Hyup I got a quiet moment, time to forum! We slept horribly on horrible ikea bunk beds with bendy metal grate bottom that squeaked like a bucket of distressed mice if you moved as much as a finger. Now we're going to spend the rest of the time in sovsal so air mattresses it is.
On bad news my armour took some damage on the way to Sweden, but on good news I made it so sturdy that aside of some marks and scratches it's totally salvageable. Tomorrow's a pre-judging day, stage show is the day after, breathing exercises until then.
We also found time to hit an exotic H&M (Iceland has none) and soon it's time for exotic McDonald's food (Iceland has none)(wish there were more food options but alas, it's either that or con hotdogs).
As for how drunken passagers are allowed onboard, as long as you're on your legs and seem calm they'll let you board.