.
Also 3T! We were taking trips with another class, which is 3T. Turns out I know about six people from there, ha! They're lovely and incredibly fun to be around, even though I only chatted with them on the bus. They were good upperclassmen and gave us advice on how to deal with some teachers and school in general, and the guys were sooo fun, they sang in chorus during all the way back to school, they sounded like a freaking alpini chorus. Also I came home singing "Il corpo nazionale dei vigili del fuoco! Salviamo vite umane, il resto conta poco! Il pompiere paura non ne ha! Il pompiere, paura non ne ha!" (Rough translation: national corps of firefighters, we save human lives and the rest is not very important. The firefighter, he has no fear!" which is a very stupid and silly song but I'm just glad they didn't start with 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall...

Also when we arrived to the bus station I just decided to go meet mother on the other side of the station. Teacher looked worried and didn't want me to leave, told me to go with someone else, and all I could think was "why, it's not like I'll get lost or hit by a car..."
And then I turned the corner and understood.
I forgot that this is the freaking train/bus station.
Which means as soon as I turned the corner I was faced with some very suspicious looking people, bottles everywhere, and I'm not sure what one of them was smoking. No one sane in sight.
Cue massive "oh craaaap" moment, and me taking refuge in McDonald's xD
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 05:18:39 PM by Nimphy »
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

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Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11221 on: October 07, 2015, 08:17:02 PM »
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11222 on: October 07, 2015, 08:21:55 PM »
I'm imagining myself hopping wildly on a spot wielding an air pressure stapler and... uh... maybe not. I like every single one of my fingers, stapling a customer would be bad for business and those are just the first worst-case scenarios I thought of. :-\
I'll do art-swaps and beta-reads, PM me!
Native: :usa:
Can make a fool of myself, but comprehensibly: :france:
Write a little Sindarin (working on that)
Wish-list: ASL, :sweden:, :norway:
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Ana Nymus

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11223 on: October 07, 2015, 08:26:10 PM »
*weeps tears of happiness*

Oh, wow. That's awesome! *notes that same airline also offers flights from an airport near her*
:usa: Yes.
:spain: Out of practice.
:finland: Failed to learn.
:vaticancity: Probably remember five words.
White text: Always ;P
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11224 on: October 07, 2015, 09:56:39 PM »
peeooowww i'm back from today's adventures

- clock museum
- driving through gorgeous foggy mountains (I'm gonna try to upload some pics!)
- "did you just eat the entire chocolate cow"
- stole herbs from an abbey and made tea from it
- had fondue for dinner

tomorrow we might go to mt. blanc!! maybe. hopefully. weather is a bit wonk this week so we'll see.
we're also going to visit my grand uncle and aunt who own a wine farm in switzerland, and there's something about that side of family that don't really do wifi so who knows when you'll see me next haha

Well did you eat the entire chocolate cow? (I have to know, cause it sounds like a possibly funny story)
Profile pic made by this awsome lady
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11225 on: October 07, 2015, 10:22:24 PM »
Well did you eat the entire chocolate cow? (I have to know, cause it sounds like a possibly funny story)

proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11226 on: October 08, 2015, 03:07:24 AM »
Well did you eat the entire chocolate cow? (I have to know, cause it sounds like a possibly funny story)

it was a tiny chocolate cow made of swiss chocolate, like a little souvenir. I took a bite of it almost once an hour, and mom (who was "impressed" when I had eaten two faiytale choclates at once ((they are really small))) was all "wait, you ate all of it?" just as I had stuffed the last of it into my mouth. I didnt answer, just turned around and tried to look as innocent as possible while chewing with my mouth full of chocolate cow.
"Who, ME?"

That's the story haha
« Last Edit: October 08, 2015, 04:22:50 AM by Haiz »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11227 on: October 08, 2015, 04:40:19 AM »
peeooowww i'm back from today's adventures

- clock museum
- driving through gorgeous foggy mountains (I'm gonna try to upload some pics!)
- "did you just eat the entire chocolate cow"
- stole herbs from an abbey and made tea from it
- had fondue for dinner

tomorrow we might go to mt. blanc!! maybe. hopefully. weather is a bit wonk this week so we'll see.
we're also going to visit my grand uncle and aunt who own a wine farm in switzerland, and there's something about that side of family that don't really do wifi so who knows when you'll see me next haha

I approve of all of this =3=b *Swiss approval stamp*

And yes, eating an entire chocolate cow is appropriate as long as you don't get sick (which would then make it a waste of chocolate). Don't forget to contribute to the sales figure of 11kg of chocolate per head per year by checking out all the chocolate aisles in the supermarkets! ;) (Pssst, brands Frey in Migros and Cailler in Coop don't really get sold much outside of Switzerland and have some interesting flavours, but you can find actually cheaper Lindt (Coop) abroad tho checking out the flavours here might also be an idea :P) Also, try "Ragusa" and get addicted =3=b (*)

(*) if you already knew all of that, I'm sorry ;), I have a duty towards our chocolate industry
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wants to learn: :finland:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11228 on: October 08, 2015, 05:29:13 AM »
I took a bite of it almost once an hour, and mom (who was "impressed" when I had eaten two faiytale choclates at once ((they are really small))) was all "wait, you ate all of it?" just as I had stuffed the last of it into my mouth. I didnt answer, just turned around and tried to look as innocent as possible while chewing with my mouth full of chocolate cow.
"Who, ME?"
Haha, I love the "Who, me ?" as innocent as possible ^^

(Pssst, brands Frey in Migros and Cailler in Coop don't really get sold much outside of Switzerland and have some interesting flavours, but you can find actually cheaper Lindt (Coop) abroad tho checking out the flavours here might also be an idea :P) Also, try "Ragusa" and get addicted =3=b (*)
One of my friends loves the Cailler's chocolate. I should try someday but I fear it could become addictive... ::)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11229 on: October 08, 2015, 06:26:35 AM »
One of my friends loves the Cailler's chocolate. I should try someday but I fear it could become addictive... ::)

I used to be mostly "Eh..." about Cailler but lately they've been coming up with interesting flavours (like Swiss military biscuit chocolate and salted caramel chocolate bars :P) so they've started to become more frequent in my grocery basket. Yeah, the addiction is a problem but only once you start running out of available jeans sizes ;) or as I'd  imagine, if you can't get any Cailler nearby. (They did announce something about wanting to export more but we'll see about that... Lindt is hard to beat in popularity)

Pssssst, I do send out chocolate packages to internet friends, just hit me up with an adress & indications of what you like and what you can't have.
fluent: :switzerland: :germany: :france: :uk:
knows: :vaticancity:, ancient :greece:
learned some: :japan:
can read to some extent: :italy: :spain: etc.
wants to learn: :finland:
You may use any of my "Imagine X" or headcanons for your writing or art as long as you link back to me or my original post if you feel like you stayed true to it.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11230 on: October 08, 2015, 07:25:21 AM »
I used to be mostly "Eh..." about Cailler but lately they've been coming up with interesting flavours (like Swiss military biscuit chocolate and salted caramel chocolate bars :P) so they've started to become more frequent in my grocery basket. Yeah, the addiction is a problem but only once you start running out of available jeans sizes ;) or as I'd  imagine, if you can't get any Cailler nearby. (They did announce something about wanting to export more but we'll see about that... Lindt is hard to beat in popularity)

Pssssst, I do send out chocolate packages to internet friends, just hit me up with an adress & indications of what you like and what you can't have.
I have friends in Belgium who had made me discover Dolfin and Zaabär, but Cailler is still unknown for me. I assume I could maybe find some in one of these expensive shops in Paris... Forget it, Mélu !
Do you realize how dangerous is you offer ? Half of the forum could ask you if... ^^
Native : :france: In progress : :uk: Trying to learn : :sweden: Far, far away : :germany: :spain:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11231 on: October 08, 2015, 07:29:11 AM »
I have friends in Belgium who had made me discover Dolfin and Zaabär, but Cailler is still unknown for me. I assume I could maybe find some in one of these expensive shops in Paris... Forget it, Mélu !
Do you realize how dangerous is you offer ? Half of the forum could ask you if... ^^

Ew, Belgian chocolate Kidding, Belgian chocolate is really good =3=b
Maybe? Not too sure where Cailler exports to if it does...
It's all for Switzerland's secret plan to rule the world, gotta collect minions~
« Last Edit: October 08, 2015, 07:41:25 AM by Aki »
fluent: :switzerland: :germany: :france: :uk:
knows: :vaticancity:, ancient :greece:
learned some: :japan:
can read to some extent: :italy: :spain: etc.
wants to learn: :finland:
You may use any of my "Imagine X" or headcanons for your writing or art as long as you link back to me or my original post if you feel like you stayed true to it.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11232 on: October 08, 2015, 07:42:07 AM »
Ew, Belgian chocolate Kidding, Belgian chocolate is really good =3=b
Maybe? Not too sure where Cailler exports to if it does...
It's all for secret Switzerland's plan to rule the world, gotta collect minions~
Well, excuse me to know persons in a rival country :P (If it can console you the friend loving Cailler and having problems to find it lives in Belgium ^^)
I understand better. Am I weak, am I not weak...
Native : :france: In progress : :uk: Trying to learn : :sweden: Far, far away : :germany: :spain:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11233 on: October 08, 2015, 07:53:40 AM »
Well, excuse me to know persons in a rival country :P (If it can console you the friend loving Cailler and having problems to find it lives in Belgium ^^)
I understand better. Am I weak, am I not weak...

Bah, as far as I'm concerned (outside of jokes), it just means that there's more good chocolate in this world =3=b
(but that info about your friend still made my day)
You are not weak for joining the chocolate legions~
We shall rule the world in sweetness, neutrality and peace~
fluent: :switzerland: :germany: :france: :uk:
knows: :vaticancity:, ancient :greece:
learned some: :japan:
can read to some extent: :italy: :spain: etc.
wants to learn: :finland:
You may use any of my "Imagine X" or headcanons for your writing or art as long as you link back to me or my original post if you feel like you stayed true to it.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #11234 on: October 08, 2015, 07:59:10 AM »
Pssssst, I do send out chocolate packages to internet friends, just hit me up with an adress & indications of what you like and what you can't have.

Mélusine is right, very dangerous offer indeed...

*also contemplating degree of strength/weakness*
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