I am a Capricorn. Yay. It feels a little like being the Christmas and New Years hangover afterthought. If I was lucky we still had the tree up on my birthday. No one ever knew my birthday, either, because it was in the middle of summer holidays and everyone was on holiday, either to the beach or to Queensland for warm weather or some even overseas.
Also because the weather likes being a horrible troll, it always tends to rain on my birthday. In the middle of summer. *shakes fist at weather*
Actually, that will be very odd next birthday! It will be the very first time since I turned 4 that I will have a birthday in winter, making it in total the 4th winter birthday I have ever had, and the 2nd that I will be able to remember. (For those curious, yes, it rained on the other birthday too. Rain seems to like me.)
*hoping it will snow or else do nothing horrible* *is expecting it to rain yet again instead*
Typing? Typing.
WPM: 81
Keystrokes: 460
Correct words: 77
Wrong words: 9
Better than 93.69%
I hated learning touch typing. It was only when I began using chat at around 13 (MMOs and oekaki community) that I saw that this is an ultra ultra useful skill I NEED IT, and started seriously doing it in school. (Not to mention that in order to pass the IT requirements in my homeschooling curriculum back then you needed to have over 60w/p/m.) It also helped that the school* had a program that was actually FUN to do. (Earlier attempts to get me to do touch typing had included physical books that had lessons... that backfired spectacularly.)
*Yes, I did homeschooling through a school. 3 days a week learning at home, 2 days a week doing tests, music lessons and similar at school. I hated that school. I loved the curriculum because it taught you things logically (the maths I learned through that was some of the well-taught and explained I have ever had), and I could do it as fast as I liked (ended up finishing things like year 12 English and Word Building/Etymology at the age of 15). However, the school had some issues.