Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2562871 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9135 on: August 08, 2015, 02:10:46 PM »
I'm Alive! Just to give a small update me and my parents are like 40% done moving.

Woo, are you less in the middle of nowhere now? :D (Just wondering how far away IKEA is now for you...)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9136 on: August 08, 2015, 03:54:33 PM »
But aw, I don't see them like that, I have a soul! I quite like them!
But there are a lot, and they eat a LOT (more than they need to in some cases, like humans and stuff) and damage things....anything green: eaten, bark: torn off trees and eaten, baby trees: snapped off at the base and eaten, grass: eaten so close to the ground that bigger animals like sheep, cows, horses can't actually get it in their mouths, and it doesn't grow back well/quickly at all. Which is bad news in the winter like today.

Then there's also foot traffic, which- like any foot traffic- in small numbers is no problem, but when there's no ground vegetation to hold the soil together, and with lots of constant repeated use on the exact track with no variation it becomes a mud pit pretty quickly.

Wallabies just...don't use nature very sustainably I guess, (like...wasteful people or giant business corporations in dystopian novels...or whatever happened in The Lorax...) and they tend to stop relying on the forest for their food and prefer to sink their teeth into the easier meals that human-places provide, which causes a giant population boom which gets its own boom, each boom creating more mouths to feed and more competition with humans/themselves etc etc etc.

Wallaby and possum roadkill here is also super common, so growing up here I've kind of been desensitised to that I guess, but exposure to that doesn't mean that I'm completely detached from empathy and sympathy and respect for the animal kingdom like some people are, or how some people believe every rural person to be. When people assume I'm like that it really kills me inside and actually makes me sick.
So yeah, in this situation they do turn into pests...but I don' them or anything. If that makes sense.

I'm so sorry -- that wasn't at all what I was implying, and I should have phrased my earlier comment more sensitively.  I meant "you" collectively, as in "you in Australia."  And I was trying to convey that you shouldn't have to sugar-coat what happened just to respect my (supposedly) delicate sensibilities. 

You give a very thoughtful, compassionate explanation of why wallabies are a real problem even if we sentimental city dwellers just think "awww, cute widdle fuzzy blah-blah."  We have similar problems with deer around here.  I know you're personally very kind-hearted and would never take something like this lightly (regardless of your father's attitudes). 

I admit I was kind of wondering along Trinka's lines:

And awwww to wallabies everywhere! Funny little tiny kangaroo things are so cute, I think I'd have a cuteness induced seizure if 50 started hopping around me.  Your backyard was NOT what I expected; I had the stereotypical red-dirt outback shrubland backyard in my mind.

Does wallaby massacre mean you guys shot them all...or used the rat poison on them...I won't judge if you did...I'm just curious as to how you handle "disposing" of so many of them...Sorry if that seems insensitive.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9137 on: August 08, 2015, 04:12:46 PM »
phew hello it's me again, wonky hostel wifi edition! seems like this weekend + monday and tuesday will be pretty packed with activities, like a proper vacation adventure before I go home. Aaand my tablet is at the bottom of the suitcase I struggled so much to close... anyway yeah this is me announcing i'll probably be absent a lot only to pop in at evenings to talk about my day like the narcissist I am hahaha ha
(i read and care about your posts btw. even if i don't reply to them. just so you know)

we're gonna be in a different hotel each night until monday, despite being in the same area all the time! why? because mom has booked a room at THIS COOL PLACE FOR TOMORROW:

aaaaaand since it's kind of expensive we stay at cheap places tonight and the night after that. we actually stay at this hotel for half the price because the sink in the bathroom is missing.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9138 on: August 08, 2015, 04:20:37 PM »
we're gonna be in a different hotel each night until monday, despite being in the same area all the time! why? because mom has booked a room at THIS COOL PLACE FOR TOMORROW:

It's an hotel ? I could never have guess it :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9139 on: August 08, 2015, 04:37:06 PM »
It's an hotel ? I could never have guess it :)
indeed it is!
then again, most people wouldn't guess there's a rotating pizzeria on top of the tyholt tower in trondheim either
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9140 on: August 08, 2015, 04:41:53 PM »
indeed it is!
then again, most people wouldn't guess there's a rotating pizzeria on top of the tyholt tower in trondheim either
"Hotel and restaurant above the clouds", haaaaa, it's enough to make me come ^^ (If I would be sure to have clouds. And in this case I would be easy to find : standing behind a window.)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9141 on: August 08, 2015, 04:54:37 PM »
we're gonna be in a different hotel each night until monday, despite being in the same area all the time! why? because mom has booked a room at THIS COOL PLACE FOR TOMORROW:

aaaaaand since it's kind of expensive we stay at cheap places tonight and the night after that. we actually stay at this hotel for half the price because the sink in the bathroom is missing.
Ooh, you're staying at the Jested Tower! I'm jealous.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9142 on: August 08, 2015, 05:44:06 PM »
we're gonna be in a different hotel each night until monday, despite being in the same area all the time! why? because mom has booked a room at THIS COOL PLACE FOR TOMORROW:

I can't quite decide what this reminds me of. It's like, part Bond villain lair, part Star Wars. Let's hope the rooms and service is as good as the view (because truth to be told, good views are usually free).


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9143 on: August 08, 2015, 06:26:30 PM »
Awesome building indeed, view must be spectacular!

It's like, part Bond villain lair, part Star Wars.
And they are almost finished with the Evil Plan of eradicating vowels from the whole world using the powers of the Dark Side! :D

I really should keep my lame jokes on the chat.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9144 on: August 08, 2015, 07:48:22 PM »
Awesome building indeed, view must be spectacular!
And they are almost finished with the Evil Plan of eradicating vowels from the whole world using the powers of the Dark Side! :D

I really should keep my lame jokes on the chat.

Absolutely!!  Massive jacks will sprout from the rotating restaurant part, lifting the whole tower and allowing it to traverse to eliminate vowels from any point of the compass.  Or even to make fancy banked shots from various satellites.  8)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9145 on: August 08, 2015, 09:43:21 PM »
You guys call them whipper snippers?!
That's so much more fun than weed hacker!
(But at my house we call it a weed whacker, so I guess that's kinda fun)


And awwww to walabies everywhere! Funny little tiny kangaroo things are so cute, I think I'd have a cuteness induced seizure if 50 started hopping around me.  Your backyard was NOT what I expected; I had the steriotypical red-dirt outback shrubland backyard in my mind.

Does walaby masacre mean you guys shot them all...or used the rat poison on them...I won't judge if you did...I'm just curious as to how you handle "disposing" of so many of them...Sorry if that seems insensitive.
We do call them whipper snippers! The first time I ever heard "weed hacker" was in Over the Hedge, and I've always heard it like "weeeeeeeeeeeed heckeRrr" so I...was under the impression that that was a funny name for it...but apparently not? My mind was blown.
I can't think of any other magical words....because they won't seem weird to me right away.....haha XD

Yeah, my 'backyard' is more of the forest variety... My mum's family's area definitely has the look you're thinking of though ;)

Ew no poisoning here, just shooting: it's quicker, more accurate, and there's no random poison lying about afterwards.

This morning I was woken up by a crow choir though -__- but, on a brighter side, the eagles like all the food lying about, and so do quolls and devils :) We get wedge-tailed eagles and white-bellied sea eagles here, and little swamp harrier things too, and it's so amazing when they just casually glide past the window at eye level (house is on a hill) or when they fly low over you like "hey. I'm freaking majestic yo." The other day when I was out moping there was a wedge tail and a white bellied sea eagle flying around together and it was awesome. :3
(I can't copy picture addresses on my phone ;-;)

I'm so sorry -- that wasn't at all what I was implying, and I should have phrased my earlier comment more sensitively.  I meant "you" collectively, as in "you in Australia."  And I was trying to convey that you shouldn't have to sugar-coat what happened just to respect my (supposedly) delicate sensibilities. 

You give a very thoughtful, compassionate explanation of why wallabies are a real problem even if we sentimental city dwellers just think "awww, cute widdle fuzzy blah-blah."  We have similar problems with deer around here.  I know you're personally very kind-hearted and would never take something like this lightly (regardless of your father's attitudes). 

I admit I was kind of wondering along Trinka's lines:

Oh, I know you didn't! And you actually didn't! I was more worried about other people reading me as some sort of blah <_<

But as the country as a whole, I can't speak for everyone, and I don't know everything, but as far as I know there are basically two types of attitudes towards wallabies and possums as pests. And they're both fairly extreme.

Attitude 1: they should not be killed or interfered with because they are native animals and if you have a problem with them then you should sell up and move to the city (this is something I've actually been told) because farming has stolen their habitat and you deserve to have your crops eaten, we don't need you, no one buys food from farms they buy it from the shop! Country folk are stupid ha. Probably inbred. OMG. The other day there was a kangaroo thing in the street and so we just chased it and then I think it got caught in a hedge and like...died? I think it had asthma.

Attitude 2: yeah nah I don't see em as really livin I just shoot em a few toimes after th dog has a go at em it's hell funny seein their stupid legs tryn a go hahah yeh me n tha bois loike ta git ewt in th utes n do some burn ewts wif some beer n all an then either I'll just drag em to my neighbors property haha or I'll just dump em at the tip or on the side of the road, maybe cover em up wif some tarp yeah.

Hmmmm. Then other opinions are sort of spread out along that spectrum... But you don't hear them.

phew hello it's me again, wonky hostel wifi edition! seems like this weekend + monday and tuesday will be pretty packed with activities, like a proper vacation adventure before I go home. Aaand my tablet is at the bottom of the suitcase I struggled so much to close... anyway yeah this is me announcing i'll probably be absent a lot only to pop in at evenings to talk about my day like the narcissist I am hahaha ha
(i read and care about your posts btw. even if i don't reply to them. just so you know)

we're gonna be in a different hotel each night until monday, despite being in the same area all the time! why? because mom has booked a room at THIS COOL PLACE FOR TOMORROW:

aaaaaand since it's kind of expensive we stay at cheap places tonight and the night after that. we actually stay at this hotel for half the price because the sink in the bathroom is missing.
The sink? Is missing? Where did it go?? D:
That's a cool building though! It's upside down golf... Tee...but in a cool way. How many rooms does it have??
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9146 on: August 09, 2015, 02:06:13 AM »
Ok, so after some much needed pestering from Solo and Fenris I finally watched Mad Max: Fury Road. And let me just say. WOW. I mean, I am not usually a huge action movie fan, but WOW. That was awesome. It was really cool to see so many strong female characters, especially in a movie with that many cars and explosions (and um what was with the one random guy with the guitar?) I was definitely thinking of Fimby throughout.

It was creepy and interesting and the characters were complex and also the sound track!! Let me fangirl about the sound track!! They borrowed MOZART. That's right. MOZART. FOR THE SOUND TRACK. They had bits of Mozart's requiem mass mixed in with insane guitar riffs. I will say, excellent choice. The dissonant chords and tonality provided the perfect eerie feeling. It gave the idea that something was just a bit off. Chills. Excellent music. Yes. Everyone go watch. Even if you don't like cars and explosions. Watch it for the sound track.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9147 on: August 09, 2015, 03:45:03 AM »
@Viola: YEEESSSSS glad to have you join us on the fury road

@Fimby: I'll be my own room service if need be

@Owl: we have no clue what happened to the sink. It's ripped clean off the wall. It's THE MISSING SINK.
Ahaha ha ha ok has any of you ever tried to brush their teeth in a public kitchen area? With someone making coffee next to you? It's a little awkward.

Also I don't know how many rooms the Ještěd tower has , maybe I'll find out later today :3c

and then mom started conversing with the coffee-making lady here, because she HAD to ask. She then got the whole differences-between-norway-and-czech spiel, and now there's a finn here too. We all agree czech is hella cheap.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 03:48:54 AM by Haiz »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9148 on: August 09, 2015, 04:32:38 AM »
@Viola: YEEESSSSS glad to have you join us on the fury road

@Fimby: I'll be my own room service if need be

@Owl: we have no clue what happened to the sink. It's ripped clean off the wall. It's THE MISSING SINK.
Ahaha ha ha ok has any of you ever tried to brush their teeth in a public kitchen area? With someone making coffee next to you? It's a little awkward.

Also I don't know how many rooms the Ještěd tower has , maybe I'll find out later today :3c

and then mom started conversing with the coffee-making lady here, because she HAD to ask. She then got the whole differences-between-norway-and-czech spiel, and now there's a finn here too. We all agree czech is hella cheap.
This reminds me of my mom. Whenever we go to a store, or a restaurant, she gets everyone's life story, even out of the waitresses or cashiers. Is so funny, she could be a professional psychiatrist, with the way she gets personal information out of anyone she meets.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #9149 on: August 09, 2015, 05:21:15 AM »
And they are almost finished with the Evil Plan of eradicating vowels from the whole world using the powers of the Dark Side! :D

I really should keep my lame jokes on the chat.
No, no, I remember speaking about the lack of vowels in czech with Haiz, and assuming finnish had took them ::)
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