May I point out that:
Aaaaaaaa this has guilted me out of my post deleting today -___-
This morning I was like "If I delete these things then Haiz will lose the cool number.... But they have a screen shot it's fine.....but the real numbers won't match they're gonna recheck....but, this is HAIZ of course they'll check eventually... But, deleting... How about we just Modify Into Nonsense instead....hmmm"
Also before posting this, I had 1313 posts...which is kind of a
(It's 1314 now
which is still a sequence Owl--noooo. (((One day in the distant far future when it hits 1412 I will become Phantom Owl Kid u___u)))
I wonder what the real count is though...I can't have deleted that many /ponders to self)