Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2561802 times)

Fen Shen

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9825 on: August 28, 2015, 06:23:45 AM »
Thanks for sharing, that is beautiful! I've lately seen a presentation about auroras at our local planetarium (which is sadly closed now for more than a year due to renovations  :-[ ). The following night I had a wonderful dream about standing on vast rocky plains and looking up at these green lights... now I guess that dream took place in Iceland. ;)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9826 on: August 28, 2015, 06:47:58 AM »
I just found out that Stjörnufræðivefurinn has a great video of yesterday's aurora up on their FB page so obviously I had to share. :D

Oh, that is simply beautiful... Laufey, would you stop making me yearn to visit Iceland?? I'm really not sure my bank balance could accomodate it right now, but that voice of common sense is starting to get drowned out!
Native: :uk:  Remembers dregs: :france: :vaticancity:  Learning (slowly): :sweden:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9827 on: August 28, 2015, 08:34:01 AM »
I just found out that Stjörnufræðivefurinn has a great video of yesterday's aurora up on their FB page so obviously I had to share. :D

*missing Iceland intensifies*
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9828 on: August 28, 2015, 08:48:25 AM »

- hmmm you may be right about the chosen names in fiction thing? I know I had other examples than the two I mentioned, because in those movies they definitely pick their name as a coolness front. Or at least Flynn/Eugene did, Wyldstyle/Lucy probably did it to be more ~*unique and individual*~ and already had a history of going through a lot of names before that... I just can't thing of many stories where picking your own name seems like a positive and permanent thing, it's almost always seen like something fake, and that's kinda sad. But I know someone recommended Stargirl to me after ranting about this a year ago so maybe I should read that finally

(twilight is totally a comedy)
((i didnt get the shoe meme either. I didnt know it was about shoes in specific))
OH OH I THINK I REMEMBERED ONE! INDIANA JONES? MAYBE? He chose that name (after his old dog I think?) and I think he kept it and eventually his dad was like "Ok I won't call you Junior anymore..." So there's that I guess? I suppose that it's just not something that happens to be in a lot of the movie scripts and stuff these days, like other representation and stuff.

Owl Report:
Had to go out for dinner (nooo I specifically skipped class today because I can't do social lately aaaa ;-;) with one sister, dad, grandparents, two Italians and a random guy who was their client- it was all agriculture business stuff. Imagine those awkward dinner scenes in mafia movies, but replace most of the crime with fruit and tractors, sit me in the middle of the table instead of at the end- I had to shake hands with everyone and be a model daughter and help people pronounce the fancy menu dishes. "Ciabatta" came up a lot, and no matter HOW many times I and the Italian lady said it, no one else could say it. To be fair, a lot of the table guests weren't the best readers on a good day. :/ And then: THE MEN JUST ATE ALL THE BREAD. Grandma didn't help, she was like "Give your husband more bread. More!"
The stories.
I was nearly hit in the face multiple times by an over exaggerated hand gesture, and couldn't move my feet because the Italian man had taken up all the room under the table with HIS FEET. And then the client guy didn't know what asparagus was. We got to hear the wallaby war stories. The kangaroo stories. The camel stories (Italian man farms camels and fruit) I had to EXPLAIN MY DEGREE. THE HORROR.

I was a lot hesitant about going to this restaurant because last time- when it was a different restaurant- I got really bad food poisoning + general dislike. And now they've made it all fancy. I gave them a full on critique in my head. U___U
- fire too small to heat such a big place
- seating laid out weird
- everything was grey
- no curtains so any heating was pointless: mrs Italian lady was super cold and wore her blood red leather gloves for the whole time poor thing.
- I don't like their logo
On top of that I did a design critique <_<
- logo boring
- menu looks fancy but was really cold to touch
- ugly plain paper inside
- bad inconsistent printing
- inconsistent LOGOS: some pages had a hideous tan shadow behind the text. Other were mercifully shadowless.
- type too small, spacing between menu items too small
- type was in BOLD FOR SOME REASON

So I ordered a mushroom medley risotto because I thought "Well, I can't get TOO poisoned from this" and it had kale and goat curd and it tasted burnt and the kale was sad and the curd..I couldn't eat it because it was just too overpowering. So I'd give it a 4/10 maybe. Being generous.
The dessert was nice though: I ordered a local pear tarte tatin with rosewater icecream, and it was really nice. They put a star anise on the tarte and little rose petals on things so it was super cute. And very tasty. My sister stole half my tiny scoop of icecream though, and grandma forced me to eat half my sisters choc-beetroot cake. (I'm supposed toh beh on a diiiiieeettttttttt)
I got a hot chocolate and.....
It had no marshmallows.
Only a spoon.

And so the dinner eventually drew to an end, my Social O Metre was dead, and I was glad to finally escort the old people back to their car and drive home.



Mum calls- she and my other sister were in the city: sister had insisted that she go support her theatre friend tonight at a showcase thing, and give lifts to other friends. And it went late into the night. On their way home the highway has been shut down by police because of snow, so they're both trapped on the other side of the mountain for the night. They're going to stay at sisters friend's house. Needless to say Dad is real impressed.
So we got to hear a lovely rant about how much of a burden my sister is on him specifically, and how she's going to kill his wife, and how she should never have been born, the usual. We stop at the grandparents place to drop everyone off, and are forced to have another cup tea while dad tells everyone how my sister has ruined his life; actually pointing at wedding photos on the wall like "this was before she was born. Obviously." And then somehow the conversation suddenly includes "The boy she's going to see sing, he's gay you know. A homosexual." And the grandparents are like "Gosh. Kids these days all have things wrong with them." And I'm like "..." In the corner because I like the roof over my head.
And then the Italians needed to go to our house to use the internet to book flights and accommodation on the mainland for tomorrow, so they come up to the house and dads lost the wifi code card in his office somewhere. *sigh* Aaaaand of course he blames it on the absent sister etc etc etc etc.
but anyway I think they've found a way to book the things while I'm typing. I'm probably going to get in trouble for not helping them look :/ and while that is going on I'm looking after the cats in my room to keep them out of the way, which is usually fine but they've gone BONKERS. CAT PARKOUR. 9___9 I'm too tired to do anything but angrily whisper "No" at them... It's so effective. I just want to go to bed already. They're randomly clawing the walls...they better not scratch my sisters prom dress x___x omg

My sister found the wifi code: it was way behind dad's office desk.
Mum and sister had a toast dinner and are borrowing pajamas and things over there. And I get to put up with mr grumpy-butt for my whole week off. Whoo.


Tomorrow's going to be a real blast.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9829 on: August 28, 2015, 08:52:36 AM »
I just found out that Stjörnufræðivefurinn has a great video of yesterday's aurora up on their FB page so obviously I had to share. :D

*stares at longingly*
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9830 on: August 28, 2015, 09:51:17 AM »
Owlice: Honestly your image of a Mafia dinner, but with fruits instead of crime was way too hilarious. Also, I'm sorry to hear about that, must've been pretty stressing. But hey, good luck with tomorrow! Hope it'll be better.
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9831 on: August 28, 2015, 10:07:22 AM »
I was nearly hit in the face multiple times by an over exaggerated hand gesture
A comedian here once said that you can pass a basic level Italian exam with only knowing hand gestures.

On top of that I did a design critique <_<
- logo boring
- menu looks fancy but was really cold to touch
- ugly plain paper inside
- bad inconsistent printing
- inconsistent LOGOS: some pages had a hideous tan shadow behind the text. Other were mercifully shadowless.
- type too small, spacing between menu items too small
- type was in BOLD FOR SOME REASON
You made me remember that one time when we were in one particular restaurant. Place looks nice, food is nice, except the menu was in freakin' Comic Sans.
THE HORROR. THE PAIN. ...It was a real effort to stay silent about that.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9832 on: August 28, 2015, 10:28:31 AM »
noooo I'm just musing
what I meant was that Haiz _is_ my real name even if I don't have it any documents (YET)
that there's a difference in 'real name' and 'birth name'

but I may also just be thinking about faeries
Well, you've seen what happen after having beta-readed four chapter in french during the day, with all the frustration to have more shades for what I wanted to express in french and not in english :)
(And yes, I understand better what you mean.)

I just found out that Stjörnufræðivefurinn has a great video of yesterday's aurora up on their FB page so obviously I had to share. :D
Haaaaaaa ! *Fascinated* Someday, I'll see one aurora for real.

Oh, that is simply beautiful... Laufey, would you stop making me yearn to visit Iceland?? I'm really not sure my bank balance could accomodate it right now, but that voice of common sense is starting to get drowned out!
*Completely agrees*
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9833 on: August 28, 2015, 10:36:45 AM »
I just found out that Stjörnufræðivefurinn has a great video of yesterday's aurora up on their FB page so obviously I had to share. :D

Holy -- that is amazing. Thanks for sharing! Siiiigh some day I will see the Lights for myself, I hope! Apparently we do get them up where I am, but I've never actually seen them properly.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9834 on: August 28, 2015, 10:38:11 AM »
The following night I had a wonderful dream about standing on vast rocky plains and looking up at these green lights... now I guess that dream took place in Iceland. ;)

Vast rocky plains - check, green lights - check, yes, sounds very much like Iceland. :D

Oh, that is simply beautiful... Laufey, would you stop making me yearn to visit Iceland?? I'm really not sure my bank balance could accomodate it right now, but that voice of common sense is starting to get drowned out!
*missing Iceland intensifies*
*stares at longingly*
Haaaaaaa ! *Fascinated* Someday, I'll see one aurora for real.
Holy -- that is amazing. Thanks for sharing! Siiiigh some day I will see the Lights for myself, I hope! Apparently we do get them up where I am, but I've never actually seen them properly.

Mwahahaha my genius plan of luring people to Iceland is working! Reminds me of the first time I saw aurora in Iceland (I had seen them before in Finland, but new country new aurora, right?) which was also in August. We were in the middle of absolute nowhere, sitting in a hot tub because in Iceland you find them in the middle of nowhere, drinking red wine and watching the sky up above swish from green to pink and back. That's my kind of a party.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9835 on: August 28, 2015, 10:43:18 AM »
Mwahahaha my genius plan of luring people to Iceland is working!

I'm coming back! careful what you wish for, you may never get rid of me
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9836 on: August 28, 2015, 10:48:49 AM »
Mwahahaha my genius plan of luring people to Iceland is working! Reminds me of the first time I saw aurora in Iceland (I had seen them before in Finland, but new country new aurora, right?) which was also in August. We were in the middle of absolute nowhere, sitting in a hot tub because in Iceland you find them in the middle of nowhere, drinking red wine and watching the sky up above swish from green to pink and back. That's my kind of a party.
Well, P__ and me were having a great conversation last week about a wonderful project to invade colonize go in Iceland with others persons from the forum and eventually prepare ourselves for Year 0 ::)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9837 on: August 28, 2015, 10:55:33 AM »
I just found out that Stjörnufræðivefurinn has a great video of yesterday's aurora up on their FB page so obviously I had to share. :D

Hm, well it's a decent aurora, I'll give you that *snobface*.

We all know Norway has the best auroras though. It is known.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 11:12:25 AM by Fimbulvarg »


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9838 on: August 28, 2015, 11:01:32 AM »
Mwahahaha my genius plan of luring people to Iceland is working! Reminds me of the first time I saw aurora in Iceland (I had seen them before in Finland, but new country new aurora, right?) which was also in August. We were in the middle of absolute nowhere, sitting in a hot tub because in Iceland you find them in the middle of nowhere, drinking red wine and watching the sky up above swish from green to pink and back. That's my kind of a party.

Laufey, the more you talk about Iceland, the more you make me suspect it's not real. Reality is not supposed to do horse skulls on top of sticks and hot tubs in the middle of nowhere with green sky above.

Fittingly, my very first thought when looking at the aurora video was "wow, looks like the sky graphics are glitching". That angle in the beginning of the video, looking straight up at it, was very unpleasant to watch for some reason. I'd love to see it irl one day.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9839 on: August 28, 2015, 11:15:45 AM »
I'm having a problem with opening some websites and I have no idea what it is. D:
It doesn't let me login to Spotify, blocks deviantart and Photobucket and it is annoying me so much.
I have Norton Antivirus installed, and I think this might be the problem?
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